
There are five types of heartburn, and Chinese medicine will give you a one-by-one treatment

author:Gastroesophageal reflux TCM Sun Yongshun

Hepatic and gastric depression: heartburn, burning pain in the stomach or retrosternal bone, irritability, dry mouth, discomfort in the pharynx or swelling and pain in the gums, dry stool, short and red urine.

Guan tongue: red tongue, moss yellow Shaojin.

Treatment: clear the liver and vent the fire, and stomach reversal.

Prescription: Zuo Jin Pill plus or minus (Huang Lian, Wu Zhu, Gardenia, Skullcap, Squid Bone, Calcined Corrugated)

There are five types of heartburn, and Chinese medicine will give you a one-by-one treatment

Huang Lian

Damp heat obstruction: heartburn, sluggishness, stomach fullness, aggravation after eating, sticky in the mouth, heavy head and body, fatigue, thirst and no desire to drink, unfavorable urination, unpleasant stool or loose stool.

Guan tongue: Dark red and mossy tongue.

Treatment: clear heat and dampness, rationalize qi and stomach.

Formula: Qingzhong soup plus or minus (huanglian, gardenia, half summer, poria, tangerine peel, in chen, white lentils, magnolia, Yanhusok, bamboo ru, coix kernel)

Liver and stomach stagnation: heartburn, stomach congestion and swelling, heating frequently, each due to emotional stimulation and heartburn aggravation. Back pain, tight discomfort, swelling of both flanks, poor stool, more severe disease, stomach gas reversal, visible nausea, vomiting, pantothenic acid, chest pain is obvious.

Tongue: Dark red tongue, thin white moss.

Treatment: liver thinning, and stomach pain relief.

Prescription: Chai Hu Liver Scatter Addition and Subtraction (Chai Hu, Peony, Sichuan Root, Tulip, Xiangfu, Tangerine Peel, Citrus Shell, Bergamot, Licorice)

There are five types of heartburn, and Chinese medicine will give you a one-by-one treatment

Insufficient stomach and yin: heartburn, dry mouth and thirst, faint pain in the stomach, especially when hungry, sluggish or nauseous, like hunger without eating, upset and sleepless.

Tongue: Tender red tongue, little moss or no moss.

Treatment: nourish the yin and benefit the stomach, adjust the middle and eliminate the diarrhea.

Prescription: stomach soup plus or minus (sand ginseng, wheat winter, rock sugar, fine raw land, jade bamboo stir-fried incense)

Spleen and stomach deficiency: when the heart is burned, it can be accompanied by pantothenic acid, light and tasteless mouth, bloating after eating, fatigue and fatigue, and do not think about eating.

Guan tongue: the tongue is light and thin.

Treatment: Qi and spleen, and stomach to help transport.

Formula: Fragrant Sand Six Gentlemen's Soup (Dang Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Poria, Tangerine Peel, Banxia, Mu Xiang, Sand Kernel, Astragalus, Angelica, Cohosh)

Four Gentlemen's Soup (Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Sativa, Licorice Root, Ginger, Jujube)

There are five types of heartburn, and Chinese medicine will give you a one-by-one treatment

Six gentlemen's soup

Dr. Sun warmly reminds: if you have symptoms, seek medical treatment in time, and do not take medicine yourself for treatment. #TCM##Gastroesophageal reflux disease ##中医来了 #

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