
Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan

author:Sentimental history

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a family that was particularly tolerant, and the people in the family lived particularly long, after several generations of hard work, this family finally achieved Cao Wei Jiangshan, maybe you have guessed which family, yes, this is the Sima family. When it comes to the Sima family during the Three Kingdoms period, many people's first reaction is Sima Yi. It is true that Sima Yi endured for a long time after being recruited by Cao Cao, and finally achieved an outbreak in the Gaopingling Rebellion, thus changing the direction of Cao Wei's history.

However, for Sima Fang, which the author wants to talk about today, he is also a historical figure that cannot be ignored. To a certain extent, Sima Yi could obtain Cao Cao's appointment, which was directly related to Sima Fang.

Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan


Sima Fang (149–219), courtesy name Jiangong, was a native of Wen County, Hanoi (present-day Wen County, Henan), whose ancestral home was Yewang County, Hanoi County (present-day Bo'ai, Henan). As a chancellor at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sima Fang was the son of Sima Yi (司馬儁), the Taishou of Yingchuan, and the father of Sima Yi (司馬懿), the Emperor Xuan of Jin, and a descendant of Sima Wei (司馬卬), the Prince of Yin. Among them, Sima Wei (?) –205 BC), was one of the Eighteen Princes of Xiang Yu, the Prince of Yin, a descendant of the Zhou Dynasty prince Cheng Boxiu of the Jin Dynasty, and the ancestor of the Sima clan in Hanoi.

Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan

Sima Fang's personality was upright and just, and even in a leisure place such as a banquet, he maintained his prestige. He was very fond of reading the famous biographies of the Book of Han, and satirized hundreds of thousands of words. When he was young, Sima Fang served as an official in the prefecture and county, and later, because of his outstanding achievements, Sima Fang obtained important official positions such as Luoyang Ling and Jing Zhaoyin. In this regard, in the author's opinion, because luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was responsible for governing, this prompted Sima Fang's status to not lose at all to that of other counties, and even approached such a prominent official position as The Assassin.


At the same time, it was during the period when he was in charge of the capital Luoyang that Sima Fang and Cao Cao intersected.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu, and Emperor Wu of Wu notes the Cao Qiao Biography as follows: It was cited by Sima Jiangong. And the duke was king, summoned the Duke of Jian to Yi, and drank with joy, saying that the Duke of Jian said: "Can the lonely be restored today as a lieutenant?" Jian Gong said: "When the king was raised in the past, it was appropriate to be a lieutenant's ear." Wang laughed. Jiangong Mingfang, father of King Sima Xuan.

Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan

In the third year of Xiping (174), Cao Cao was promoted to filial piety and came to the capital Luoyang as an official. Soon after, on the recommendation of Sima Fang, Cao Cao was appointed by the Eastern Han court as a lieutenant in northern Luoyang. By this time, Sima Fang not only had a favor for Cao Cao, but also became the latter's immediate superior. However, Cao Cao was ordered by Ren Dunqiu (任敦丘) (present-day Qingfeng County) for offending the imperial family and eunuchs in the capital Luoyang.

However, Cao Cao still remembered Sima Fang's kindness. In 216, when Cao Cao was crowned King of Wei, he invited Sima Fang to the capital of the State of Wei, Yicheng, that is, to drink with him, in order to remember the original friendship. At that time, Sima Fang was transferred to the knight lieutenant because of his old age. In the history of the Han Dynasty, the knight was a lieutenant of Guanglu Xun, ranked more than two thousand stones, and was in charge of the Yulin riding, with no fixed number. Therefore, compared with Sima Fang's previous positions of Luoyang Ling and Jing Zhaoyin, the riding lieutenant was naturally a fictitious position. Therefore, Sima Fang raised Zhilu Lane and closed the door to defend himself. Although he was kind to Cao Cao, Sima Fang did not pursue anything in return, but chose a semi-reclusive life.

Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan


Of course, although Sima Fang did not go further in his career, he cultivated many outstanding sons. Sima Fang had eight sons, Sima Lang, Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Kui, Sima Ke, Sima Jin, Sima Tong, and Sima Min, all of whom were well-known, because each of them had the word "Da" in it, so the time was "Bada". He treated his son very strictly, even after his son became an adult, he also required that "he did not dare to enter without being ordered to enter, not daring to sit without being ordered to sit, and not daring to speak without asking questions."

Among them, Sima Yi, who is familiar to everyone, was recruited by Cao Cao to the XiangFu in 208 AD and held official positions such as literary officials. During Cao Cao's lifetime, Sima Yi's official position was relatively low, and he had no chance to usurp Cao Wei's power. However, because he helped Cao Pi win the battle for the heir, after Cao Pi ascended the throne, Sima Yi naturally gained heavy use. In 226 AD, when Cao Pi was dying, sima Yi became one of the ministers of Tuogu.

Sima Fang: Cao Cao was recommended to the imperial court, but his descendants usurped Cao Wei's Jiangshan

In 228 AD, Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, began the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. After the deaths of Cao Xiu, Cao Zhen, and others, Sima Yi became an important vassal of the Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui and seized Cao Wei's military power in the process of resisting the Northern Expedition of the Shu Han Dynasty. In 238, after Cao Rui's death, Sima Yi and Cao Shuang assisted Cao Fang to ascend the throne. In 249, Sima Yi launched the Gaopingling Rebellion and successfully usurped the power of Cao Wei.

After Sima Yi's death, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao consolidated the position of the Sima family, which laid a good foundation for Sima Yan to replace Cao Wei and establish the Western Jin Dynasty. Of course, for Sima Fang, who died in 219 AD, this result was obviously not expected. In addition, when Sima Fang died, he was 71 years old, and such an age could be called a long life during the Three Kingdoms period.

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