
Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall

author:Great River Humanities

Listen to heroic stories inheriting the red gene

  In order to carry out in-depth party history study education and "abide by the rules, understand business, really implement and set an example" work style construction activities, solidly carry out party history study, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, and inherit the red gene, the Bauhinia Party Branch of Bauhinia Community in Lifeng Street, Zhongzhan District, joined hands with more than 20 people from Chengxin Company to enter the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall "Listening to Heroic Stories and Inheriting the Red Spirit" In October, the theme party day activity.

Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall
Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall

The Bauhinia community and the party branch of the joint construction unit learned about the life and deeds of the battle hero Wang Zhongdian and lamented the hardships of the war period. The scene also specially invited Wang Zhongdian martyr's comrades-in-arms, veterans of the war, 80-year-old veteran party member Comrade Li Xiaoyue to introduce the glorious deeds of the hero, the old man recalled the past glory years, but also high emotions, still unfinished.

Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall

  At the forum, everyone was deeply touched by the heroic and fearless spirit of the martyr Wang Zhongdian and the patriotic spirit of sacrificing his life for the country, and one after another expressed the need to inherit the legacy of the martyrs, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, never forget the original intention, forge ahead, and turn the remembrance of the heroic martyrs into a driving force for struggle.

Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall
Lifeng Street Bauhinia Party Branch, Chengxin Company: walked into the Wang Zhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall

  Afterwards, in front of the bright red party flag, everyone raised their right fists and solemnly swore a solemn oath, with thousands of words and sonorous sentences, expressing their loyalty and faith to the party, sincere feelings, and solemn commitment to fight for the cause of the party and the people all their lives.

Mid-station media: Li Na

Editor: Xu Laiwei

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