
Hong Zhong Da Lü Qin Wang Zheng Fa Le

author:Sun Shaoqing

"Your Majesty asked an eunuch to teach the young prince, and I thought it was extremely inappropriate. It is difficult for the eunuch to be righteous in heart since ancient times, and most of the insights he has realized are the tricks of yin and the poison, the cunning and poisonous opportunities, the young prince is still young, I am afraid that the young prince will hear and see for a long time and the way of yang is unknown, and the way of the yin and the evil is fallacious and fallacious."

As soon as the young prince Hu Hai and Zhao Nei left, the gray-robed corpses looked at their distant figures and spoke to the uncle.

The uncle looked in the direction they had gone, and said, "Twenty-three sons, except for the five who died." There are also eighteen extant warriors, and there are many brave warriors, and even more so good warriors and swordsmen, and the blood of the Gai Yin clan makes it so, and the few sons of Ping Su are weak and feminine and stand out from their brothers, which is why."

Although I didn't understand their words, it turned out that the uncle actually had so many sons, and most of them were sword masters like Gongzi Twelve. At that time, I couldn't help but think about what kind of scene it was like for such a large group of princes to come to the competition, and couldn't help but wonder, "Uncle, so many of your sons are swordplay masters, so which of them has the strongest martial arts" For a while, we forgot to change our mouths, we are still used to calling him Uncle.

Looking at me and Big Eye, I have always been fascinated by the chivalrous swordsman, and we never hide our ideal of growing up to be a hero and a righteous warrior. The uncle seemed to remember his youth and immediately laughed and said that he wanted us to dance two sets of newly learned sword techniques to help entertain.

I and the big eye immediately went down to dance, the uncle while watching and drinking a few lights, still not to the fullest, said that there is a sword can not be without fun, immediately ordered people to move the chimes and drums to let us accompany the music and dance the sword.

Stepping on the beat of the drums and the crisp bronze sound suddenly turned into a concert scene. Many heroic and generous soldiers in the army recalled that since the uncle Yuji, the Qin army has attacked the city one after another under the leadership of the uncle, annihilating the achievements of the kingdoms, which is enough to stand in the past for eternity, and all the generals in the camp are all excited, and the uncle accompanied by wine xing is even more on the table and a Qin wind. Immediately let the chimes master play it quickly.

Sonorous, melodious, atmospheric, majestic, the uncle pulled out his sword and sounded, but also while chanting and dancing, the generals in the tent also rarely saw the uncle so good interest, all applauding on the side. Although the uncle sword danced slowly, the majestic strength and magnificent momentum could not be hidden at all.

Neither Big Eye nor I thought that the Qin Feng that Uncle Xu had written between his hands, combined with his sword power, was so mighty and mighty. Although we were not old enough to drink, we couldn't help but drink a few drinks.

After a while, the uncle asked the 24 women presented by the young prince to come to the tent and want to reward them to the generals in today's account. Suddenly one of the women wept and said that they only wanted to go home, and the uncle was not angry, asking who else wanted to go back and give gold to return, and the other two also wanted to go back, and the uncle immediately gave gold and ordered someone to escort them. The remaining uncles asked them to choose a general and either a wife or a concubine.

As an aside, the sharp decline in the population of the Centennial War in China was really severe, especially the losses of young adults were extremely serious, and it was not surprising that they could voluntarily leave so much, because at that time, compared with women, young adults were scarce, not to mention His Majesty's guards.

Finally unable to hold back the strong sense of wine, I fell into a confused deep sleep.

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