
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

author:China Aquatic Channel

On May 12th, Hema Fresh, Marine Management Committee (MSC) and Qingdao Mei kitchen food Co., Ltd.'s brand "Deep Sea Diary" jointly held the "Hema Fresh Greater Bay Area Cod Festival" in Guangzhou Hema Fresh (Poly Central Store)!

In the post-epidemic era, Hema and the deep-sea diary brand side jointly boosted the confidence of the cod consumer market!

On May 12th, the "Hema Fresh Greater Bay Area Cod Festival" jointly organized by Hema Fresh, Marine Management Committee (MSC) and Qingdao Mei kitchen food co., Ltd.'s brand "Deep Sea Diary" was held in Guangzhou Hema Fresh (Poly Central Store), and more than 20 representatives including Hema members, food bloggers, Japanese chefs, Guangzhou local media, and KOLs participated in the tasting.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

This event is following the "Norwegian Imported Seafood Hema Fresh Promotion Season Conference" at the 2019 China International Import Expo, Hema Fresh once again joined hands with Qingdao Mei kitchen food Co., Ltd., and it is also the first time since the easing of the new crown epidemic that the Chinese market has held an offline activity for cod promotion.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Since May 9, 2020, Guangdong Province has adjusted the emergency response level of major public health emergencies from level two to level three, and in the "post-epidemic" period, healthy life has become the hottest topic, and consumer demand for high-quality goods has continued to grow.

As an important leader in China's new retail, Hema Fresh held the "Healthy Life" activity at this time, hoping to improve consumers' awareness of marine ecology and environmental protection through online and offline and later live broadcast interaction, and ultimately achieve the goal of "green consumption".

Buy One Get One Free! Greatly benefit consumers, just to bring high-quality seafood to the table!

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Lu Weixiong, head of aquatic products operations in Hema Guangdong

According to Lu Weixiong, head of hema Guangdong aquatic products operation, "Since May 9, the epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong Province has been downgraded to a three-level response, and under the premise of implementing prevention and control measures, shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and other living places can be fully opened."

In the post-epidemic era, we have found that consumers' pursuit of healthy diet is growing, and they have also paid more attention to the ecological environment in the process of people's consumption. Hema will carry out promotional activities such as buy 1 get 1 free by covering the whole city, so as to promote consumption replenishment and potential release, and boost consumer confidence. ”

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Hema & Deep Sea Diary Cod series products

Lu Weixiong also said: "On the other hand, the East China Sea, the Yellow Bohai Sea and the South China Sea have also entered a fishing moratorium, and some fishing seafood has been suspended, and Hema has begun to prepare a "seafood list" for foodies during the fishing moratorium as early as a month ago, in addition to increasing the procurement of people's livelihood aquatic products to ensure the supply of live and fresh, while selecting high-quality frozen aquatic products to meet the purchase needs of consumers. ”

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Therefore, we hold the "Hema Cod Festival" together with the deep-sea diary cod brand side, through the promotion of high-quality products, focus on food safety, and promote ecological and environmental protection. It is hoped that Hema will work with consumers to jointly enhance the awareness of protecting marine ecology. ”

More than 20 kinds of cod products, all have the MSC Small Blue Fish Ecological Logo! How attractive is sustainable seafood?

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

At the event site, many food bloggers and consumers have a strong interest in the MSC logo on a blue background, what is the difference between "certified sustainable seafood" and ordinary seafood? What kind of organization is MSC, and why does Hema prefer seafood with MSC certification?

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Lu Weixiong introduced that this "Cod Festival", Hema and the deep-sea diary brand side, brought consumers nearly 20 cod species to choose from, these goods are certified by the Marine Stewardship Council and carry the MSC logo. Good management conditions in line with sustainable fishing requirements.

It is understood that the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an international non-profit organization established to promote the development of sustainable fisheries to ensure the supply of seafood now and in the future. As of May 2020, there are already 498 fisheries worldwide that have been certified by the MSC or entered the MSC project, offering 42,000 seafood products bearing the MSC Blue EcoMark.

MSC representative introduced: "Since last year, Hema Fresh has held a number of 'sustainable seafood' theme publicity activities with MSC, and for the first time released Hema 'Emperor Fresh' own brand seafood with MSC's small bluefish logo.

With the joint efforts of suppliers such as Qingdao Mei Kitchen, there are currently more than 20 seafood products in hema fresh stores that use the MSC Small Bluefish ecological logo, which will continue to increase in the future. The small bluefish logo on the packaging of these products conveys the message of sustainable fisheries to consumers, as the labeling products can be traced back to every link in the supply chain, up to the certified sustainable fisheries. ”

Join forces! Hema favored partner, how delicious and healthy is the "Deep Sea Diary"?

As the benchmark of fresh new retail, Hema Fresh has always put quality first, determined to provide consumers with the highest quality seafood, and naturally needs to find "like-minded" upstream suppliers. Since the cooperation between Qingdao Mei Kitchen Food Co., Ltd., the two sides have jointly handed over a perfect answer sheet for China's sea industry.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Yang Chen, Marketing Director of Qingdao Mei Kitchen Food Co., Ltd

Yang Chen, Marketing Director of Qingdao Mei Kitchen Food Co., Ltd., said: "Deep Sea Diary has been exploring healthier and more sustainable products. Deep Sea Diary always adheres to the concept of quality, nutrition and sustainable development. Deep Sea Diary believes that every Chinese table should have healthy, high-quality seafood from all over the world.

Let the world's seafood enter thousands of households, and let the healthy and delicious food from the other side of the ocean enter the table of every Chinese. The Deep Sea Diary records the delicious taste of the deep sea and is the healthiest diary!

In this process of continuous search, we are associated with Hema and are very fortunate to be able to get the strong support of Hema Fresh, we hope that our delicious and story can give Hema "let the distant neighbors be closer, let the neighbors be closer" shopping experience to help, while constantly integrating innovation, continue to help Hema Fresh to provide our consumers with a richer and more delicious life.

Talking about the design of the cod festival, Yang Chen shared the concept of "deep sea diary" with the audience: "Such a delicious cod, all of which are harvested by seafood people across thousands of miles of glaciers and from pure and pollution-free seas, if one day, indiscriminate fishing makes marine resources deplete, we can no longer eat delicious cod, how heart-wrenching should it be?"

Therefore, in recent years, Mei kitchen has continuously improved its international procurement and processing capabilities, and jointly established msc, an international standard organization for more than 20 years, to jointly enhance the awareness of marine protection among market end consumers, ensure the presentation of sustainable seafood in the stores of retail enterprises such as Hema and other retail enterprises, and jointly build a green procurement supply chain. ”

Hot fish cutting show scene! Can you tell the difference between cod, cod, and black cod!?

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Group photo of the fish opening ceremony (from left to right, Liu Chang, Regional Market Manager of Hema Guangdong, Lv Weixiong, Head of Aquatic Products Operation of Hema Guangdong, Wu Xinjie, Manager of Hema Fresh Poly Central Store, Yang Chen, Marketing Director of Qingdao Mei Kitchen Food Co., Ltd.)

The exquisite cod caused a sensation as soon as it appeared, and the fish cutting show scene was crowded with curious spectators, constantly taking pictures and asking questions.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

As the star chefs raised their knives and fell, the product development manager of "Deep Sea Diary" also explained the knowledge about cod to everyone.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Arctic cod

Known as the most orthodox cod of blood, the scientific name is Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua. Produced in Norway, Russia and other countries in the North Atlantic, the annual catch reaches about 2 million tons.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Black cod

The genus Gymnoflora, commonly known in Japan as "silver cod", is customarily called Alaskan cod Chinese. It is mainly distributed in the Arctic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. This fish is a deep-sea fish in cold waters with high nutritional value, containing fat, protein and a variety of vitamins. Because it resembles cod, the naked cover fish was first named "silver cod" by the Japanese market, and the price is much more expensive than the real cod. The catch is about 18 000 tonnes.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

Canine toothfish

Canine toothfish is divided into small scaled Antarctic canine toothfish and Mo's Antarctic canine toothfish, small scaled Antarctic canine toothfish living in the South Pacific, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, The Southern Ice Ocean between 30 ° S ~ 60 ° S, the earliest American merchants from chilean docks found and put it on the world market, called "Chilean sea bass", because the fishing area in South America Patagonia nearby, also known as Patagonia canine toothfish;

Living in the Antarctic Ocean south of 60 °S, the Antarctic Canine Toothfish has anti-freeze glycopeptides in its body and can live comfortably in waters below 0 °C, which is much more expensive than real cod. The catch is about 26 000 tonnes.

In addition to the wonderful "fish cutting show", there is also a free tasting activity at the event site. Cod ingredients from the cooperation between Hema and Deep Sea Diaries are made into a delicious dish and served on the table.

In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020
In the post-epidemic era, how does Hema sell fish? Boost consumer confidence and join forces with many parties to hold the first cod festival in 2020

【Keywords】:Box horse cod aquaculture

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