
Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

author:The historical codex of Jogo

On September 11, 1982, the departure hall of Beijing Capital Airport was crowded. In the crowd of pick-ups, there were several people with unusually anxious expressions, and they were the leaders of the Investigation Department of the CPC Central Committee. With the word "Arrival" appearing on the display, their eyes also became excited, and they quickly searched for every passenger who entered the door.

At this moment, an old man with white hair walked towards him with an unstable step. He hugged an old man with white hair who was also full of white hair in the pick-up crowd, and cried uncontrollably: "Big brother, blame me, I didn't protect Minghua's sister...", while crying, he handed over a small nanmu box that he had held all the way to the other party.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Who is the old man? Why was he so excited? Who is Minghua in his mouth?


Amid the shouts of the gendarmes asking them to kneel, a slender, wounded woman, led by her, suddenly broke free from the hands of the two gendarmes who had kidnapped her, ran to the top of a sand dune, and shouted: "Long live the Chinese Communist Party!" ”

The executioners were stunned by the woman's sudden move, and hurriedly opened fire, and the woman fell in a pool of blood, her eyes wide open, looking affectionately to the west, across a bend of the strait, where there was her hometown...

This woman is the protagonist of our story, Minghua among the old people, and the female agent of the CCP lurking in Taiwan: Xiao Minghua.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

In 1922, Xiao Minghua was born in Jiaxing County, Zhejiang Province, with three older brothers and an older sister, and as the youngest child in the family, the whole family loved her. Xiao Minghua's father runs a small hand-knitting sock workshop, although he is a boss, but both his father and mother need to work like workers and maintain a family of seven to survive.

However, although the family was poor, his father still insisted on sending every child to school, hoping that they could grow up and become talents as soon as possible. Under the influence of his father, Xiao Minghua aspired to engage in education from an early age.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, in 1939, Xiao Minghua and his parents moved to Chongqing and became a transfer student of Chongqing Normal School, because of their excellent grades, in 1941, Xiao Minghua, who had graduated from the school, was selected by the school to be sent to Aokiguan Town, Chongqing, to participate in the Chinese teacher training class held by the Ministry of Education there, specializing in the application of Chinese phonetic symbols.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

After graduating, Xiao Minghua successfully became a primary school teacher, her Chinese Zhuyin symbols are very high, and she can even write articles with Chinese Zhuyin symbols, if she can continue like this, Xiao Minghua has almost realized her dream of becoming a teacher since she was a child.

But her life is destined to stop at just that.

In 1943, Xiao Minghua was admitted to the Chinese Literature Department of Baisha Women's Normal College, entering an important turning point in her life.

At that time, Chongqing, although it belonged to the rear, but the anti-Japanese enthusiasm was high, and the Baisha Women's Normal College brought together a large number of well-known scholars and young people with lofty ideals, including Lu Xun's close friends Xu Shoutang, Tai Jingnong and others, various ideas actively collided, revolutionary ideas were also unprecedentedly high, during this period, Xiao Minghua contacted and read a large number of progressive books, she also began her own path of literary creation, and published in "Beichen", "Yellow River" and other publications.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Ice heart

Bing Xin once commented:

She was a smart and compassionate child, who liked the color of green, symbolizing that she was peace-loving, literary genius, had a lot of hard work, and would undoubtedly be the most promising female writer in China in the future.

If she can always persist, there may be an excellent female writer in modern Chinese history, but to everyone's expectation, she once again chose a new path, a path that is doomed to be difficult and extremely difficult.

In 1946, Xiao Minghua entered Beijing Normal University for further study, where she met the head of the underground Communist Party: Zhu Fangchun. Zhu Fangchun sent Xiao Minghua many progressive books and periodicals, including "On New FolkIsm" and "History of Social Development."

At that time, during the Liberation War, the corrupt rule of the Kuomintang and the student movement in full swing in Peiping brought her great shock and thinking, and these strengthened her determination to dedicate everything to the party.

In 1948, Xiao Minghua, who was about to graduate from Beijing Normal University, at a party to discuss Li Qingzhao's poetry, Xiao Minghua asked her teacher Wei Jiangong to write "Summer Sentences" for her: Born as a master, dead as a ghost. Still thinking about Xiang Yu, he refused to cross Jiangdong. However, none of them at that time thought that this poem would become a portrayal of Xiao Minghua's ending

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

On the eve of graduation, Xiao Minghua received a letter from the other side of the river, sent by her mentor, the director of the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University, the famous writer Tai Jingnong, and her classmate at Baisha Women's Normal College: Liao Weiqing. They knew that Xiao Minghua had deep teaching skills in Chinese Zhuyin and phonetic applications, so they wanted to invite her to teach in Taiwan.

At that time, the war of liberation had already entered a climax, the clarion call for national liberation had already sounded, and if we could go to Taiwan, it would undoubtedly be a good opportunity for the Chinese Communists to establish an intelligence network in Taiwan. After careful consideration, Xiao Minghua told Zhu Fangchun about his idea of going to Taiwan to do intelligence, and Zhu Fangchun felt that this was a very far-sighted idea, and after asking for instructions, the party organization quickly agreed to this suggestion.

Perhaps with a premonition, before leaving, Xiao Minghua deliberately rushed back to chaoyang's hometown to visit his elderly parents. When parting, because of secrecy, Xiao Minghua only told his parents that he was going to go out for a long trip, and he was not sure when he would be able to come back, as little as one or two years, as much as three or four years, and he would definitely come back. When Xiao Minghua could not stay with her parents and cry, her mother also comforted her: With such a sensible child as you, I will be satisfied as a mother.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Image from the web

However, no one thought that this parting was a farewell.

On July 4, 1948, with the nostalgia for his homeland and the expectation and loyalty of New China, Xiao Minghua set foot on the land of Taiwan.

Xiao Minghua was assigned to teach at The Taiwan Normal College, which arranged 3 houses for her, and she chose the smallest one, because the location of this house was relatively hidden, which was convenient for her intelligence work. In this way, Xiao Minghua soon completed his first step in Taiwan: to stand firm.

Soon, Zhu Fangchun also came to Taiwan under the pseudonym Yu Fei to fight alongside Xiao Minghua. In order to work conveniently and better lurk down, the two pretended to be husband and wife and lived together. Since then, the two have carried out underground intelligence work in Taiwan in the name of husband and wife.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

In September 1948, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Taiwan Provincial Government to establish the "Social Science Research Association" and hold workshops or lectures, Zhu Fangchun and Xiao Minghua held "practical psychology lectures" to publicize and publicize the purpose, ideals, and beliefs of the Communist Party of China, from which they examined and cultivated the backbone of the revolution, and formed the "Taiwan New People's Youth Alliance." At the same time, they got to know as wide a range of celebrities as possible in the political, military, and cultural, educational, and journalistic circles, and actively opened up a broad work situation.

On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army forcibly crossed the Yangtze River to occupy Nanjing, the Kuomintang regime was about to collapse, and the liberation of the whole country was just around the corner. However, the Kuomintang troops on the mainland were still stubbornly resisting, and the Kuomintang, which had retreated to Taiwan, had also strengthened its high-pressure control over the island. The "Taiwan New Alliance" was also forced to go underground.


Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

但此时的‬台湾‬,正因为国民党的铁拳镇压,笼罩在一股‬恐怖的‬气息‬之中‬,8月,蒋介石刚刚成立了一个由毛人凤、郑介民等成员组成的政治行动委员会,目的是统一情报工作,以及反对中共武装的游击行动。 为了‬保存自己‬,很多‬潜伏在台湾国民党军事和政治高层的中共特工都‬隐入‬地下‬,被迫‬失去了‬与‬中共的联系,这给‬萧明华‬的‬工作‬带来了‬不少的‬难度‬。

即便如此‬,从‬1949年12月-1950年‬1月‬的‬两‬个月间‬,萧明华‬还是‬连续‬6次‬传递出‬50多份重要‬情报‬。 包括‬国民党‬军‬“海南岛防卫‬方案‬”,“舟山群岛‬防伪‬方案‬”,‬“台湾‬兵‬要‬地志图‬”等‬绝密情报‬,其中最重要的‬就是‬“台湾‬兵‬要‬地志图‬”。

“台湾‬兵‬要‬地志图‬”是‬日本‬投降时‬,冈村次宁‬亲自‬交给‬蒋介石的‬,是日本人统治台湾期间‬,根据台湾地形‬,按照‬10:1的‬比例‬精心绘制的‬,地图上‬连一件间‬独立屋‬、一颗独立树都绘制得‬非常清楚‬,对于了解‬台湾‬的‬地形‬地貌‬,日军占领‬台湾事时‬修筑的‬防御‬作战工事,‬以及‬解放台湾‬及其‬诸岛‬具有‬ 不可‬估量的‬作用‬。

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison


In January 1950, cai Xiaoqian, the head of the Ccp in Taiwan, was arrested, and as a result of his rebellion, the underground organization in Taiwan was seriously damaged, 1800 people were arrested, 1100 people were executed, and countless people were implicated. Among them are Xiao Minghua and Yu Fei.

On February 4, just as Xiao Minghua was at home celebrating the birthday of his third brother Xiao Mingzhu, there was a sudden knock at the door, and Xiao Minghua, who had long been mentally prepared, immediately arranged for Yu Fei to leave through the back door and instructed him: "Without my handwritten notice, don't come back." There is a clothes rail at the back door, hanging things, the home is safe, otherwise don't come back. ”

After Yu Fei left, Xiao Minghua asked his brother's family to continue the laughter and laughter just now, and then quietly opened the door, and outside the door stood two strangers, one tall and one low, saying that they wanted to ask Professor Yu Fei to give a speech.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Xiao Minghua, who was not in danger, smiled and received two "uninvited guests": "Please come in and do it, but professor Yu is not at home, he is out to visit a teacher." ”

After entering the house, the eyes of the two strangers kept looking east and west, as if they were looking for something, but after the two pairs of thieves looked around several times, there was still nothing unusual, and they could only leave in sorrow.

After the stranger left, Xiao Minghua immediately cared for his brother to be more careful, "No matter what happens, don't be nervous, we are just brother and sister, except for having financial assistance, there is no other involvement." ”

After sending his brother's family away, Xiao Minghua immediately contacted Yu Fei and told them to quickly transfer with the information they had obtained. At that time, because the situation was unclear, in order not to expose more comrades, Xiao Minghua insisted on staying.

On February 6, Xiao Minghua went to normal college as usual to continue the class, and in the class, she demonstrated the "Zhengqi Song" for the students, and no one thought that this would be Xiao Minghua's last class in this life.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

At 11:00 p.m. that night, a group of officers and men of the "Taiwan Provincial Security Command" broke into Xiao Minghua's dormitory and arrested her. Before leaving home, Xiao Minghua calmly and calmly removed the cheongsam draped on the clothes rail under the eyes of the enemy on the pretext of bringing a piece of clothing, and issued a "danger alarm" signal to his comrades-in-arms.

Hsiao Ming-hwa was imprisoned in the "Security Department of the Taiwan Security Command," known as the "Yan Luo Temple." In order to extract intelligence from her, in the 278 days after her arrest, the enemy carried out many tortures on her, including electric chairs, tiger stools, bundles and hangings, etc. According to the recollection of a handyman in the detention center, he had personally seen his face full of blood, his hands and arms were fractured in many places, Xiao Minghua's hands were tied to the beam, and he was tortured to faint many times, but when he woke up, he still showed contempt for the people who tortured her, which made people ashamed.

The enemy also used to for five consecutive days and five nights, not allowing her to sleep, trying to force her to lose her self-control in a long period of fatigue, so that she could not make normal mental judgments. Because of the multiple fractures of his fingers, Xiao Minghua could not even comb his hair, but Xiao Minghua persevered, and no matter how the enemy tortured him, he never gave in.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Although he was already in prison, Xiao Minghua was always worried about the safety of Yu Fei and the safety of intelligence, under the opportunity of someone to visit the prison, Xiao Minghua sent out the last piece of intelligence in this life, she handed her sister-in-law an empty oil bottle with 7 grains of cod liver oil left, and asked her to send a few more bottles according to this brand, in the Jiaxing dialect, the sound of "seven" and "go" is very similar, "Yu" and "fish" are also homophonous, she is urging Yu Fei to evacuate quickly.

On November 7, 1950, the enemy sentenced Xiao Minghua to death on the charge of "common intent to subvert the government by illegal means and has begun to carry it out", and executed the next day.

In the face of the crying friends around her, Xiao Minghua smiled, she looked at the light outside the window, and said in a calm and unwilling tone: "Don't be sad, I have long been prepared, it doesn't matter." ”

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Song untied her braids for Xiao Minghua, who could not comb her hair, and combed them for her for the last time...

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Early the next morning, the enemy with live ammunition came, and Xiao Minghua calmly bid farewell to the victims and left a final instruction to his relatives:

Brother Pillar, Sister-in-law! Please don't be too sad because of my departure, and be sure to take care of your health and put your health first. I am very uneasy about your wrongful sins, I believe that you will soon be free, in fact, I am very calm, only bless you and your children, all the people in the family are all right, do not take my bones back to my hometown, let her be in Taiwan, bless you again, bless your parents, do not mourn, a good, healthy life, and only in this way can I comfort the heart of the Nine Springs. Definitely! Minghua.

After that, Xiao Minghua was taken by the enemy to the Machang town execution ground, and before the execution, Xiao Minghua looked in the direction of the western continent and cried out for the last time, "Long live the Chinese Communist Party", and fell in a pool of blood, only 28 years old.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Because of Xiao Minghua's intelligence, on March 23, 1951, Yu Fei successfully escaped from Taiwan and arrived safely on the mainland under the cover of careful planning, and Xiao Minghua's writing of top-secret intelligence was also highly praised by the PLA Frontline Command. In May of the same year, the People's Liberation Army liberated Hainan Island, Zhoushan Islands.

In the early 1980s, Xiao Minghua was posthumously recognized by the Investigation Department of the Cpc Central Committee as a member of the Communist Party of China and a revolutionary martyr, and it was only at this time that her family, relatives and friends learned that their little sister, who had grown from childhood to adulthood, was the real identity.

On September 11, 1982, Xiao Minghua's ashes were escorted by her third brother Xiao Mingzhu and finally returned to the mainland, and on September 16, her ashes were buried in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery in Beijing.

Red Agent Xiao Minghua: After being exposed, he was tortured and tortured for 278 days, and he still successfully transmitted information in prison

Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

Her tombstone does not have any introduction to the life and deeds of the martyrs, except for the main text of the tombstone: The Tomb of Xiao Minghua, only the three words of Zhu Fangchun's (Yu Fei) inscription: Return to Xi!

What years are quiet, but it is because someone carries the weight for us, and even pays tribute to the martyr Xiao Minghua with this article!


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