
With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, where will the boss who swept the floor in Shandong state-owned enterprises go?

author:21 Chronicles

In the lobby of the office building of a state-owned enterprise in Shandong, a nearly 60-year-old grandfather arrived at work at 7 o'clock every day, and before hundreds of office workers arrived at 8:30, he had to clean the nearly 500-square-meter lobby with a mop. From east to west, from left to right, these actions were repeated every day; after dragging the ground, he also had to manually spray air freshener; of course, due to the new crown epidemic, for a while, he also had to carry a sprayer on his back and spray disinfectant.

Office workers arrive sporadically early, and someone will greet him, but most of them walk by with their heads down, and the polished ground reflects the hurried footsteps and figures.

One day, when I looked down at my phone and walked through the lobby, something rushed over to me, and then suddenly stopped and turned my head. I took a look, sweeping robots! Look at this guy who looks very well-behaved, white and fat, and has a lot of vision, quietly doing the work of the uncle, always smiling at you. It can mop the floor while spraying air freshener, regardless of speed, this multi-function alone can be said to be more effective with half the effort, and its only "tired time" and "need to rest" time is only the gap between charging.

This product became a star and attracted a lot of attention. Office workers who hurry by will be amazed! Then stop and observe for a while, some may also take a mobile phone, share the circle of friends, and praise this little cute! Show off the tall of the company. After a few days, people have become accustomed to this "high technology" and have gone their separate ways.

But perhaps few people realize where Uncle Has gone!

Uncle Nai is not a "sweeping monk"! However, "young people do not talk about martial arts."

With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, where will the boss who swept the floor in Shandong state-owned enterprises go?

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