
Gadot: "Joss Whedon threatened my career when I made Justice League"

Gadot: "Joss Whedon threatened my career when I made Justice League"

Recently, when she went on a show in her hometown of Israel, Gayle Gadot mentioned that when filming "Justice League", the theatrical director Joss Whedon had threatened her career, which was also consistent with the previous reports of the foreign media "The Hollywood Reporter".

In the interview, when the host asked Gadot, "Did the taillight say that you should look beautiful, just read the lines, you won't let him succeed", Gadot responded, "Well, I won't." The taillights basically threatened my career, saying that if I did something, he would make my career very miserable, and I solved it on the spot. ”

A month earlier, the Hollywood Reporter had also spoken to "Steel Bone" Ray Fisher and learned that Gadot was worried about his role as Wonder Woman in the theatrical version. There have also been reports that taillights would make Gadot say lines she didn't want to say, not only threatening her career, but also disparaging Wonder Woman director Patti Jenkins. Later in Warner's investigation, witnesses said, "Taillight boasted that he had the final say in front of Gadot, he told her that he was the screenwriter, she had to shut up and not complain, obediently read her lines, and he also said that he could make her look like a big fool in the film." ”

Gadot: "Joss Whedon threatened my career when I made Justice League"

Editor: Zhen Zhen

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