
Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

author:Little Grass Food Note

When it comes to Korean textbook weight loss, it is necessary to mention Pu Baolan, from 77 kilograms to 45 kilograms, and a total of 64 kilograms of meat, which is definitely a model for many girls on the road to weight loss.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

When Park Baolan first debuted, because he loved to eat too much, he weighed 77 kilograms, and in order to make his debut successfully, Park Baolan began to supervise himself in various aspects.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational
Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

First, diet

Park Baolan set a strict diet plan for herself, starting from breakfast, it was all kinds of carbs + high protein, and there were no seasonings.

Every day, Park Baolan controls the calories he controls around 1300 kcal, and eats less and more meals, eating 5 meals a day.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

In Park Baolan's recipes, high dietary fiber, high protein ingredients account for the vast majority, these ingredients have the effect of suppressing appetite, and have great benefits for the body.

For example, high-protein food, in addition to providing a strong sense of satiety to the body, can also provide energy for the body, improve immunity, in addition to chicken breast, eggs this kind of food, pixel bird's nest this plant protein food has not been added fat, fat reduction effect is more obvious.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

Park Baolan also provided a suggestion for everyone, that is, to eat more low-carbon water food, replace white rice with brown rice, replace fresh fruit with high-sugar food, and achieve blood sugar balance for long-term persistence.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

At the same time, you should be sure to eat 300 grams of green leafy vegetables every day, and you can't cook in a high-calorie way, so you can add enough trace elements

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

Second, increase the amount of exercise

Park Baolan's exercise secret is to combine aerobic exercise and strength training, for large-sized people, aerobic exercise can quickly reduce the body fat, and strength training, can make the body muscles more strong.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

Of course, if you want to lose 64 pounds of meat like Park Baolan, it still takes a while, after all, like Baolan's sister also insisted on losing weight for 4 years, and then had the current results.

Eat 5 meals a day but lose 64 pounds! Korean female artists staged plastic surgery style weight loss, which is really too inspirational

Therefore, you must stick to the road of weight loss, only in this way, you can become a better self faster

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