
Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

author:Xu Xiaorui x

Xishuangbanna, a dream place, here is not only Songkran Festival, not only tropical rainforest, but also countless cuisine, because here is a minority settlement, Xishuangbanna's cuisine is more unique, today Xiaobian will take everyone into Xishuangbanna, looking for Xishuangbanna!

Beautiful view of Xishuangbanna

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun
Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun
Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

After seeing the beautiful scenery, how can you be less delicious, go and taste the authentic national specialties!

Fragrant bamboo rice

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

Fragrant bamboo rice is a famous dish with strong Dai family characteristics, which is made by placing rice in a bamboo tube and baking it with fire, also known as bamboo tube rice. The bamboo knots of the fragrant bamboo are cut down to make a base, and the soaked glutinous rice is put into the bamboo tube and stuffed with banana leaves. Roast over a charcoal fire or bury in the ashes of the fire. After the water of the bamboo is steamed dry, it can be eaten. Open the bamboo slices, the aroma of bamboo accompanied by the aroma of glutinous rice comes to the nose, a thin white film covers the crystal clear rice, it looks very appetizing. Bamboo rice is usually best served from November to February.

Pineapple purple rice

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

Pineapple purple rice is a specialty of Xishuangbanna. It is both a staple food and a dish, and it is relatively simple to make. You need a whole pineapple, remove the stem and the overly long pointed leaves, and cut off the pineapple lid at the top, remove the pineapple heart, soak the purple glutinous rice for 7 hours and then put it into the pineapple shell, cover the pineapple lid and cook until the aroma is fragrant. The acid and sweetness of pineapple are combined with the softness and glutinousness of purple glutinous rice, and the rice is mixed with pineapple flavor, which is sweet and refreshing to eat, and contains high nutritional value, which has the effect of tonifying blood.

Grilled fish with lemongrass

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

A dish with a Dai flavor. Lemongrass is a spice that grows in subtropical regions and has a lemon-scented flavor that has the effect of refreshing the brain. The washed fish is coated with fragrant lemongrass and grilled over a fire while applying a layer of shiny lard, so that the grilled fish is more colorful and naturally more flavorful. The most distinctive thing is that the Dai family's special "tomato mummy" sauce is put into the fish belly, and the taste is great! You can usually eat it at the food stalls in the night market.


Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

Mummy is a Dai word that is actually a sauce mixed with multiple ingredients. There are many types of mimi, such as "Nan bi bu" (crab sauce), "Nan Bi Pa" (Cai Zi sauce), "Nan Bi Nan Nuo" (sour shoot sauce) and nearly 10 kinds, "Nan Bi Pa" (Cai Zi sauce) is the most popular. It is usually eaten with some fried food, but if it is accompanied by local small sour fruits, the taste is too wonderful, and the sour taste is just right. Especially suitable for people who lose weight.

Pebble fresh fish soup

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

A specialty of the Brown ethnic group, it is a local delicacy for entertaining guests. The cooking method is mainly boiled, the pebbles picked up in the river are washed, put into the fire pond to burn red, the pot is prepared with water and fresh fish, side dishes, and then the red pebbles are put into the pot one by one, until the water boils, and the dishes and condiments can be eaten after cooking. The fish soup is delicious and has a special aroma of burning stone in it.

Dried cows

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

Dried beef is a common beef cured food in Yunnan, it is easy to carry and preserve, there are many ways to eat, fried, boiled, cold mix can be. Among them, fried dried beef is the most common and typical way to eat. Cutting dry bar pays attention to the knife method, cutting horizontally and horizontally, which is easy to chew. It can be made into various flavors, salty, sweet, sour and spicy, and served all year round.

Boiled fish with sour shoots

Xishuangbanna: A place you will fall in love with when you see it, eating, drinking and having fun

Boiled fish with sour shoots is a famous dish of the Dai people. Sour shoots are made of tender bamboo that breaks out of the soil in the summer, cut into strips, add salt, spicy seeds, etc. to marinate into sour taste. Stir-fry in a frying pan a few times, add the right amount of water, bring the water to a boil before you can put in the fish and simmer together. Sour shoots can be paired with fish to remove the fishy smell of fish, but also to improve freshness. Sour and delicious, very appetizing, it can be said that it is a must-eat dish to come to Xishuangbanna.

What do you think? Did the food and beauty of Xishuangbanna attract you? Eleven long holidays, take your family and lovers to Xishuangbanna to eat, drink and have fun!

For more information, please pay attention to me - Xu Xiaorui x