
Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

author:The Lord of Aragonite Zhai

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

First, Ding Zhi

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

Ding Zhi

Ding Zhi (966-1037), also spelled "Gongyan", was a native of Changzhou County, Suzhou Province (present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu), Hebei. The History of Song vol. 283 liechuan no. 42 is transmitted.

Ding Zhi is astute and intelligent since childhood, reading "never forgets", a few thousand words of articles, read once can be memorized; he is diligent and studious, knowledgeable and strong, celestial divination, poetry and rhythm, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, all know, especially the article, do better. Gong Ying, a native of Kunshan (present-day Kunshan, Jiangsu), was usually very conceited and rarely praised others, but gave a high evaluation to Ding Shu's article, believing that it could match Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan in the Tang Dynasty. The famous scholar Wang Yuwei served as the commander of Changzhou County, and Ding Shu and his friend Sun He once paid homage to Wang Yuwei and presented his own article, and Wang Yuwei read Ding Yu's article and praised it, believing that "since Tang Hanyu and Liu Zongyuan, there have been such works in two hundred years", and later called him "the great Confucian of today" and "poetry like Du Fu".

Ding Hao's father, Ding Hao, who was an official, was in Jing Prefecture (泾州, in modern Jingchuan, Gansu), and Ding Hao's colleague Dou Wei saw that Ding Wasai was clever and clever, and quite talented, and said: "This child will become a high official in the future." "Promised him his daughter.

In the third year (992) of Song Taizong's Chunhua, the 26-year-old Ding Shu passed the examination with the excellent results of "fourth place in the first subject" and entered the workplace.

Ding, who had just entered the workplace, quickly showed his super administrative skills. In the second year of his work, he was ordered to go to Fujian Road for "interviews", that is, to investigate and investigate, and after returning to Beijing, he told the imperial court about the advantages and disadvantages of the tea law and the salt law, which was highly recognized by the imperial court, and he was immediately appointed as an envoy of Fujian Road, responsible for the financial work of a "road" (slightly today's province), and at the same time responsible for supervising all the "road" officials. Later, when the minorities in Sichuan's "Xia Lu" (Zhi Kui Prefecture, present-day Fengjie, Chongqing) invaded the border areas, the imperial court sent him to investigate the situation, and after returning to the dynasty, he reported to the imperial court, and the imperial court was very satisfied, and ordered him to be transferred to the Xia Lu transport envoy.

On the first day of the first lunar month of the third year (1000) of the third year (1000) of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, the "Divine Guards" troops stationed in Chengdu, the capital of Yizhou, rebelled, elected the duyu Hou Wang as emperor, the founding name "Dashu", the era name "Huashun", and the Song court recruited Shi (in present-day Enshi, Hubei), Qian (in present-day Yushan Town, Pengshui County, Chongqing), Gao (in present-day Gaozhou, Guangdong), and Xi (in present-day southeast of Yongshun, Hunan) to quell the rebellion, and these minority children instead participated in the rebellion. Ding Zhi gathered the leaders of the minority tribes, conveyed to them the policy of the imperial court to forgive and not kill their sons, explained the general trend that Wang Jun's rebellion was bound to fail, and the minority leaders were moved to tears by Ding Zhi, And Ding Zhi saw the situation and threw realistic temptations to them, the local grain was rich but there was a lack of salt, Ding Zhi proposed that they could be allowed to exchange all the grain for salt. The leaders of the minority tribes and the people of the clan were overjoyed, carved a monument and swore an oath, willing to pay tribute to the imperial court at the end of the Song Dynasty. In September, the Song army attacked Chengdu, and in October, Wang Jun hanged himself, and the rebellion was put down, and Ding Yu made a great contribution to it. In Houxi Prefecture, there were minority tribes "entering the Kou", and Ding Zhi organized the minority tribes in Gaozhou and Xizhou to conquest, and soon won victory.

In the fourth year of Jingde (1007), the Song Liao "Battle of Liaoyuan" broke out, Song Zhenzong personally conquered Liaozhou, and Ding Zhizhou, who was then the governor of Yun Prefecture (郓州, in present-day Dongping, Shandong), concurrently served as a pacifying envoy of Qi (in present-day Jinan, Shandong) and Pu (in present-day Juancheng County, Shandong) and other prefectures, "lifting and transporting soldiers and horses to patrol the inspection", not only responsible for local pacification, public security, but also responsible for the logistics of transporting soldiers and horses to the front line. The Liao army invaded Henan, and the people were frightened and fled south, scrambling to cross the river from Yang LiuDu of the Yellow River (in present-day Yang liu town, northeast of Dong'a, Shandong), but the boat people who were ferrying took the opportunity to raise the price and did not sail in time. When Ding Zhi found out, he dragged several death row inmates to the riverbank, pretended to be "boat people", said that they had committed the crime of not crossing people in time, and beheaded them. After the real boat people saw it, they quickly started the boat, and the refugees were able to cross the Yellow River in their entirety. Ding Zhi also established a system to organize the people to set up banners along the Yellow River, call trumpets, guard their homes, and the sound of trumpets was continuously sounded for hundreds of miles, and the Liao army that attacked the north bank of the Yellow River saw that the local defenses were strict and quickly withdrew.

Ding Zhi had outstanding political achievements and superior ability, and was recognized and reused by the imperial court. After the end of the Battle of Liaoyuan, Ding Zhi entered the dynasty and was promoted to acting "Three Envoys", who were the chiefs of the "Three Divisions", the highest financial institution in the country, known as the "Counting Minister", and their status was second only to that of the chief minister of civil officials, the chief of the Privy Council of the highest military and political organ in the country, and the privy envoy of the head of the "two provinces" who was symmetrical with the prime minister. At that time, the management of grain endowments in the whole country was chaotic, and the number of levies was different every year, and the number of grain was arbitrarily increased, and the people were miserable. After Serving as the envoy of the Third Division, Ding Zhi specially investigated, formulated corresponding policies, and discussed the number of taxpayers and the amount of tax paid in the fourth year of Jingde (1007), and then levied on a base number every year thereafter to benefit the national economy and people's livelihood. The imperial court played accurately, and the next edict praised. During his tenure, Ding Zhi also organized and compiled many monographs "Accounting Records" that reflected the financial situation of the early Song Dynasty and adopted coping strategies, which became an important document for posterity to study the economy of the Song Dynasty.

Dante is also a person who attaches great importance to power and power, and is good at greeting. After the first year of the Great Zhongxiang Fu (1008), in order to save the image damaged by "spending money to buy peace", Song Zhenzong began to pretend to be a ghost and planned to hold the "Taishan Sealing Zen" activity. "Taishan Sealing Zen" needs to spend a lot of money, and before finally making up his mind, Song Zhenzong asked Ding Zhi about the funding, and Ding Zhi said: "Generally enough, there will be more than enough." Emperor Zhenzong of Song finally made up his mind to "seal Zen" and appointed Ding Zhi as the "Grain and Grass Envoy of Taishan Road".

After deciding to hold the "Sealing Zen", Song Zhenzong wanted to build the "Yuqing Zhaoying Palace" in the imperial palace to enshrine the "Haotian God", but was opposed by some officials around him. Song Zhenzong summoned Ding Shu and asked Ding Shu what he thought. Ding Zhi said: "Your Majesty has the wealth of the world, builds a palace to worship God, and at the same time uses it to ask for children, and if the officials oppose, they will answer them with this." Afterwards, wang dan, the then chancellor, advised Song Zhenzong, and Song Zhenzong responded with Ding Zhi's words, and Wang Dan no longer dared to insist on his opinion.

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

Song Zhenzong

In April of the second year of DazhongXiangfu (1009), the construction of the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace began, and Emperor Zhenzong of Song appointed Ding Shu as the "Envoy of the Repair of the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace" to be responsible for the construction of the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace. The scale of the project is grand, the regulation is magnificent, and the building is divided into 2610 areas, with a total of more than 3600 rooms. In addition to the need for a large amount of money, there are three problems: first, it needs a lot of soil, but there is very little open space in Kaifeng City, and it takes a lot of work to take the soil to dig in the suburbs, the road is very far, and it takes a lot of labor; the second is that a large number of building materials need to be transported from other places, and the Bian River is in the suburbs, and it is necessary to find many people to carry them from the dock to the construction site; third, there are many broken bricks and tiles on the construction site, which need to be cleared and transported out of Kaifeng, and also need a lot of labor. After in-depth study and careful consideration, Ding Yu formulated a construction plan: First, a number of large deep ditches were dug outward from the construction site, and the excavated soil was used as a backup for the new soil needed for construction to solve the problem of new soil; the second step was to introduce the water from outside the city into the large ditch dug, and use wooden rows and boats to transport wood and stone to solve the problem of wood and stone transportation; finally, after the material transportation task was completed, the water in the ditch was discharged, and the garbage on the construction site was filled into the ditch, so that the ditch became flat again. This plan not only saves time and money, but also makes the construction site orderly, and the traffic and living order in Kaifeng City is not greatly affected by the construction.

However, Rao was so, Ding Zhi still recruited tens of thousands of craftsmen, strictly ordered that day and night should not stop, and many craftsmen and people's husbands froze and starved to death. After many efforts, the construction project of the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace, which was originally planned to be completed in 15 years, was completed in November of the seventh year of the Great Zhongxiang Fu (1014) in only 7 years, which was deeply appreciated by Emperor Zhenzong of Song. "Ding Zhi Zhao Gong" has become a typical example of engineering theory.

Before DaZhongxiang fu went to Taishan in October of the first year, Emperor Taizong of Song appointed Ding Shu as "Heavenly Book SupportIng Envoy", and at the same time promoted Ding Shu to be the "Three Envoys" and removed the word "agent" from his official hat.

In the spring of the fourth year (1011) of DazhongXiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of Song went to Fenyin County (陳陽县; present-day Wanrong County, Shanxi) to worship "Hou Tu" and appointed Ding as "The Envoy of the Three Divisions"; the following year, he built the "Hui Ling Guan" outside the South Xuan Gate in Kaifeng City, the capital city, northwest of puji Water Gate, and Ding called it "General Repair". In the same year, Ding Shu was promoted to the position of Governor of the People's Republic of China, that is, deputy prime minister. Later, he left the dynasty and served as the envoy of the Pingjiang Army (in present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu) and the zhizhou of Shengzhou (升州, in present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu).

In the first year of the Tianxi Dynasty (1018), Ding Zhi left the dynasty and became the governor of Shengzhou (升州, in modern Nanjing, Jiangsu). The HouHu Lake in the north of Shengzhou City has become a dry lake because it has not been treated for many years, and the predecessor rented the bottom of the lake as a field to the people, with a total of 76 hectares and more than 500 taxes. After Ding Zhi arrived at his post, after investigation, he found many improprieties, and shangshu asked for a reduction in this part of the tax, and requested that the van army be sent to excavate and manage, return the fields to the lake, store water to plant diamonds, plant lotuses, and raise fish, feed the hungry people, increase income, and if there is a major drought, you can irrigate the farmland, and count them in one fell swoop.

In the third year of the Tianxi Dynasty (1019), Ding Zhi returned to the dynasty and resumed his appointment as governor of the government.

In November of the third year of tianxi (1019), Song Zhenzong fell ill, and the following spring his illness worsened, and the illness became more and more serious, worried that he would not be able to afford to be ill, and once pillowed the thigh of the eunuch Zhou Huaizheng when he was recuperating, and discussed with Zhou Huaizheng that he wanted to "order the prince to supervise the country".

Zhou Huaizheng was in charge of the "Left and Right Chunfang" of the Prince's Mansion at that time, and had business dealings with Kou Zhun, who also held the position of Prince's Mansion, and wanted to win over Kou Zhun and support the crown prince in order to maintain his position of power after the death of Song Zhenzong, revealing to Kou Zhun the idea that Song Zhenzong wanted the crown prince to oversee the country. Song Zhenzong's thoughts were right on Kou Zhun's mind. Since Song Zhenzong fell ill and could not manage the government normally, Empress Liu E, who had always participated in political affairs, "pre-government" was more and deeper, which caused the worry and dissatisfaction of the prime minister Kou Zhun. Knowing that Song Zhenzong wanted the crown prince to oversee the country, Kou Zhun looked for an opportunity to say to Song Zhenzong: "The crown prince belongs to Wang, may The weight of His Majesty Sizong Temple pass the throne to the prince, choose Fangzheng chancellor to be the prince's wing, and assist the prince", and said, "Vice Chancellor Ding Zhi and Privy Counsellor Qian Weiyan are villains and cannot bear the heavy responsibility of assisting the prince." Song Zhenzong agreed to Kou Zhun's suggestion.

Kou Zhun was a man who dared to act boldly and act decisively, and with the consent of Song Zhenzong, he immediately approached Yang Yi, a scholar of Hanlin, and ordered Yang Yi to secretly draft an edict for the crown prince to supervise the country, and at the same time promised Yang Yi that once the matter was completed, Yang Yi would replace Ding Yi and become deputy prime minister.

The big thing was decided, and Kou Zhun was very happy and went home to drink with the guests. However, Kou Zhun was also a person who did great things without being informal, and was good at drinking, and when the wine was hot, Kou Zhun actually revealed the news -- there are also records that Yang Yi went home to draft the edict, which was seen by his wife and brother Zhang Yan, who drank with people after watching it, and even bragged to people, saying that his brother-in-law Yang Yi would soon become the deputy prime minister and that he would also become a high official.

When such a big news came out, it immediately reached Ding Shu's ears as fast as a wind. Ding Yu realized that a great danger was coming, and quickly took action to counteract.

When such a big news came out, it immediately reached Ding Shu's ears as fast as a wind. Ding Yu realized that a great danger was coming, and quickly took action to counteract. On the night of learning the news, Ding Zhi immediately put on the clothes of ordinary people, sat in an ox cart that did not attract attention, and found Qian Wei, a privy councillor who was also called a "villain" by Kou Zhun.

The reason why Ding Shu looked for Qian Weiyan was because he and Qian Weiyan, Liu E, and Liu E's ex-husband Gong Mei had already formed a small group with a small number of people but extremely political strength through their relatives.

Many years ago, Liu E's ex-husband Gong Mei was forced by life to sell Liu E to Song Zhenzong, who had not yet become emperor at that time, Liu E did not complain about it, but because she did not have any relatives in the capital, she was alone, so she asked Gong Mei to change her surname to Liu Mei, named Liu Mei, and recognized him as her brother, at this time she was already the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army's "GuardIng Ma Junsi" and the supreme military judge "Du Yuhou", who was actually in charge of the military affairs of the division, and Qian Weiyan, who was a descendant of Qian Qi, the king of Wuyue, and who was in a high position as a privy councillor, in order to close the relationship with "Liu Mei" and Liu E. He actually married his sister to "Liu Mei", so that "Liu Mei" became his brother-in-law, and at the same time, he let his son marry Ding Zhi's daughter and became a child's family with Ding Zhi!

Ding Yu quietly came to Qian Wei's house, and after discussing with Qian Wei's performance, the two immediately entered the palace and entered Liu E. Liu E was furious when she heard the two people's reports: a while ago, Kou Zhun had just done something that annoyed her. Wang Meng, the father-in-law of one of his "brothers" Liu Mei's sons, was working as an official in Qiongzhou (邛州, in modern Qionglai, Sichuan), and the local official ya reported it to Zhongshu Province, where Wang Meng was occupying Yanjing and cutting off his life's path. During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, he was an upright empress, and Kou Zhun was still like this, if the crown prince oversaw the country and Song Zhenzong became the powerless emperor, what would be the result of his own family, including himself?

Liu E got up to see Song Zhenzong, and when she saw Song Zhenzong, she said directly: The official family's throne is about to be lost! Kou Zhun let the crown prince supervise the country, saying that it was for the sake of the official family and the good of the world, but in his heart he wanted to take power himself, and let the official family and the prince be his puppets!

Song Zhenzong, who was deeply ill, listened to Liu E's words and immediately forgot that letting the crown prince supervise the state was his own proposal first, and Kou Zhun only "followed up", and decided according to Liu E's will: depose Kou Zhun and implement it immediately.

On the ninth day of the fourth year of the Tianxi Dynasty (1020), Kou Zhun resigned, but was given the title of "Duke of Lai" and remained in the capital Kaifeng.

At the beginning of the first year of Qianxing (1022), Ding Zhi became prime minister, and in February he encouraged Song Zhenzong to once again belittled Kou Zhun and exiled Kou Zhun to Lei Prefecture (leizhou, in modern Haikang, Guangdong), thousands of miles away, where he served as the "Sihu to join the army" of the official Rank Zheng Qipin. More than a year later, Kou Zhun died of illness in Leizhou in September of the first year of Emperor Renzong of Song 's reign (1023) at the age of 63.

After expelling Kou Zhun from the court, the chancellor who wanted to replace him and become the "head of the hundred officials" was unable to do so, and Emperor Zhenzong of Song appointed Li Di, the crown prince and later the teacher of Emperor Renzong of Song, as his chancellor. Later, Ding Yu and Li Di fought, and Ding Yu used a ruse to drive Li Di out of the court and promoted him to prime minister.

In February of the first year of Qianxing (1022), Emperor Zhenzong of Song died. According to the custom of the Song Dynasty, the tomb was repaired for the previous emperor, and the prime minister at the time was the "tomb repair envoy" who presided over the construction project, which was a position with extremely high honor and high status in the dynasty. Prime Minister Ding Zhi did not give in, took up this post, and organized courtiers to study and decide that Zhenzong's mausoleum should be built on the side of the mausoleums of Song Taizu and Taizong in Yong'an County (present-day Zhitian Town, southwest of Gongyi, Henan), and the construction of the mausoleum would be completed in July of that year.

After the matter was settled, Lei Yungong, one of the eunuch leaders and "entered the inner inner service province to serve the province", asked Empress Dowager Liu E to "serve Lingshang". In order to consolidate his power, Ding Yu secretly befriended Lei Yungong, and at the beginning of Empress Dowager Liu E's coming to power, all confidential matters were allowed by Lei Yungong to convey the forbidden, and Lei Yungong's power was flaming, running rampant in the palace and the foreign dynasty, and even Ding Yu was "virtuous" and was very grateful to him. Liu E did not agree with Lei Yungong's participation in the repair of the tomb, and said to Lei Yungong: "I am worried that you are acting rashly, I am afraid that I will harm you!" Lei Yungong wept bitterly and begged, so Liu E appointed him as the "Governor of Shanling" to supervise the construction.

After receiving the order, Lei Yungong rode quickly to the Xiuling construction site. Xing Zhonghe, the chief of the "Si Tiantai" (司天台), the chief of the central institution in charge of observing and recording astronomical meteorology and formulating the calendar, said to him: "The hundred steps above the mausoleum are beneficial to future generations according to the method of feng shui and land selection, and are very similar to the tomb of Zhao Tingmei, the King of Qin in Ruzhou (ruzhou, henan). Lei Yungong said, "Then why not move there?" Xing Zhonghe said, "I'm afraid there are stones and water in the ground." Lei Yungong said, "The former emperor has no other sons, if the place you are talking about is really similar to the tomb of the King of Qin, which is beneficial to the present, why not?" Xing Zhonghe said: "The construction of the mausoleum is a major matter, and it will take a month to inspect and examine, and I am afraid that the construction period in July will be delayed!" Lei Yungong said, "You immediately move the site to the top, and I will ride into the palace and play the empress dowager as soon as possible." Lei Yungong has always had a high status and acted arrogantly, and people never dared to disobey him, and after Xing Zhonghe listened, he quickly dug up a new site according to Lei Yungong's arrangement.

Lei Yungong entered the palace to report to Liu E on the relocation, and Liu E said: "This is a big thing, how can it be changed so easily?" Lei Yungong said, "If this can benefit the former emperor for his descendants, what is there to pity about changing places, and why not?" Liu E did not take Lei Yungong's statement seriously, and said to Lei Yungong: "You should go out first and discuss with the envoy of the mountain tomb." ”

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

Liu E

Lei Yungong found the "mountain ambassador" Ding Zhi and told Ding Zhi about the incident, and Ding Yu just hmmm ah ah, did not express an opinion. Lei Yungong returned to the palace to report to Liu E: "The mountain ambassador has no objections. Ding Zhi also did not disagree. Liu E didn't say anything more.

However, Lei Yungong presided over the excavation of the grave at the new site, and sure enough, as Xing Zhonghe said, a stone was dug deep underground, and the stone was dug up, and water came out again. Another eunuch, Mao Changda, who was involved in the restoration of the mausoleum, returned to the palace from the construction site and reported to Liu E that there had been an accident at the new site of the tomb of Emperor Zhenzong of Song. Liu E's edict asked Ding Zhi about the situation, and Ding Yu asked Liu E to send someone to check it out at this time. Soon, everyone said that the old site should still be used, and Liu E issued an edict, ordering the chancellor Feng Zheng and the privy councillor Cao Yu to discuss a solution with Ding Zhi, and the deputy prime minister Wang Zeng investigated the case again. Wang Zeng quickly found out the facts, Liu E issued an edict, holding Lei Yungong and Xing Zhonghe accountable, and then found out that Lei Yungong had stolen the golden treasure in the palace, and in June, Lei Yungong was "killed by a staff", that is, beaten to death with sticks, confiscated family property, and all his family members were assigned to Chenzhou, under residential surveillance, xingzhong and exiled Dengzhou (in present-day Penglai, Shandong) Shamen Island (present-day Changdao, also known as the Temple Islands).

Naturally, the responsibility should also be held accountable to ding zhi, the "mountain ambassador". Ding Zhi had a clear understanding of his responsibilities in the incident and what kind of consequences he would face once he was investigated, and in the face of Liu E and a group of colleagues, he tried his best to defend himself, intending to separate himself from Lei Yungong and clear his responsibilities. Liu E said to Feng Zheng, Cao Yu, and other courtiers: "Ding Shu is a Zaifu, but he communicates with eunuchs. Then he ordered the people to take out the letters of Ding Zhi asking Torre Yungong to show the gold wine utensils made by the craftsmen in the palace for the courtiers to see, and then took out the letters of Lei Yungong to Ding Zhi requesting "Guan Gou" to directly accept the emperor's command of the secret service agencies "Imperial City Division" and the "Ya Division" of the Third Division, and let the ministers examine them, saying: "Ding Zhi used to collude with Lei Yungong to play things, saying that they had agreed with the secretary of state, so the things they reported were approved; to build the tomb of the former emperor, they actually moved the site without authorization, almost missing the big thing." Feng Zheng and others echoed: "Since the former emperor Ascended immortals, political affairs have been conspired with Lei Yungongtong, pretending to get the will from the forbidden, the ministers and so on can not distinguish between falsehood, fortunately relying on the empress dowager's holy spirit, clearly detecting his adultery, the blessing of this clan society!" Liu E and the ministers finally agreed to remove Ding Zhi from the post of prime minister, demote him to the post of prince Shaobao, and work in the Left Guard Department of Luoyang, Xijing.

However, it was obviously not enough to demote Ding Shu to Luoyang and also hold such a high-ranking honorary title as Prince Shaobao. Soon after Ding Shu was degraded, Liu Demiao, a female Taoist priest who colluded with him and Lei Yungong to confuse the harem, was arrested and handed over to the eunuch for interrogation. Liu Demiao confessed that she had met Ding Shu because of her work for Ding Zhi's family, and Ding Shu had pointed out to her: "What you are doing is nothing more than a witch's thing, it is better to say that you are too old and old, and that the misfortunes of people are enough to impress people." So Liu Demiao set up a statue of a god in Ding Zhi's home, and set up a dojo in the garden of Ding Zhi's home at night, and Lei Yungong came here several times to pray and pray. When Emperor Zhenzong of Song died, Lei Yungong also led Liu Demiao into the forbidden place to do illegal things. Building a mausoleum for Emperor Zhenzong of Song and digging up a turtle and snake in the underground palace, Ding Zhi ordered Liu Demiao to take it to the palace, pretending to be from his family's cave: "If the emperor asks you how do you know that the immortal you worship is Taishang Laojun, you say' Xianggong is an extraordinary person, and you should know it." Ding Zhi also wrote a "Ode" text, entitled "Emperor Chaoyuan Gave Virtue and Magic", and the words were not born. For this reason, Ding Yu was demoted again, and he joined the army as the commander of Ya Prefecture (崖州, in modern Sanya, Hainan). After more than 3 years in Yazhou, Ding Shu moved to Leizhou for more than 5 years, then to Daozhou for nearly 4 years and Gwangju for about 3 years, and died in Gwangju in The leap month of the fourth year (1037) of Song Renzong Jingyou, at the age of 72, and was later buried in his hometown of Xihua Mountain in Suzhou City.

Second, Li Di

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

Li Di

Li Di (971-1047), the character retro, the History of Song, vol. 310, Liechuan No. 69 has been passed down.

According to the Biography of the History of song, the Li Di family lived in Zhao County (赵郡, in modern Zhao County, Hebei) and later moved to Youzhou (in present-day Beijing). During the Five Dynasties period, Li Di's great-grandfather Li Zaiqin moved to Puzhou (濮州, in modern Juancheng, Shandong) to escape the chaos of war.

Li Di was thick and steady, talented and learned, and once brought his own article to meet Liu Kai, a famous scholar in the early Song Dynasty, and Liu Kai was very surprised to see it, saying that Li Di was a "public auxiliary material" and could be the prime minister.

In the second year of Song Zhenzong Jingde (1005), the 35-year-old Li Di took the imperial examination and won the "first place in the first division", that is, he won the "Champion". After passing the examination, Li Di was appointed "will be a supervisor", and was actually appointed as a general judge in Xuzhou (徐州, in present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu) and a general judge in Yanzhou (in present-day Yanzhou, Shandong). After his term of office in Yanzhou expired, Li Di was summoned to the imperial court and appointed as the secretary of the "Guan Cabinet" in the position of Qing Dynasty, the provincial writer Lang and Zhishiguan, and actually served as the official "Salt and Iron Judge" of the "Salt and Iron Department" of the "Three Divisions" of the state's highest financial institution.

In the first year of the reign of Emperor Dazhongxiang (1008), Emperor Zhenzong of Song went to Mount Taishan to seal Zen, and Li Di was appointed as the General Judge of Yanzhou again to provide services for the sealing of Zen activities. Subsequently, due to the improper conduct of the Kaifeng Government, he was demoted to "Jianhai Prefecture (監海州, in modern Lianyungang, Jiangsu)", that is, an official who was omitted from the current head of the tax bureau, and later became a senior advisor "Right Counselor", and was actually appointed as the Governor of Yun Prefecture (郓州, in modern Dongping, Shandong).

After serving in Yun Prefecture for a period of time, Li Di was again summoned to the court, ordered to picket prison cases, promoted to the position of "living in the house" of officials who accompanied the emperor and recorded his words and deeds, during which he was appointed to "appease" that is, to comfort the disaster-stricken Jiangzhou (in present-day Jiujiang, Jiangxi) and Huaizhou (in present-day Huaikou Town, Jintang County, Sichuan), and later promoted to "Shang Shu Official's Outer Lang", and actually served as the deputy chief of the "Three Divisions" Salt and Iron Department "Salt and Iron Deputy Envoy", and then promoted to the emperor's literary secretary "Zhi Zhi Zhen".

In the first month of the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Dazhongxiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of Song went to the Taiqing Palace in Bozhou (bozhou, anhui) to worship the Taoist ancestor Lao Tzu, and before his departure appointed Li Di as the judge of the "Tokyo Left-behind Division". However, Emperor Zhenzong of Song had always known that thieves were rampant in Bozhou, and he transferred Li Di to Bozhou Zhizhou to provide a guarantee for the sacrifice activities. After Li Di arrived at his post, he made a secret visit to discover the thief's stronghold, sent warriors to arrest him, and beheaded him for public display. Later, Li Di returned to Beijing, coinciding with the powerful forces of Li Lizun, the Tubo leader of the Hehuang region (in the triangle between the Yellow River and the Huangshui River, located in the eastern part of present-day Qinghai Province), and Song Zhenzong, worried about the situation in Guanzhong, summoned Li Di at the "Changchun Temple", promoted Li Di to the position of Right Counselor, a scholar of the Jixian Academy, and was actually appointed to the yongxing army (in present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi). At that time, there were many idle people in the Yongxing Military City, who often violated the law, and after Li Di played Song Zhenzong, he captured his leader and sent him to the capital for disposal by the imperial court. Subsequently, Li Di was promoted to the position of "Shaanxi Ludu Transit Envoy" who was responsible for transporting money and grain to the capital and supervising local officials, and the "Road" of the Song Dynasty was slightly equivalent to the present-day "Province", and the "Capital Transit Envoy" was equivalent to the highest administrator of the "Road". Later, Li Di returned to the dynasty and served as the emperor's senior literary secretary Hanlin Bachelor.

During this period, Li Di had returned home on holidays to his relatives, and suddenly received an edict informing him that Emperor Zhenzong of Song would summon him at the Inner East Gate of the Imperial Palace to consult on government affairs. Li Di hurried back to Beijing, and when he saw Li Di's arrival, Song Zhenzong showed Li Di the annual income and expenditure accounts of the imperial court reported by Ma Yuanfang, the chief of the "Three Divisions," and said that insect plagues and droughts had occurred in many places, and asked Li Di what methods were used to recover losses and relieve the disaster areas. After hearing this, Li Di asked Song Zhenzong to take out the money and materials stored in the "inner treasury" to help the country's urgent needs, and then reduce the tax collection, so that the people would not feel troubled and labored. The "inner treasury" is the emperor's private treasury, and the money hidden is the emperor's private property. Song Zhenzong said: "Shuo plans to let Li Shiheng succeed Ma Yuanfang, and when Li Shiheng arrives, he will take out money and millions of horses and lend them to the Three Divisions for use." Li Di said: "There is no distinction between the property of the Son of Heaven and the son of heaven, and I hope that His Majesty will issue an edict and give money and money to the Three Divisions to show His Majesty's kindness. Song Zhenzong was very happy after hearing this. Li Di also said: "When His Majesty sealed Mount Taishan in the east, he issued an edict requiring that no trees should be cut down for the clearing of roads in the places where they passed, and that the post house or the official office of the state administration be used as a palace, and that no others be built, and that only simple modifications should be sent to rest. To patrol Fenzhou (隰州, in modern Shanxi), Bozhou, civil engineering labor, more than a hundred times in previous years, and now the plague of insect drought is probably a will from heaven to warn His Majesty. Song Zhenzong thought it was right.

In the ninth year of Dazhongxiangfu (1016), the Tubo chief Li Lizun declared that he was preparing to lead an army of more than 30,000 people to invade the Song Dynasty, and rumors were immediately spread on the northwest frontier of the Song Dynasty, and the situation was tense, when the northwest military commander, Qin Prefecture (in present-day Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu), Zhizhou and Border Capital Inspector, jingyuan Road (Zhijing Prefecture, present-day northern Jingchuan, Gansu), Yizhou (in present-day Huating, Gansu), Weizhou (in present-day southeastern Longxi, Gansu), and ZhenrongJun (in present-day Guyuan, Ningxia) sent Cao Wei to the imperial court to request that more troops be strengthened. After receiving the report, Song Zhenzong thought that Cao Wei was timid and prepared to send someone to replace him and behead him. Li Dili Chen Cao Wei had courage and strategy, was a loyal and good general, and he would be able to play a victory at the border, and Song Zhenzong only gave up. In September of that year, Cao Wei broke Li Li's subordinate department in the "Sandu Valley".

In the second year of the Tianxi Dynasty (1018), Emperor Zhenzong of Song made emperor Zhao Hui the crown prince, and because of his own illness, he once said that he would let the crown prince oversee the country, which triggered a political dispute between the chancellor Kou Zhun and the traitorous minister Ding Shu and others, Ding Zhi framed Kou Zhun, Kou Zhun was deposed, Song Zhenzong wanted to appoint Li Di as the chancellor, but Li Dijian resigned, and later at the request of the crown prince, he was appointed as a bureaucrat and a young prince, and Tong Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, that is, the prime minister. Dante was called a dictatorship, excluding dissent, and dumping Li Di, who was deposed and appointed as the governor of Yun Prefecture, and was almost persecuted to death.

In February of the first year of Qianxing (1022), Emperor Zhenzong of Song died and was succeeded by Emperor Renzong of Song. In July, Ding Shu was demoted to the post of Governor of Ya prefecture (崖州, in present-day Yazhou District, Sanya, Hainan), and Li Di was appointed as the chief of the state library "Secretary Province" (Secretary Supervisor), and was actually appointed as the governor of Shu Prefecture (蜀州, in modern Shuzhou, Anhui), and later served as the governor of Jiangning Prefecture (江宁府, in present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu), the governor of Yanzhou and Qingzhou (in present-day Qingzhou, Shandong), and the prefect of Bingbu Shilang (兵部侍郎) and the prefect of Henan Prefecture (河南府, in present-day Luoyang, Henan).

Later, li di entered the capital to pay respects to empress dowager Liu E and Song Renzong, who were listening to the government, and Liu E said to Li Di behind the curtain: "Qing has always not wanted me to participate in state affairs, I am afraid it is a mistake. Now that I have raised the Son of Heaven to adulthood and ascend to the throne, what do you think? Li Di replied, "The subject has received the kindness of the former emperor, and now that he sees that the Son of Heaven is wise and understands things, the subject does not know the great virtue of the empress dowager, and has reached such a point!" "Liu E is very happy. Subsequently, Li Di was later promoted to the prefect of Heyang Province (河陽府, in modern Mengxian County, Henan) with the official post of "Shangshu Zuocheng", and then promoted to the official position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Works.

In the second year of Emperor Renzong of Song (1033), Liu E died, and Emperor Renzong of Song pro-government, re-enlisted Li Di as a senior scholar of the Imperial Palace, "Sentencing ShangshuDu Province". Soon, Li Di was reinstated as Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi and Jixiandian University Scholar, that is, prime minister.

During the reign of Emperor Jingyou of Song (1034-1037), Li Di was ostracized and framed by the chancellor Lü Yijian and deposed as Shangshu of the Punishment Department and Zhizhou of Bozhou, and later changed to Zhizhou of Xiang prefecture (相州, in modern Anyang, Henan), and soon returned to Beijing to serve as a scholar of the Senior Government Hall and a scholar of Hanlin. Li Di had always hated Lü Yijian, and after returning to Beijing, he went to Song Renzong, impeached Lü Yijian for personally befriending Zhao Yuanyu the King of Jing, and once hired his disciple Huiqing as a "Shou Que Jianyi", and Song Renzong ordered Lü Yijian to interrogate Lü Yijian, but Lü Yijian successfully countersued, and Li Di was demoted to Tai changqing and Zhizhou (知州, in modern Zhucheng, Shandong), and was reappointed to Xuzhou Zhizhou as a Shangshu official of the Punishment Department. During his tenure in Xuzhou, Li Di played Song Renzong, saying that his place was close to Yanzhou, hoping to tour the prefecture and county, and by the way, he sacrificed Taishan and prayed for Song Renzong to survive the crown prince and a good year. Song Renzong said to the "auxiliary minister", that is, the minister Zaifu: "The minister should visit the suffering of the people, pray that it is not suitable for Li Di, and do not let him go." Subsequently, Li Di was reappointed to The Prefecture of Yanzhou as an official of hubu shangshu, and was also awarded the title of Senior Scholar of the Imperial Palace.

In the first month of the first year of Song Kangding (1040), Li Yuanhao of western Xia invaded the Song Dynasty's Yanzhou (延州, in modern Yan'an, Shaanxi), and the Song army suffered heavy losses, So Li Di volunteered to go to the northwest "Shubian", and Song Renzong "did not allow it", and promoted him to the post of envoy of the Zhangxin Army (治曹州, in modern Heze, Shandong), and was actually appointed as the Zhijun of the Tianxiong Army (in present-day Daming, Hebei), and later transferred to Qingzhou Zhizhou. The following year, Li Di asked to return to his hometown, and Song Renzong approved him to retire as "Prince Taifu", and Li Di returned to his hometown in Puzhou. Later, Li Di's son Li Kamzhi served as an official of the state's highest supervision agency, Yu Shitai, "serving Yu Shi Zhi And Miscellaneous Affairs", and took Li Di to the capital kaifeng, and Song Renzong sent emissaries to comfort him many times and wanted to summon him, but Li Di resigned because he was ill.

On the tenth day of october in the seventh year of the Qing calendar (1047), Li Di died of illness at home at the age of 77. The imperial court gave him the honorary title of "Sikong and Shizhong" with the nickname "Wending", and Song Renzong personally inscribed his tombstone as "Monument of The Straight", and changed the name of Deng Hou Township where he was buried to "Zhizhi Township".

Later generations spoke highly of Li Di, and Zhang Fangping, a Song dynasty man, said that Li Di was "indignant and agitated, and he was determined to eliminate evil." The author of the "History of Song" said, "When Fang Renzong was first established, Zhang Xian came to the dynasty, and he was quite intimidated by his talents, and there would be a danger of despotism." Di and Zeng Zhengse were alarmist, and they could make eunuchs close to each other and dare not spy on them; And Renzong Junde Ri, Zhang Xian also has the full name, the ancients called shejichen, Yu Sizhi. ”

Third, Li Di was squeezed out and dumped by Ding Zhi

In June and July of the fifth year (1021) of Emperor Zhenzong of Song's reign, Kou Zhun resigned. On the eighth day of the first month of August, Emperor Zhenzong of Song was ill and summoned the ministers to discuss who would be the prime minister, and publicly proposed that Li Di, a guest of the crown prince and a counselor and governor, should serve as the prime minister. Li Di was well aware of the political situation at that time and resolutely resigned. The crown prince guest was an official of the crown prince's palace, slightly equivalent to the prince's teacher, and just when Li Di pushed him, Zhao Zhen, who was only 11 years old at the time and had a good feeling for Li Di, suddenly stood up, gave a deep salute to Song Zhenzong, and said to Song Zhenzong: "Thank you Father Emperor, let Li Guest be the prime minister!" Song Zhenzong smiled and said to Li Di, "The crown prince has said this, do you still want to resign?" ”

Li Di resigned, but had to become the prime minister. However, Kou Zhun, who had deep seniority, great merit, high prestige, and a tough personality, was deeply trusted by Emperor Zhenzong of Song, and was squeezed out of the imperial court by Liu E, Ding Zhi, and others, and although Li Di was appointed as prime minister, the power of the government still fell into the hands of Ding Zhi and others, and Ding Zhun, who wanted to be promoted to prime minister after squeezing out Kou Zhun, was even more jealous of Li Di.

In the same month, the eunuch Zhou Huaizheng, who was deeply trusted by Emperor Zhenzong of Song, launched a coup d'état with the intention of deposing Emperor Zhenzong of Song, making Emperor Zhenzong of Song the Emperor and crown prince Zhao Zhen emperor, but was soon pacified. Song Zhenzong was already seriously ill, and after the two coups d'état launched by the crown prince and Zhou Huaizheng, his illness was even more serious, and he seemed to have mental symptoms. Shortly after the coup d'état of Zhou Huai, one day Song Zhenzong was discussing with his courtiers, and suddenly said headlessly: "Last night the empress called everyone away, leaving only Shuo alone!" ”

The courtiers were stunned after hearing this: First, this is a matter of the harem, who can determine whether it is true or false? Second, song Zhenzong's condition everyone knows, if there is indeed such a thing, how great a sin Liu E will be, and how should it be dealt with?

After a period of silence, Prime Minister Li Di said, "Your Majesty, if there is such a thing, can it be handled according to law?" ”

Who knew that song Zhenzong's next words were: "Oh, there is no such thing." ”

After some time, also in the courtroom, Song Zhenzong suddenly said, "I want to abolish the prince!" ”

The courtiers were even more frightened and did not dare to speak out: Did Song Zhenzong become jealous of the prince because of the coup d'état of Zhou Huai, and wanted to take revenge?

In the silence, Li Di stood up again. As a "guest of the crown prince", the prince's mentor and friend, and under the proposal of Song Zhenzong and the strong persuasion of the prince, he should protect the prince no matter what, and moreover, the prince supervised the country, it was Song Zhenzong himself who proposed, only then did Zhou Huaizheng solicit Kou Zhun's approval, and then because Kou Zhun proposed to depose Ding Zhi and Qian Weiyan, which triggered Ding Zhi and Qian Weiyan to unite with Empress Liu E to counteract, Kou Zhun was degraded, which led to Zhou Huaizheng's desperate risks and launched a coup, what happened to the prince here? What's more, Song Zhenzong only had one son, the crown prince, and once the prince was deposed, who would be made the crown prince? The storm this will cause is probably bigger than that of the prince overseeing the country!

Li Di couldn't help but question Song Zhenzong: "How many sons does Your Majesty have?" There was such an idea! ”

If he was slapped in the head, Song Zhenzong, who seemed to be crazy, woke up for a while, and not only did not mention the matter of abolishing the prince, but instead arranged for the prince to "listen to the government."

In November, Emperor Zhenzong of Song summoned the ministers of the imperial court at the Chengming Palace and formally issued an edict: from now on, the prince listens to the government in the main hall, the empress makes detailed decisions in the palace, and the daily administrative affairs are handled by the prince and the empress, and only the major affairs that really require the emperor's decision are reported to the emperor and decided by the emperor.

The ministers agreed to the implementation and suggested that the relevant officials of the Government Affairs Hall, the Privy Council", the "two houses", the deputy prime minister, the privy councillor, the privy councillor, and other relevant officials should concurrently hold the post of "East Palace" of the Prince's Palace and assist the prince as subordinate officials of the "East Palace". Emperor Zhenzong of Song approved the courtier's proposal.

However, "the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping". On the same day, the monarch agreed that the list of subordinate officials of the Eastern Palace would be prepared by the deputy prime minister Ding Zhi, who actually did something in it.

The list drawn up by Ding Shu was mainly as follows: Ding Shu, Shengmen Shilang and Prince Shaoshi; Li Di, Zhongshu Shilang and Zuo Cheng, and then Prince Shaofu; Qian Weiyan, Cao Yong, Feng Zheng, Wang Zeng, Yan Shu, and other officials each had their own positions; and after the list had already reported to Song Zhenzong and copied Li Di and other officials, they added three envoys, one of the "five ghosts", Lin Tesheng's privy councillor, and prince guest.

Li Di and Ding Zhi: A typical case of a gentleman fighting a villain

In this list, there are two seemingly inconspicuous, but deeply hidden and extremely important issues: Li Di is currently the prime minister, but according to Ding Shu's arrangement, his position in the Eastern Palace is below Ding Zhi; Lint is Ding Shu's party, and after being promoted to deputy envoy of the Privy Council, he becomes the "two governments" and participates in the government affairs.

More importantly, Li Di knew that Ding Shu, Qian Weiyan, Lint and others were indeed pure villains as Kou Zhun said, otherwise he would not have been expelled from the court when Kou Zhun was expelled from the court and Song Zhenzong proposed that he be appointed as prime minister, and he repeatedly resigned, unwilling to work with Ding Shu and others without the upright and powerful Kou Zhun. If Emperor Zhenzong of Song agreed to this list, what would happen to the imperial court and the country if the government was controlled by these people? Can the position of prince be secured?

Li Di resolutely disagreed with Ding Zhi's proposed list, especially pointing out that the promotion of Ding Zhi took the opportunity to promote Lint, and the two quarreled in the government affairs hall. Li Di was so angry that he grabbed the wat board and wanted to beat Ding Zhi. Ding Zhi saw the situation, was in a hurry, and turned to meet Song Zhenzong, wanting to cross Li Di and report directly to Song Zhenzong.

Song Zhenzong was in the "Changchun Hall" of the side hall, Ding Zhi's front foot had just arrived, and Li Di's back foot had followed. Unaware of the quarrel between the two, Song Zhenzong took out the list that Ding Zhi had drawn up and said to Li Di, "This is the appointment letter of Qing and other officials of the Eastern Palace. ”

When Li Di heard that Song Zhenzong had indeed agreed to Ding's proposed list, the anger in his chest erupted violently because of Kou Zhun's demotion and the almost deposed crown prince. He angrily said to Song Zhenzong and Qian Weiyan, Feng Zheng, Cao Yong, Wang Zeng, and others who had arrived later: "Ding Zhi is a dictatorship without authorization, cheating and deceiving the upper and lower levels, and trying to form friends with Lint, Qian Weiyan, and others, and is jealous of Kou Zhun. Lint's son killed people with impunity, Kou Zhun was not guilty and was denigrated, Qian Weiyan interfered in the government by nepotism, and Cao Yu and Feng Zheng formed a party for personal gain, and the root cause of the curse was Ding Zhi. I am willing to resign at the same time as Ding Shu and hand over to Yu Shitai for impeachment and refutation! ”

Emperor Zhenzong of Song was blackmailed by Ding Di in the list of subordinate officials of the proposed Eastern Palace, and even more angry at Li Di's "roaring court", he drove Li Di and Ding Shu out of the Changchun Palace, leaving other ministers to discuss a solution.

As a result of the deliberations between the monarchs and the courtiers, Li Di and Ding Zhi were each demoted to one rank, deposed the chancellor, left the court, and went to the local area, where Li Di was appointed as the prefect of Yun Prefecture (郓州, in modern Dongping, Shandong), and Ding Di was appointed as the prefect of Henan Prefecture (河南府, in modern Luoyang, Henan).

Li Di was honest and honest, and seeing that the purpose of expelling Ding Zhi from the court had been achieved, he immediately set off for Yun Prefecture.

Dante did not go. The next day, he "resigned" to Song Zhenzong at the Qianjin Palace in Henan Province. Song Zhenzong asked him why he was arguing with Li Di. Ding Zhi replied: "It is not the minister who dares to argue with Li Di, it is Li Di who is angry and scolds the minister." The minister was willing to stay. ”

Song Zhenzong nodded after hearing this, and ordered the eunuchs around him to give Ding Zhi a seat.

But when the eunuch moved to his seat, Ding Zhi said, "Your Majesty has his own will, and he will return to the peace!" ”

But Song Zhenzong only gave him a "seat" and did not say that he would be reinstated as prime minister? But the important thing is that Song Zhenzong did not deny it! Ding Yu sat for a while, quickly got up, went to the government affairs hall, announced that he had been reinstated, and then, the eunuchs around Song Zhenzong arrived and announced the edict: Ding Zhi ren Shangshu left servant shooting, door attendant, Ping Zhangshi and prince young master, not only reinstated as prime minister, but also the prime minister!

Li Di not only wanted to die with Ding Shu, but his wish to protect the prince was ultimately not realized, and after arriving in Yun Prefecture, he was almost forced to die by Ding Shu.

Less than half a year after Li Di's arrival in Yun Prefecture, Song Zhenzong died, and Ding Yu demoted Li Di to the post of deputy envoy to Hengzhou (衡州, in modern Hengyang, Hunan), and sent his close associate Wang Zhongxuan to Hengzhou. Wang Zhongxuan went to Yun Prefecture and summoned the following officials, but he did not see Li Di alone. Li Di "panicked and committed suicide", panicked and scared to want to commit suicide, "people can be saved", and Wang Zhongxuan "insulted and coerced Li Di, everything", some people saw Li Di, they registered the names of the people in the future, some people gave Li Di food, Wang Zhongxuan withheld the food, put it rotten and smelly and did not give it to Li Di. Li Di's protégé Deng Yu couldn't bear it anymore and angrily said to Wang Zhongxuan, "Does the boy want to kill my father-in-law in order to flatter Ding Zhi?" Deng Yu is not afraid of death, if you kill my father, I will kill you! From then on, Deng Yu followed Li Di and did not leave until he reached Hengzhou, and Wang Zhongxuan was quite jealous of Deng Yu, and Li Di was able to save his life.

People often say, "A gentleman can't fight a villain", and the dispute between Li Di and Ding Zhi is like this. Because "a gentleman does something and does not do something", the man has his own rules and bottom line, and the villain does everything in order to achieve the goal, in the era of imperial power, as long as the villain has gained the trust of the emperor, where can the gentleman fight the villain?

References: "History of Song • Zhenzong Benji", "Biography of Ding Zhi", "Biography of Li Di", Song Sima Guang,"Notes on Shuishui"

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