
Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

author:The Paper

In the early morning of January 24, 1938, there was a knock on The Door of Admiral Han The deputy commander of the 5th Theater, commander-in-chief of the 3rd Army, and chairman of Shandong Province has lost his freedom for more than ten days since he was detained for attending the military conference in Kaifeng. Since he was transferred to Wuhan, he has been locked up in a small building opposite the Wuchang camp of the Central Military Commission, and he has no idea what happened outside.

The visitor claimed that He Yingqin, minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, had asked for it. Han Fuyu then stepped out of the door and walked down the stairs. Suddenly, several gunshots rang out, and Han was shot in the chest and fell to the ground and died. It turned out that for more than ten days, the Military Commission had been conducting a high-level military law trial of Han Fuyu, and the verdict was made the day before yesterday: Han Fuyu "gave up Jinan and the key places it should defend without reason, caused heavy military losses, was sentenced to death, and stripped of public power for life." He Yingqin was the presiding judge of the case.

Han Fuyu, who had been in Shandong for more than seven years and was also a general of the Northwest Army, was executed for avoiding war this time, shocking some local power factions that had illusions about the War of Resistance Against Japan. Even the veteran governor Feng Yuxiang talked about this matter, and also said that the execution of Han Fuyu "gave great vigilance to the generals who were unfavorable to the war, so that the government could not be spared if the law enforcement was like a rope." Including Han Fuyu's generals Sun Tongxuan and Cao Fulin, generals at all levels expressed their attitude that they would take this as a warning and fight hard to resist the enemy. Chiang Kai-shek made up his mind to execute Han Fuyu and achieved the desired results.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Han Fuyu

Execution of the General: A human head, a hidden affair

Han Fuyu was not the first general to be enforced military law during the War of Resistance. On the night of October 2, 1937, Li Fuyi, a general of the Jin Sui Army and a lieutenant general of the 61st Army, was shot at the Taiyuan Grand Teaching Ground execution ground for the crime of "escaping from the battlefield" and abandoning Tianzhen. On October 30, Gao Yangru, a general of the Gui Army and brigadier general of the 513th Brigade of the 171st Division, was also shot for escaping from the battlefield in Songhu.

According to the author's incomplete statistics, 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression for violating military law. Among them, there are 1 general, 14 lieutenant generals and 12 major generals. Among the 27 generals, a total of 11, including Han Fuyu and Li Fuyi, were investigated for military responsibility for losing battle and losing positions, and other crimes of unauthorized and abusive duties; another 6 were charged with "embezzlement and smuggling," 4 were accused of "defecting to the enemy" and "plotting rebellion," and the remaining 6 were classified as general criminal crimes such as sabotaging the War of Resistance, dereliction of duty, and even buying murder.

The military trial and execution of the generals have a great influence on the discipline and excitement of the generals, but most of the generals who were executed still complain about their grievances, and some of the reasons for their execution are even completely different from the public judgments.

For example, Li Fuyi died in the "escape from the front", but he ordered the troops to retreat after completing the defensive time set by the commander of the 2nd Theater commander's headquarters in Tianzhen. As a result, Li's subordinates were indignant, believing that this was the scapegoat that Yan Xishan had sought for the defeat of the command. It is said that after Yan Xishan, who personally served as the chief judge, shot Li Fuyi, he also ordered the Political Department of the 2nd Theater to compile a drama of "shooting Li Fuyi." Unexpectedly, when the stage was staged, Ni Baotian, the platoon leader of the Li Department, jumped on the stage and took off his shirt, shouting loudly, "You see, Lao Tzu does not resist, how did this body come from with knife and gun wounds everywhere?" Was it a dog bite? Our 400 regiment casualties alone are eight or nine hundred, who fought that? "It caused an uproar among the officers and soldiers present, and forced the repertory theater to apologize on the spot." After Yan Xishan learned of this, he would not let him perform this play again. Whether it was Yan Xishan's conscious loss or other reasons is unknown.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Lee obeyed

This is true not only of generals who have died of military responsibility, but also of generals who have died of other charges. On August 20, 1940, Ouyang Ge, the chief of education of Lieutenant General of the Electric Thunder School, was executed by firing squad in Chongqing, becoming the only admiral to be shot during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Ouyang Ge was originally a close associate of Chiang Kai-shek, and single-handedly founded the Central Navy, which competed with the Fujian department. On June 27, 1938, Ouyang Ge was dismissed and arrested for losing the Madang Fortress and sent to the Military Law Enforcement Directorate for judgment.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Ouyang Ge

If Ouyang Ge was to be punished, the loss of the Madang Fortress was sufficient. Strangely enough, Ouyang Ge was released on bail in December 1938 to spend the New Year of 1939 with his family. At this point, it was only a matter of time before Ouyang Ge was actually released, but he did not expect that he would be arrested and returned to prison and shot for "embezzlement and absconding", which was really unbelievable.

Some of the explicit charges are not enough to explain the reasons behind them. Zhang Chao, the station commander of the Minbei Station of the Military Command, was shot and executed in Fuzhou on June 18, 1938. The crime was "sabotage of the War of Resistance," but this was only an external statement, but the real reason was the infighting among the local military and political forces in Fujian. On November 20 of the same year, the commander of the Changsha Police Command, Major General Feng Ti, who was shot in Changsha, was charged with "humiliating the people", but everyone involved knew that Feng's death was nothing more than looking for a scapegoat for the Changsha fire.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered a stalemate stage, and some senior generals who were pessimistic and disappointed about the future chose to "save the country through the curve," which seriously affected the morale and popular will of the people, and Shi Yousan, deputy commander-in-chief of the Jicha Theater and commander-in-chief of the 39th Group Army, was one of them. He ordered his cousin, Lieutenant General Shi Youxin, the commander of the 69th Army, as a representative to secretly contact the Japanese army, not wanting the East Window Incident to occur, and was informed of the situation by Gao Shuxun, the commander of the newly organized 8th Army. Gao Shuxun immediately took action and secretly arrested and executed Shi Yousan in Puyang on December 1, 1940, and his cousin Shi Youxin was shot four days later.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Shi Yousan

The Shi brothers were the only two generals who were executed without a military trial during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but afterwards the Military Law Enforcement Superintendent department issued a supplementary judgment order and explicitly announced that the Shi brothers "disobeyed orders, disobeyed dispatches, violated wartime military law, and had already been punished." All former official positions shall be stripped immediately in order to uphold law and order." It is worth noting that in this order, Shi Yousan's attempt to treason and surrender to the enemy is not mentioned.

The 1944 Yuxianggui rout occurred at a time when the Allies entered the strategic counteroffensive and repeatedly won victories in the European and Pacific theaters, which not only made the Nationalist army lose face in the international arena, but also the popular will and morale of the Chinese military and civilians fell to the lowest point in history. Under these circumstances, Chiang Kai-shek gave instructions to shoot three generals in a row - Zhang Deneng, commander of the 4th Army, Chen Munong, commander of the 93rd Army, and Fu Weifan, commander of the Major General of the 97th Division, to set an example, which was also the last batch of generals to be enforced military law due to unfavorable combat during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but the controversy behind them was still endless -- Zhang Deneng's death was considered to be a black cauldron for throwing Changsha back; Chen Munong died in an indistinct distinction between the county and county boundaries; Fu Weifan was even more considered to have organized an orderly retreat. But he was accused by U.S. advisers of dying for the collapse.

Military-law trial: Final trial in the first instance, no appeal

"If the squad leader retires with the whole class, he kills the squad leader, and if the platoon leader retreats with the whole platoon, he kills the platoon leader... If the division commander retreats with the whole division, the division commander will be killed, and the same is true for the commander. If the commander does not retreat and all the officers and men of the army retreat in unison, so that the commander is killed, the commander of the division to which the commander belongs is killed... If the platoon leader does not retreat and the entire platoon officers and men retreat in unison, so that the platoon leader is killed, the squad leader to which the platoon leader belongs is killed; if the squad leader does not retreat, and the whole squad retreats in unison so that the squad leader is killed, the entire squad of soldiers is killed. ”

This murderous text is the famous "Revolutionary Army Company Sitting Law", which was promulgated during the Northern Expedition. Chiang Kai-shek and Liao Zhongkai declared in the preface to the law that "this line of sitting together is that in the whole army, everyone is like a knife on their head, like a rope tied to their heels, taking care of each other section by section, and even sitting and involving, no one can get out."

The sitting-up method can handle the advance and retreat of the battlefield, but the problems faced by managing the army are not so simple. In July 1927, the Nationalist government promulgated the Criminal Law of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, which set up death penalty clauses for the crime of "disobeying orders and advancing and retreating without authorization", the crime of humiliating duty of "retreating from the front and leading the team to surrender", and the crime of disobedience of "resisting orders and disobeying commands". In 1930, the Army, Navy and Air Force Trial Law was promulgated, stipulating that the military judicial trial was not allowed to observe, could not be defended, except in a few cases, the first instance trial was final and could not be appealed, and the death penalty could also be tried in absentia to meet the needs of the army's wartime trial. The execution of Han Fuyu and other illegal generals was carried out in this procedure.

Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, all military organs at or above the brigade level could set up a military judicial department to try cases of violations of military law below the rank of colonel in two types of military law trials. The three top-level military judicial units of the Military Justice Department of the Military Commission, the Military Justice Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Military Justice Department of the Admiralty department respectively handle the high-level military judicial trials against generals. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Military Commission established the Military Law Enforcement Directorate in September 1937 to oversee the maintenance of military discipline and the enforcement of military law throughout the country. The Ministry not only undertakes military law offences committed by generals, but also carries out military justice trials for non-military personnel for offences such as the Martial Law and the Regulations on the Punishment of Obstruction of Military Service.

The Department of The Superintendent of Military Justice Enforcement has set up a department of supervision of the enforcement of military law in each theater, and the commander of the gendarmerie is supervised by the deputy director of military law enforcement, so as to facilitate the mobilization of the gendarmerie by the military judicial organs. However, Admiral He Chengjun, executive director of the military law, complained: "Most of the military legal powers in various theaters are controlled by the commander's department, and the headquarters cannot be questioned, and whether its employment is appropriate or not cannot be evaluated by the headquarters." ”

The reason is in line with the organization of the national army at that time. "The superintendent of the enforcement of the military law in each theater, although directly subordinate to the headquarters, shall be appointed by the headquarters, and in fact, except for the seventh and eighth theaters, they are sponsored by the commanders." The number of commanders of the various theaters of operations who do not fully obey the orders of the central authorities is relatively large. If the central authorities send someone forward and refuse it for no reason, it will be an elbow to the elbow. Tang Xing, the military law enforcement supervisor of the 5th Theater, resolutely resigned on the grounds that "the chief's department interferes everywhere, and no matter what kind of case, it must be handled according to the orders of the chief's department and cannot be adjudicated according to law." He Chengjun also lamented that "Tang is sponsored by Li Zongren, and the situation is like this, if it is easy to use others, it is even more unknown how to end it."

By April 1944, the Department of The Superintendent of Military Justice had tried a total of 1,350 military law cases and reviewed 32,479 cases reported by various localities. He Chengjun boasted that "he was ordered to take charge of the military law for six years, and for six years, he did not focus on strict punishment for all those who violated discipline, and there was a slight way to forgive him, and all of them did not reduce their sentences lightly.", but when he encountered Chiang Kai-shek, who was extremely honest and hated corruption, the application for commutation of sentence became a catalyst.

Liang Renshu, director of the First Division of the Military Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and Qian Changqi, chief of the accounting section, were sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment and life imprisonment respectively for embezzlement and fraud. Huang Xun, section chief of the Guilin General Office, and Qin Kaiming, deputy director of the Honorary Military Service Management Department, were sentenced to life imprisonment and 10 years' imprisonment respectively for engaging in smuggling and fraud, and after submitting them, they were "personally approved by the commission and executed by firing squad" (Huang Xun was later sentenced to life imprisonment after the chief judge He Jian and He Chengjun interceded). Lieutenant General Cheng Zerun of the Military Service Bureau of the Ministry of Military Affairs was sentenced to 9 years in prison for embezzlement, and after being sent to Chiang Kai-shek, he was shot.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Cheng Zerun

The outside world always believes that Chiang Kai-shek is open to his beloved Whampoa Student Union. He Chengjun wrote in his diary that "all crimes committed by military cadet students were handed over for interrogation by commission order, and the headquarters never directly reported a single person, even if the conviction did not cite the lightest provision, and must be submitted to the commission for verification."

Just by examining the historical facts, Jiang was equally harsh on the Whampoa students. Liao Lingqi, a fourth-term student in Huangpu and the commander of the 58th Division' Major General's Division, was dismissed from his post by the 9th Theater because of his defeat in the First Battle of Changsha, and was instructed by Chiang Kai-shek to "shoot at once." Hu Qiru, a second-term student in Huangpu and commander of major generals in the Guixing Division, was sentenced to death for corruption and murder, and more than 20 huangpu teachers and students jointly requested that he be forgiven as life imprisonment. In fact, of the 27 generals executed during the War of Resistance Against Japan, 9 were Whampoa students, accounting for one-third of the total.

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Liao Lingqi

Military law: 27 generals were executed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, one-third of whom were Whampoa students

Hu Qiru

Attached: List of generals executed in wartime

Admiral 1

Han Fuyu is the deputy commander of the 5th Theater, the chairman of the Shandong Provincial Government, and the commander-in-chief of the 3rd Army Group

Lieutenant General 14

Shi Yousan is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Jicha Theater and the commander-in-chief of the 39th Group Army

Cheng Zerun is the director of the Military Service Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs

Zhang Deneng, commander of the 4th Army

Li Fuyi was the commander of the 61st Army

Chen Mu Nong Commander of the 93rd Army

Tan Zixin, commander of the 4th Cavalry Army

Duan Langru, commander of the 79th Division

Long Muhan was the commander of the 88th Division

Xue Weiying, commander of the 167th Division

Shi Youxin is the commander of the 69th Army

Ouyang Ge is the chief of education of the Electric Thunder School

Wang Haonan is the commander of the Ningbo Defensive Command

Cai Jilun is the commander of the Yichang Garrison Command

Xing Zhennan is the Inspector of the 3rd District of Zhejiang Province and the Security Commander of the 3rd District of Zhejiang Province

Major General 12

Hu Qiru, commander of the Guixing Division

Mei Chunhua, Chief of Staff of the 18th Army

Liao Lingqi is the commander of the 58th Division

Liu Yongzhi was the commander of the 70th Division

Fu Weifan, commander of the 97th Division

and Shao Lan, deputy commander of the 10th Cavalry Division

Zhong Youde, commander of the provisional 38th Division

Yang Genshen, commander of the 17th Column of the Lusu Yuwan Border Region

Commander of the Changsha Garrison Command

Gao Yangru is the brigade commander of the 513th Brigade of the 171st Division

Zhao Lijun is the deputy head of the North China Supervision Group of the Military Commission

Zhang Chao is the station chief of the Minbei Station of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission

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