
When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

author:Talk to the Heart Society

Zhang Yunlong did not expect that he could walk for so long in "Brother Who Cut Through Thorns".

He seemed to be a passer-by or bystander who had come to visit, and just looked curiously and was pulled onto the stage.

There are still many things he has not understood, such as he gave his performance on this variety show trip sixty points.

He thinks he's not humorous—the much-topped "sober on earth" phrase is actually self-deprecating after recognizing his position.

Similar crooked punches are not unfamiliar to Zhang Yunlong.

When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

Thirteen years of playing football, eight years of entering the industry, including stepping into variety shows, all have unexpected elements.

In any field, it is difficult to gain recognition, and it is difficult to compete with yourself.

Whether it's playing football or acting, or singing and dancing, his optimism and self-consistency run through it.

This is not the so-called "sobriety in the world", but knowing what position you should be in, just like standing on the pitch, doing your duty, in order to easily play.

Acting can not be attached to the size of the role, and life should not be so many points.

As long as better roles are still on the way, a more comfortable life is still underfoot, and it is still in the best state, everything is still too late.

The following is Zhang Yunlong's self-description.

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When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

The biggest gain I have gained since I participated in "The Thorny Brother" is that I know how many pounds I have.

A cognitive process is that there is nothing in the whole process that is not difficult. Singing and dancing are especially difficult. It's even difficult to communicate with everyone. The feeling is that there is no moment when it is easy.

The arrow is on the string, and sometimes the stage is over, and the moment breathes a sigh of relief, and it is finally over. But the rules for the next game are about to be released, giving you a short period of relaxation.

The biggest pressure is that I am afraid of dragging others behind, and I can't deceive myself without self-confidence. I wasn't confident at all, you saw some people in the stands, just take out a little thing and crush me.

I can give myself a 60 and pass. It turned out that the second gong was my limit, I never wanted to go so far, even now, I will still be very nervous before I go on stage to perform, I can't control it, or I have to train harder. Others may learn something in 5 minutes, I may have to learn for five days, and I have to use time to pile it up.

When I first received this invitation, I wanted to talk about it, and I didn't think about the meeting, I just wanted to try it, to feel it, and I might leave after playing.

Because I am very young in it, everyone is very tolerant of me, Brother Paul, Brother Yan, Brother Qi, there is a count, and they are very tolerant of me.

There are also many people who really help me, such as Xuan Ge, teaching me to sing is difficult, but also to encourage education. He especially knows how to teach according to his aptitude, I may not understand music theory, he also told me about the picture, guided me to "what do you think when singing this lyric", maybe I am a person who is more sensitive to the picture.

Including Liu Jia. Special thanks to Liu Jia for teaching me to dance. I studied dance, from noon until one or two o'clock in the second half of the night, he was with me to teach me over and over again, and was particularly patient, really a good person, a good person with a peaceful life.

I used to watch some shows and thought I could do it, but now I find that I can't do it, and it's too difficult to sing and dance. You have to juggle the action and still take care of the formation, you can't go out of the light zone, including all kinds of impromptu play, which is actually a particularly comprehensive thing.

It is really necessary to devote yourself to it, put a lot of effort into it, and do a lot of homework in order to understand the difficulties of each industry. It's like playing a grassroots worker when you're filming, going down to the grassroots, you talk to them, you go to the field to feel, you can know, wow, this is too difficult, no profession is easy.

A few days ago, I posted a Weibo, saying that my dancing is equivalent to salted fish. Fans gave me a lot of encouragement messages, I said that I am also a salted fish with dreams, dreams or do you want to have.

But I don't want to think about the dream of the singer, I don't need to shine anymore, and then I will act well.

On this variety show, I hope to present a perfect curtain call.

My brother's show made me learn a lot.

The jianghu I used to think of as a river and lake may now seem to be a small puddle, a real river and lake, and I seem to see it in my brother's show.

A broader space is the jianghu, and human feelings may not be learned in a lifetime.

When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

In terms of singing and dancing, in fact, it was the same as my understanding of the identity of an actor when I first entered the industry, and at that time, the sound table was all difficult for me.

It may be the family atmosphere that affects me.

My family did not believe in my entrance to film school at first, but then they supported it, thinking that I could not pass the exam anyway, and everyone could not pass the exam for several years. The people around me are relatively sober and don't blindly encourage you how to do it.

Like my brother's show, the staff around me think that you may also be the second husband should come back, so everyone's expectations are very low, including my family around me, and I did not say that you are the best. So it leads me to look at things very objectively and a little bit self-aware.

To put it bluntly, my job is like everyone working to make money, supporting the family and realizing my ideals.

It is said that actors can experience many kinds of life, which really makes you live a lot of different lives. You play a relatively good role, after the success, he will really leave a little thing in your own personality, I think this is a very interesting thing, unconsciously the role will affect you.

When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

Some actors may be born with talent and mission, but when I first went to study acting, I was desperate and didn't know what to do. I didn't think acting was a dream or anything, I didn't say my whole life was for performance, no.

Not so serious, not so serious.

Acting is a process that I slowly enjoy, because I find it interesting to understand it. There are characters who have lived with you for three months or six months, or even longer, and I can't decide how much he can leave when he leaves.

Two years ago, I thought, as I got older, to seek a transformation, to seek another space that I could release, and now that two years have passed and I will come back to see it, this idea has been completely overturned by me.

Don't release, just find a character that suits you. Now it is really not important to see the scene and the protagonist, and it is most important to leave a deep impression on the audience, including the space that this role gives you to play, if the role is wonderful, the audience will be impressed.

What impressed me the most was Lei Jiayin's performance of "Heart Flower Road Release", he played a hooligan, and there was a section where he used two words to bring that scene to life.

There is also a scene like in "No Thief in the World", teacher Fan Wei's scene is so short, it has become a classic.

But it's not that the role is not important, "only small actors have no small roles" the phrase, sometimes I don't agree. Give you a 1-second play you play, just as a 1-second background version, how you act.

The role is very important in a way, it determines your play space, you can't say that you play a dragon set, and then you go and compare with the protagonist, that is unrealistic.

Great performances are the product of talent and inspiration, and I've never been a gifted actor. When I receive the role, I will still prepare for a month or so. First investigate the background of this character, the original family, what the historical environment was like at that time, if there is an original work, look at the original work, and then look at the related genre films.

In the case of relatively abundant time, you have a lot of room to play.

Now I'm looking forward to playing an athlete and want to get back to the feeling of being a soccer goalkeeper.

When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

Maybe it was the relationship with football that changed me.

After 13 years of playing football, going back and forth for a year, I made the decision to give up and I stopped playing football. Then I chose the path of acting, and then when you get better and better, I feel, ah, I may have reconciled with it.

We have a team in Beijing that we play in the summer. When what you like becomes a rice bowl, you will not be happy, and if it becomes a spice of life, you will be particularly happy. Because the pressure is not so great, there is no gain or loss.

In the past, it would be particularly lost, after all, athletes have the desire to compete and win, you will feel that there is a winner, then why not me.

Not now.

33, from Pisces to Gemini, sometimes there are eight thoughts in one day, one second to decide things, the next second to say oh, not very good, and then two days: well - the original idea was right; then change, always change.

For example, if a particularly regrettable decision is made, one should not make a flag.

I once said something particularly unashamed, when I first entered the industry, I said give me a chance, give me a chance on the screen, you can shine.

Looking back now, I have been giving me the opportunity for almost 10 years, and I am still like this, high is not low, so I should never set up this flag again.

When Zhang Yunlong was no longer awake in the human world

Most of the time I am confused, I know my own weight, and I will be a little more relaxed when doing things.

And confusion is also very rare, why should you always be sober?

For example, in any ranking on any track in life, except for some occasions to take this out and say it, as if it means that you are excellent, but it is actually just a ranking.

Just like when I applied for film school, I was the first in the boys' group and the fourth in the whole year, and I felt happy for a while, but after entering the school, I found that I became the first to last.

You can't act, you can't do your lines, because you've been an athlete before, you haven't touched these things at all, and compared to others, you're a blank piece of paper. Since then, I have learned that the original mentality can change so quickly, and it is this taste to fall from the highest place, and later in the class, I have been working hard to make myself the penultimate first.

The word success is a bit radical and too utilitarian to look at now. Finding a life that suits you is perhaps better than anything.

I want to take a good script, shoot a good scene, reduce a lot of unnecessary activities, and don't consider the problem of fire or not.

My ideal ranking is that if I rank 100, it is better to rank me in twenty or thirty, thirty or forty.

Don't look away, I hope that the whole life is like this.

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