
Florence Nightingale Medal winner Hu Minhua: "Everyone can be a light that illuminates others"

author:Overseas network

Source: China News Network

Nanchang, September 3, 2019 Title: Florence Medal Winner Hu Minhua: "Everyone can become a light that illuminates others"

Reporter Wu Pengquan

"Everyone can be a light that illuminates others, and I hope that more people will participate in volunteering." On the 3rd, at the Ninth Hospital of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Hu Minhua, who faced flowers and honors, was particularly modest.

The 48th Nightingale Award Ceremony was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the 2nd to present awards to three Chinese winners, including Hu Minhua, chief nurse of nanchang Ninth Hospital.

On the 3rd, nanchang city officials held a welcoming ceremony for Hu Minhua who returned to Gansu at the Ninth Hospital of Nanchang City. As soon as she got out of the car, the hospital staff applauded warmly, and some people came forward to offer flowers. Hu Minhua burst into tears and wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand from time to time.

In 2000, the Ninth Hospital of Nanchang City was identified as the AIDS Treatment Center of Jiangxi Province, and the position of head nurse fell to Hu Minhua, who had rich clinical nursing experience. At that time, the prevention and treatment of AIDS was still blank in Jiangxi. Combining her years of nursing experience, she has established an AIDS outpatient work system, admission process and nursing routine in the process of exploration.

Recalling that when he took over the new post, Hu Minhua once frankly said in an interview with reporters that he was full of fear, "Because AIDS is a very harmful infectious disease, out of human instinct, I will definitely be afraid, fortunately, my family understands me, so I accepted this job." ”

On August 31, 2003, the Ninth Hospital of Nanchang City admitted the first inpatient patient with AIDS. The patient was infected with HIV from drug use and was admitted to the hospital covered with needle holes left by needles injecting drugs.

The young nurses did not dare to come forward, and Although Hu Minhua, who was the head nurse at the time, was afraid, he still carried out nursing work for the patients. During the patient's nearly two months of hospitalization, Hu Minhua's careful care made him gradually open his heart.

While doing a good job in clinical nursing, Hu Minhua realized that AIDS itself is not terrible, what is terrible is people's lack of understanding of AIDS, and the self-abandonment of AIDS infected people and patients.

In this regard, Hu Minhua opened a real-name authentication account "Neighbor with AIDS" on Sina Weibo, a Chinese social platform, and took the time to answer various consultation questions for netizens. Currently, the account has more than 70,000 followers.

In the eyes of Feng Yinfeng, chief nurse of the Fifth Department of Liver of nanchang Ninth Hospital, Hu Minhua always cares about others like a big sister. "She works conscientiously and responsibly, and uses her spare time to engage in volunteer service work, and also answers questions on Weibo to care for AIDS patients."

"In the process of serving our patients, our patients have also given us a lot, and we all grow together." Hu Minhua believes that the heavy honor of the Nightingale Medal is a kind of encouragement and encouragement, but also a responsibility and mission. "This honor does not belong to me personally, but to all The Caregivers and Volunteers of Jiangxi."

"Everyone has a light in their heart, which can illuminate themselves and others." Hu Minhua appealed that he hoped that more people would participate in volunteer service and contribute their light and heat to the cause of human health.

The Nightingale Prize, the ICRC's highest international nursing honour, is held every two years to recognize outstanding care workers around the world who have made outstanding contributions to humanitarian causes. (End)

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