
Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

author:Sichuan Observation

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Walk the fields and enter the countryside. In the past three days, the reporters who participated in the "Into 10+3 Rural Revitalization to See Sichuan" central and provincial mainstream media have gone deep into Hongya County of Meishan and Chongzhou City of Chengdu to focus on the new momentum of industrial development and explore the vivid practice of fully implementing the rural revitalization strategy.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Walking into Hongya Modern Ranch, modern breeding technology and equipment make everyone shine.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Li Wenrui, general manager of Modern Animal Husbandry Hongya Co., Ltd.: Our farm adopts the world's advanced loose-column feeding management mode, introduces the world's leading 80-bit rotary milking machine and TMR full mixed diet feeding technology, and is also the first batch of enterprises in the province to use this technology, and the milk quality of raw materials we produce at present far exceeds the EU standard.

Science and technology to "pocket the bottom", fresh milk quality is more "bottom", the fresh milk produced by the farm is also directly supplied to Mengniu, New Hope and other large dairy enterprises, the daily output of fresh milk has reached 100 tons, the annual sales exceeded 150 million yuan. As the largest modern dairy farm in the southwest region, it has also scientifically supported pollution treatment facilities with the support of the local government, and built a manure treatment project based on the utilization of manure resources and supplemented by secondary biochemical treatment.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Zhao Dengxia, deputy director of the Animal Husbandry Industry Development Center of Hongya County, Meishan City: We have integrated more than 60 million yuan of project funds, laid 600 kilometers of biogas slurry pipe network, covering 8 townships and 60,000 acres of planting bases. Through the return of biogas slurry to the field, the quality of agricultural products has been effectively improved, and our agricultural non-point source pollution has been effectively treated.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Fishery is an important part of the 10+3 industry in our province. At the national aquatic origin breeding farm in Chongzhou City, Chengdu, the Sichuan long-snout is in the peak growing season. The long-snout, also known as the river group and the catfish, is named because of its long snout. As the only national-level original seed farm in our province that takes the longnose as the object of seed preservation, it undertakes the tasks of collecting, domesticating and supplying the original species of the longnose in the country. After nearly 20 years of development, today, the original breeding farm of Sichuan Changnose fish has built 283 acres of various types of fish ponds, and the factory breeding workshop is more than 1500 square meters. The breeding of long-snouted snout seedlings and the breeding of human breeding have been started from scratch, and the number of seedlings of long-snouts in the province accounts for 80% of the country, and the breeding output accounts for 50% of the country, and the annual new breeding benefit is 300 million yuan.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Wei Zhen, director of the original seed farm of Sichuan Province: In the next step, we will also build a germplasm resource bank around the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and strive to collect and domesticate and breed 30 to 50 live species in 5 years, build a fish tissue bank of 100 species in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, build a gene bank of 20 species of fish, and do a good job in the construction of the Yangtze River (fish) germplasm resource bank.

Sichuan News Network丨 Focus on Rural Revitalization Mainstream Media Watch "Sichuan Practice"

Chen Xuanbin, reporter of China News Service: Through this interview and report, I also know that we in Sichuan have such a original seed farm dedicated to the study of long-snouted fish as the original species, and it is also the only one in the country, and I also know for the first time that 50% of the country's long-snouts are from our Sichuan.

In recent years, with the construction of modern agricultural parks as the starting point, our province has promoted the integrated development of the whole industrial chain of 10 advantageous characteristic industries, continued to consolidate the support of the three major leading industries, promoted the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and accelerated the realization of Sichuan's leap from a large agricultural province to a strong agricultural province.

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