
Ladybug stars for beneficial insects or pests, you know, after reading the black spots can be seen

author:Wanderer top

There are about a hundred kinds of ladybugs in China, there are many variants, colors and markings are diverse, most of them are red, yellow, black and other colors, and there are black, red, yellow, white and other color spots, and some have no spots at all. The anterior thorax markings are also different, or all black and have yellow and white markings on the sides, or yellow-white with black markings. Ladybirds are not all beneficial insects, some are pests.

Ladybugs have some stars on their backs, and the stars "differ in the different types of ladybirds, and for most ladybugs eat aphids." We who eat aphids are called beneficial insects.

Beneficial insects: two-star ladybug, six-star ladybug, seven-star ladybug, twelve-star ladybug, thirteen-star ladybug, red star ladybug, big red ladybug, etc.;

Pests: Eleven-star ladybug, twenty-eight-star ladybug.

Beneficial insects, whether larvae or adult, can eat aphids.

There is also a simple identification method, that is, all the surface of the elytra, born very delicate, especially smooth, shiny and shiny, belongs to the beneficial insects. Anyone with dense fine fluff on the elytra is a pest. It doesn't matter what color their elytra are, what markings they have. Ladybug's self-defense ability is very strong, although its body is only the size of a soybean, but many strong enemies are helpless against it.

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