
Water willow, have you ever seen it? Treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones source 【Original form】Sexual taste effect 【Guijing】【Dosage】

author:Tai Chi Materia Medica
Water willow, have you ever seen it? Treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones source 【Original form】Sexual taste effect 【Guijing】【Dosage】

Water willow

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > source</h1>

It is the root of the euphorbia plant Salix.

The soil is dug, washed, sliced and dried throughout the year.

It grows in sandy areas along rivers, rocky places along streams or in hillside scrub.

It is distributed in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

Aliases water hemp, shrimp male fork tree, water willow boy, water bayberry, fine willow.

Water willow, have you ever seen it? Treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones source 【Original form】Sexual taste effect 【Guijing】【Dosage】

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > [original form].</h1>

Willowberry Evergreen shrub, 0.5-3 m tall. The young branches are angular, covered with rust-colored short soft hairs, and later become hairless.

Single-leaf alternate; petiole length 5-11 mm, sometimes up to 2 cm, covered by short soft hairs; the leaves are drilled, slightly enlarged at the base, 5-12 mm long, hairy, shedding; leaf strips oblong or narrow lanceolate, 5-21 cm long, 12-25 mm wide, tapering at the apex, often with a convex tip, slightly narrow or blunt at the base, broad wedge-shaped, fully margined or sparsely toothed, no hairs on the surface or sparsely hairy, slightly hairy on the leaf veins below, with a dense midrib, and the inter-leaf veins are scaled;

Lateral veins are 9-16 pairs, and the reticules are slightly more pronounced. Flowers are small, unisexual; no petals; bracts ovate or nearly triangular, long l-2 mm, apex pointed, short soft hairs on the outside; small bracts are small and no different in shape from bracts; male flower peduncles are extremely short, forming a total inflorescence, sepals 5, oblong or inverted ovate, about 3 mm long, sharply pointed at the apex, tweezed, stamens are extremely numerous, the filaments are partially connected to form multiple bunches, the pharmacy is oval, no vestigial ovary and flower disc;

The female flowers form spike-like inflorescences; sepals 5, ovate lanceolate, l-1.5 mm long, tapering at the apex, short soft hairs on the outside; the ovary is nearly spherical, densely covered with tightly fitted gray soft hairs, 3 chambers, 1 ovule per chamber, flower column 3, not divided, papillary protrusions on the inside. The capsules are nearly spherical, 4–6 mm in diameter, densely covered with short, gray-brown hairs; the seeds are nearly ovate. Flowering period l-May.

Water willow, have you ever seen it? Treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones source 【Original form】Sexual taste effect 【Guijing】【Dosage】

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > sexual efficacy</h1>

Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Bitter, cold.

diuresis. Cures bruises, ulcers, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones. "

Selected Chinese Herbal Medicines in Yunnan:

Clears heat, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifies. Treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis.

《Chinese Materia Medica》

Bitter; cold.

Clear heat; choleretic; diuretic; detoxification. Main acute and chronic hepatitis; cholecystitis; gallstones; bladder stones; gonorrhea; syphilis; hemorrhoids; bruises; burns

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [guijing].</h1>

Liver; biliary; bladder meridian

Water willow, have you ever seen it? Treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, bladder stones, gallbladder stones source 【Original form】Sexual taste effect 【Guijing】【Dosage】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [dosage].</h1>

For internal use: decoction, 9-15g.

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