
Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Continuing the Great Founding Spirit of the Party has forged a new chapter in the cause of science and technology

author:Science and Technology Daily

Science and Technology Daily reporter Cao Xiuying

"General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech has a grand vision and lofty intentions, and is a brilliant document of Marxism, which will surely inspire and inspire the comrades of the whole party to always believe in the party and love the party for the party for a long time, and will forever be recorded in the annals of history." On the afternoon of July 1, the Chinese Academy of Engineering held a symposium to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, at which Li Xiaohong, secretary of the party group and president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said.

Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Continuing the Great Founding Spirit of the Party has forged a new chapter in the cause of science and technology

Li Xiaohong said that the solemn holding of the academician forum is to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the great spirit of party founding, and draw forward strength; it is necessary to deeply study the spirit of scientists who have won the "July 1st Medal" and the "Two Excellent and One First" honorary academicians, and make new contributions to the development of engineering science and technology.

On the morning of the 29th, the ceremony of awarding the "July 1st Medal" was solemnly held, and General Secretary Xi Jinping awarded the "July 1st Medal" for the first time and delivered an important speech. In this honorary commendation, two academicians, Wu Tianyi and Lu Yuanjiu of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, were awarded the "July 1st Medal", the highest honor in the party. Wang Yongzhi, Liu Yongtan, Wang Jingkang, Li Junxian, Cui Kun, Chen Jing, He Jilin, Chang Yinfo, Luo An, Wu Liangyong, Zhou Fulin, Qian Qihu, Yan Long'an, Ren Jizhou, Liu Shouren, Fang Zhiyuan, Chen Hongduo, Chen Saijuan and other 18 academicians won the honorary title of "National Outstanding Communist Party Member".

Li Xiaohong said: Over the years, the vast number of academicians have actively responded to the party's call, firmly set their original intentions, bravely undertaken their missions, and unswervingly made selfless contributions to the cause of the party and the people, and truly wrote their papers on the land of the motherland. Academician Wu Tianyi devoted his life to the study of hypoxia physiology and plateau medicine, and people praised this Tajik scholar as a "protector of life" and "a good mamba (good doctor) on horseback"; Academician Lu Yuanjiu resolutely returned to the embrace of the motherland in the early days of the founding of New China, breaking through many obstacles and making outstanding contributions to the "two bombs and one satellite" project and the construction of major aerospace projects; Academician Qian Qihu cast shields for 60 years, casting an indestructible "underground great wall of steel" The Gobi desert under the Helan Mountains condensed the painstaking efforts and sweat of Academician He Jilin in studying rare metals; Academician Luo An broke the foreign monopoly with electrical "intelligent manufacturing"; the hybrid rice cultivated by Academician Yan Long'an entered the tables of thousands of households; and Academician Chen Saijuan's "Shanghai Plan" saved the lives of thousands of leukemia patients at home and abroad. They vividly embody the lofty qualities of communists in strengthening their convictions, practicing their purposes, working hard and dedicating themselves, and performing official duties honestly, and their major achievements have also fully demonstrated the leading role of the great banner and great spirit.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping called on all party members to keep in mind their original mission, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, practice the party's purpose, always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people, always want to be together with the people, work together, share weal and woe in the same boat, share weal and woe, continue to make unremitting efforts to realize the people's yearning for a better life, and strive to win greater glory for the party and the people!" Li Xiaohong said that the Chinese Academy of Engineering is the highest honor and advisory academic institution in China's engineering science and technology community, and we must actively respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping and hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the party and the people.

On behalf of the party group of the Academy of Engineering, Li Xiaohong put forward four requirements: First, persist in strengthening the party's overall leadership and be loyal soldiers who will always follow the party. The party's leadership is a strong political guarantee for the vigorous development of China's scientific and technological undertakings. The number of party members in the academician team exceeds 80%, and we must consciously maintain and continuously strengthen the party's leadership over the cause of engineering science and technology, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and be loyal and righteous people who practice the "two safeguards".

The second is to give full play to the role of national strategic scientific and technological forces and be a fighter for realizing scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Facing the urgent needs and long-term needs of the country, shoulder the glorious mission of the national strategic scientific and technological strength, give full play to the academic leading role of the national team, the role of key core technology research, and the role of innovative talent training, and give play to the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation at a higher level and on a larger scale, so as to provide strong support for the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

The third is to vigorously carry forward the spirit of scientists and be a volunteer who inherits the red gene. Inherit the glorious tradition of countless revolutionary martyrs and heroic models who have been committed to serving the country since the founding of the party a hundred years ago, inherit the spirit of the great party building, persist in carrying forward the spirit of scientists with patriotism as the background, and always actively devote themselves to the cause of scientific and technological innovation with the mentality of "starting from scratch", so as to learn from others and act as a model for the world, set an example for the next generation, and let the tradition of serving the country with science and technology be passed on.

The fourth is to establish a glorious image of academicians and be a defender of the purity of the title of academician. Thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party Central Committee to deepen the reform of the academician system, focus on building a team of academicians loyal to the party and the people, high-level and high-quality academicians, let the academician title further return to honor and academicity, and maintain the purity of the academician title, worthy of General Secretary Xi Jinping's point out that academicians are "the wealth of the country, the pride of the people, and the glory of the nation".

"Looking forward to the future, standing at a new historical starting point, let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, strive to march towards the second centenary goal, and continuously make new and greater contributions to building a world scientific and technological power and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!" Li Xiaohong finally said.

(Photo courtesy of Chinese Academy of Engineering)

Editor: Wang Yu

Review: Julie

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