
Zhang Guoqing met with Li Xiaohong, president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other academicians and his party

author:Northeast News Network

Reporter Yang Zhonghou reported that on September 23, Zhang Guoqing, secretary of the provincial party committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, met in Shenyang with Li Xiaohong, secretary of the party leading group and president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other academicians who participated in the "Liaoning Tour of Academicians."

This "Academician Liaoning Tour Activity" organized 29 academicians to come to Liaoning, focusing on the construction of Liaohe National Park and the governance of the Liaohe River Basin, robotics, fine chemicals, integrated circuits, biomedicine, resource-based urban transformation and other key industries and key work, divided into 6 groups to Shenyang, Dalian and other places to carry out field research, and held academicians' earnest talks to take the pulse of Liaoning's revitalization and development, put forward opinions and suggestions.

On behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Zhang Guoqing welcomed Li Xiaohong and the academicians to Liaoning for their investigation and investigation, and thanked the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the academicians for their support for the revitalization and development of Liaoning. Zhang Guoqing said that General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on Liaoning's work, and the Party Central Committee and the State Council are studying and formulating specific measures to support Liaoning's reform, opening up and high-quality development, which has greatly strengthened the confidence of the vast number of cadres and masses in the province to achieve comprehensive revitalization. We have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, focused on the "three major articles" of structural adjustment, given full play to the role of Liaoning as an important industrial base in China, and made Liaoning's contribution to maintaining the security and stability of the national industrial chain supply chain. We actively rely on the advantages of industry, science and technology and talents in the fields of new materials, fine chemicals, high-end equipment manufacturing, semiconductor chip manufacturing equipment and industrial basic software, and strive to solve a number of "card neck" problems and contribute To Liaoning's wisdom and strength for national scientific and technological self-reliance. We keep up with the pace of the times, give full play to the advantages of liaoning's industrial digitalization scene resources and digital industrialization's data resources, and accelerate the construction of digital Liaoning and intelligent manufacturing of a strong province. We insist on taking the construction of the rule of law environment and the credit environment as the most urgent and prominent task of optimizing the business environment, and strive to create a business environment that is convenient, has a good rule of law, has strong cost competitiveness, and is ecologically livable. At present, Liaoning's economic operation is stabilizing and improving, there are more and more bright spots, the business environment has been continuously optimized, the majority of cadres and officials have shown a new look, and the revitalization and development of Liaoning have shown a new atmosphere. We sincerely hope that the Chinese Academy of Engineering will continue to support the revitalization and development of Liaoning, and sincerely hope that all academicians will give Liaoning more guidance and support based on their professional advantages.

Li Xiaohong said that through what we have seen and heard in Liaoning this time and felt the changes that have taken place in Liaoning, we are very excited and encouraged, and we believe that tomorrow's Liaoning will be even better. Supporting the revitalization and development of Liaoning is the unshirkable responsibility of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and we will further strengthen cooperation with Liaoning, help Liaoning do a good job in structural adjustment of the "three major articles", and make more contributions to the revitalization of Liaoning.

Provincial leaders Wang Jian and Wang Mingyu attended the meeting.

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