
Marriage (short story)

author:Passionate desert 2887

For decades, Lao Jiao and his wife Cui'e insisted on living a life of frugality.

The old two are not willing to eat stew for a week, the clothes they wear are always inseparable from the patch, the principle of their handling is to save and save, to be frugal is to be frugal, and the money that should not be spent cannot be spent indiscriminately.

The reason why they did this is to raise two sons and a daughter to adulthood and start a family, and to fulfill their long-cherished wish.

Marriage (short story)

Lao Jiao was born in the countryside, his parents are honest farmers, in addition to farming, will not do anything else, Lao Jiao said: "My family has been farmers for generations, living a peasant life that is accustomed to sunrise and sunset, although the family's life is not rich, but IT is OK, less disasters and no diseases, this is stronger than anything, as the saying goes: plain and plain is the truth!"

Influenced and educated by his fathers, Lao Jiao developed a good habit of thrift and thrift. In Lao Jiao's memory, there is no concept of extravagance and waste, no awareness of extravagance and waste, absolutely no habit of extravagance and waste, and the same lack of extravagance and waste.

Marriage (short story)

The family conditions of the Cui'e family were also not good, with three brothers above and a sister below, and at that time, their parents were alive. Their family conditions are average, not prominent in the village, and the family's life is also very frugal. In this way, under the careful guidance of her parents, Cui'e has developed the habit of thrift and thrift.

Marriage (short story)

The combination of Cui'e and Lao Jiao is no accident, the two of them live in the same village, playing small green plum bamboo horses, two small no guess, not only are not far away from the township villagers, but also used to be primary school to junior high school classmates, Lao Jiao and Cui'e do not need to understand each other, there is nothing to hide from each other.

Lao Jiao and Cui'e have had a good feeling for each other since they were in elementary school, but that feeling is that if there is no clue, they have been dealing with each other since junior high school.

In fact, if you are ignorant and understand the feeling of the first opening of the emotional sinus is very beautiful, it is worth spending a lifetime to miss, I believe that everyone has experienced such a process. Lao Jiao and Cui'e are no exception.

However, at that time, their relationship was not made public, which was a black-box operation. They often secretly make appointments for time and place, whether it is a date or a play.

During that time, they felt that the sky was very blue, the mountains were very green, the water was very green, the flowers were very red, the air was very fresh, the years were very caring, life was very comfortable, and everything was very beautiful. Some people say: Men and women in love are obsessive and unsentimental, they are like fools.

Later, when they reached the age of talking about marriage, they lacked a layer of window paper that was not broken, and it was obvious that this invisibly became an obstacle to their development of love and hindered their progress.

As the saying goes: a man should marry a woman.

In such a situation, Lao Jiao and her parents matched the matchmaker in the village, and after being told and reconciled, the Cui'e family did not hinder her marriage, and quickly promoted this dream marriage.

Marriage (short story)

When they were about to get married, the old Jiao family dressed up the wedding room, bought watches, bought bicycles, bought sewing machines, and sent bride price to the Cui'e family. When they got married, in accordance with the local traditional customs, the old Jiao family invited the old and young masters of the village to give an invitation card, and Lao Jiao and a few young people who helped in the village, accompanied by the captain and the married female guest and the car pressed child, sat on the newly purchased agricultural tractor of the village committee, all the way to the sound of screaming, all the way to the sound of firecrackers, all the way to the sound of play, all the way to laughter, the red-clad Cui'e, the scenery of the beautiful married home, their wedding was very beautiful and grand and lively, that day, Almost all the fathers and villagers in the village, relatives and friends participated in the wedding of Lao Jiao, and the Lao Jiao family stayed in the courtyard of their own family out of courtesy for dozens of tables.

The villagers said: "The old Jiao family usually saves money and uses diligence and thrift to run the family, but their family does red and white happy events but is not stingy, at this point, it can be compared with the rich people in the village." It's really not easy to do that. "People feel that the performance of the Old Jiao family is transmitting a full of positive energy to the villagers.

Marriage (short story)

Years have passed, life is like a dream, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and Lao Jiao's two sons and a handmaiden have grown up one after another. In order to start a family for his children, Lao Jiao went out to work, went home several times a year during the New Year's Festival, and rarely returned home, Cui'e planted crops and vegetables for many years, sold grain and vegetables and sold medicinal materials to earn money, plus all his children went out to work, the family saved the belly, worked hard, saved money to do marriage. Because they think in one place and work hard to make money together, men and women, young and old, so they have a lot of money to guess in a very short period of validity.

Marriage (short story)

When the eldest son got married, they built a new bungalow, bought furniture, decorated the wedding room, bought wedding necessities such as color TV washing machines and refrigerators, and at the same time, sent a lot of bride price to the woman. Their marriage has become a model for the village, and has become the basis and condition for the eight villages to follow suit. Lao Jiao and Cui'e said: "The marriage of a son is a lifelong event, and it is necessary to do things with beautiful scenery and pomp and circumstance, and not to be too cold and stingy, so that not only will they be sorry for their sons, but the villagers will also laugh and appear to be more than worth the loss."

Lao Jiao's accountant of the village committee of the neighboring village is a wise man, usually clear and reasonable, speaking and doing things with shrewdness and wisdom, he said with feeling: "I have three sons, I know the difficulty of my sons marrying their daughters-in-law, so as long as the family does not go out of line, it will never be difficult for them." People's hearts are all flesh, and in the future they are relatives, so why let them be too embarrassed, if they do too much, in the future, the two relatives will not be able to meet. "Lao Jiao's relatives must do what they say, their deeds will be fruitful, and their words and deeds are consistent, and they are deeply praised."

Since then, the marriage of Lao Jiao's eldest son has not encountered too much trouble and has been handled smoothly. The villagers said: Lao Jiao met a good person, and his son's marriage was so smooth. Lao Jiao and Cui'e didn't say anything more, just smiled and kept laughing.

Marriage (short story)

After three years, Lao Jiao's second son talked about rural teachers, the woman's family was a scholar in the local area, and the family knew the books and was reasonable.

Lao Jiao's second son got married, they also built a new house, bought the same wedding necessities as the eldest son when they got married, just bought one more motorcycle, Lao Jiao's two sons will come to do things, the second son gets married at the same time, the motorcycle is discounted, the money is given to the eldest son, therefore, blocking the mouth of the eldest son, the eldest son's daughter-in-law has nothing to say, and the mood is happy to participate in the marriage of the younger brother.

When the second son gets married, the dressed wedding room, the bride price sent, the number of tables for hospitality, the number of relatives married are not the same as the eldest son, and the name is beautiful: the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are meat, never to this, back to that, biased in favor of anyone, so that both reasonable and fair, so that the two sons have nothing to say.

Marriage (short story)

Daughters are the intimate little cotton jackets of their parents, and many families all over the world are like this.

Lao Jiao's daughter and the son of the local "upstart" are targeted, and the "upstart" has money.

Lao Jiao and Cui'e had standards in mind for their daughters to get married, and he said to his relatives: "What are the specifications when our two sons get married, and what are the specifications when our daughters get married, as long as the relatives are the same, they will never be embarrassed." The "upstart" agreed to the requirements made by Lao Jiao and Cui'e, and bought a suite in the county town to show the importance of this marriage.

His daughter's wedding was grand, lively and warm, and was rumored to be a good story in the local area.

The marriage of the two sons and a daughter of Lao Jiao and Cui'e was very decent, very beautiful and very decent, and it became a good story in the village.

Lao Jiao and Cui'e said: "The family lives a life, usually diligent and thrifty, doing the right thing when doing the right thing, not stingy, not stingy, so that they are worthy of themselves, worthy of their children, and the villagers do not laugh." That's the right way. The old Jiao's two mouths have been agreed and recognized by many villagers.

Marriage (short story)

Decades of years, a flick of the fingers, decades of time, as if in another life, at present, Lao Jiao and Cui'e are old, both nearly seventy years old, and his two sons and a daughter have bought houses in the county. Together, they often reminisce about the past, talk about the past, and regain the bits and pieces of their memories.

When the old two farmers are busy, they go back to their hometown to work as farmers, and when they are idle, they live in the city to spend their old age, so that their lives are very smooth and comfortable, very happy and happy.

Marriage (short story)

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Marriage (short story)

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