
The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

Over time, aging is something that everyone will face. At the same time, the function of our body's organs will slowly decline.

But some people, for various reasons, have not yet reached the age of aging, and some organs are no longer young.


Ms. Lin, 21, in Changsha, has been sweating and upset frequently in recent days, and her menstrual holidays are also very disordered. After checking at the hospital, she found that she had developed menopausal symptoms and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure!

Doctors said Ms. Lin's ovaries resemble those of a 50-year-old woman, and one side of her ovaries has shrunk.

Why do 21-year-olds have menopausal symptoms, and what kind of disease is her premature ovarian failure?

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

1. What is premature ovarian failure?

The ovaries are women's gonads, and their main functions are two: one is to produce and release eggs in preparation for the conception of life; the other is to secrete a variety of hormones to maintain women's secondary sexual characteristics, maintain the menstrual cycle, and participate in the body's metabolism.

Premature ovarian failure

Premature ovarian failure, that is, premature aging of the ovaries, also known as early-onset ovarian insufficiency, refers to the phenomenon of amenorrhea before the age of 40 caused by ovarian failure.

The number of eggs in the ovaries begins to decrease slightly from before birth, when the mother is 20 weeks pregnant, there are 7 million to 8 million eggs in the fetus's ovaries, and after the birth of the child, there are 1 million to 2 million eggs left, and by puberty, there are only 300,000 left.

Under normal circumstances, after puberty, a mature egg is generally released every time the menstrual period is released, and a group of eggs will apopt. The number of eggs in the ovaries does not increase, so by the age of 50, the eggs are almost exhausted, and the women will have amenorrhea.

Premature ovarian failure can be diagnosed if: (1) age <40 years, (2) amenorrhea time ≥6 months, and (3) two blood follicle-stimulating hormone > more than 1 month apart.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

Premature ovarian failure and rejuvenation

5 major hazards cannot be ignored

In recent years, there have been more and more young patients with premature ovarian failure, and the youngest is even only 18 years old. According to rough statistics from the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, premature ovarian failure accounts for at least 1% of women of childbearing age, and the actual clinical incidence rate is much higher than this level. Coupled with the general delay in the reproductive period, this disease has gradually attracted people's attention.

So, what kind of damage will premature ovarian failure cause to the human body?

1, menstrual disorders

The function of the ovaries declines, the secretion of estrogen is bound to be affected, and the menstrual cycle will change accordingly. It is generally possible to shorten first and then become longer, that is, to menstruate every 22 to 23 days in the early days, and then the interval is longer and longer, or even for several months.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

2, hot flashes and sweating

Decreased estrogen secretion can also lead to low estrogen symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, facial flushing, low libido, vaginal and breast atrophy, and may also be accompanied by anxiety, depression and other mental conditions.

3, infertility

Ovarian function declines, and there will be obstacles to the production and discharge of eggs, which can easily lead to infertility. Many people are diagnosed with premature ovarian failure because of infertility.

The natural pregnancy rate in patients with premature ovarian failure is very low, generally around 5 to 10%, and most patients require assisted reproductive technology for fertility.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

4, cardiovascular diseases

With a decline in ovarian function, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Studies have shown that premenopausal women have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to men of the same age, and the main factor is the difference in serum estrogen levels. Appropriate supplementation of estrogen can also reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women.

5, osteoporosis

Both estrogen and progesterone inhibit bone resorption, prevent bone loss, and prevent osteoporosis. If ovarian function declines and estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, bone loss will accelerate, and patients are prone to osteoporosis and may even fracture if they are not careful.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

Premature ovarian failure is irreversible

Be wary of these risk factors

The number of eggs in the ovaries is only decreasing and not increasing, and if the ovaries are prematurely failed, they can often only be controlled or improved by drug treatment, but they are irreversible. Therefore, avoiding risk factors is the most important way to prevent premature ovarian failure.

Common risk factors for ovarian damage are:

1, immune factors

The cause of most premature ovarian failure is unknown, but immune factors are a sure cause. Studies have found that 9 to 40% of patients with premature ovarian failure have 2 or more other endocrine glands or systems of autoimmune diseases, such as: autoimmune thyroiditis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, etc.

Among them, thyroid disease is the most common cause, about 12 to 33% of patients with premature ovarian failure also have thyroid disease.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

2, genetic factors

Studies have shown that the age of menopause in daughters is significantly correlated with the age of menopause in mothers. The mother's menopause age is late, the daughter's menopausal age is relatively late, and 49 to 97% of the menopausal age variation can be explained by genetic factors.

3, bacterial infection

Some pathogens invade the ovaries, which may cause inflammation of the ovaries, which in turn leads to fibrosis and, finally, premature ovarian failure.

For example, about 5% of young girls with mumps can be combined with viral oophoritis, which eventually leads to premature ovarian failure. The decline in ovarian function caused by this condition is often a slow and sustained process.

4. Partial surgery or medication

One side of the oophorectomy, hysterectomy, tubal ligation or resection, conservative or semi-radical surgery for endometriosis, and surgery for the pelvic segment of the ureter may cause damage to the ovaries and induce premature ovarian failure.

Some chemotherapy drugs, such as cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide, may also cause premature ovarian failure.

5, life and environmental factors

Long-term large-scale smoking and drinking, dieting and weight loss, irregular work and rest, staying up late, etc. will affect the endocrine, and may also change the ovarian tissue, affect the function of the ovaries, and lead to premature aging. After excluding other factors, Ms. Lin in the case believed that it had a lot to do with her long-term irregular work and rest and poor eating habits.

Long-term or large-scale radiation due to work, accidents and other reasons are also prone to irreversible damage to the ovaries and induce premature aging.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

It's time to take care of your ovaries

Discernment is more beneficial

In addition to preventing ovarian "injury", daily maintenance of the ovaries is also beneficial to prevent premature ovarian failure and improve the quality of life.

This maintenance method is not reliable

I believe that many people have heard that "essential oil massage, medicinal massage" can maintain the ovaries, but in fact, this is not reliable at all!

The ovaries are hidden in the bilateral iliac areas below the posterior pubic union, and it has a hard pelvic bone as a protection against sudden events that injure the ovaries. Normal-sized ovaries are almost inaccessible, and even clinical routine gynecological examinations are difficult to touch, let alone essential oils or drug massage.

Proper maintenance of the ovaries should be done

1, age-appropriate childbearing, breastfeeding

Since ovulation is not ovulated during pregnancy, breastfeeding can also inhibit ovulation, which has certain benefits for maintaining the ovaries. Therefore, women should also marry late and have children in moderation, and it is recommended to have children before the age of 29 and insist on breastfeeding.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

2, quit smoking, limit alcohol, balanced diet

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in tobacco may have toxic effects on female ovarian follicles, and women who smoke regularly will have menopause 1 to 2 years earlier than normal women. If 10 cigarettes are smoked > a day, 40% of women develop premature ovarian failure. Alcohol may also cause changes in ovarian tissue, affecting ovarian function.

Excessive dieting and weight loss, unbalanced diet, etc. are easy to cause malnutrition, decreased immunity, endocrine disorders, which is not conducive to ovarian health.

3, enough sleep, improve mood

Staying up late can affect the synthesis and secretion of estrogen, which in turn affects ovarian function. Studies have found that the longer and more frequently you stay up late, the greater the chance of early menopause.

Long-term stress, anxiety, depression and other undesirable emotions will affect the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, hinder hormone secretion, inhibit ovarian ovulation, and easily damage ovarian health.

Therefore, adequate sleep and a good mood are also a major "magic weapon" for maintaining the ovaries.

The ovaries are the "source of life" for women! Do these 3 cares well and keep it "young" forever

In addition, the ovaries are also closely related to estrogen, and women can consume more soybeans and their products on a daily basis, and their soy isoflavones can help regulate estrogen balance. The long-term oxidative stress state will promote ovarian aging, you can eat more antioxidant-rich foods, such as: almonds, broccoli, purple cabbage, blueberries and other vegetables and fruits.

Tip: Except in special circumstances (such as pregnancy, etc.), if the menstruation is reduced or stopped for two consecutive months, you should seek medical attention in time. Friends who are not assured of their ovarian health can also seek medical treatment for pelvic ultrasound and hormone six examinations.

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