
Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

author:Chubby love

To run life in your own way is to find happiness; Looking up at the sky in your own way is the expectation of freedom; Keeping the peace of mind in your own way is the nature of the mind; Surpassing yourself in your own way is the most beautiful success in life; Use your own way to answer the trajectory of life, the journey of life will definitely have a different harvest; In fact, all we can experience is to continue to read and enjoy the stories and times of life.

Everyone has their own life experience, everyone from the day of birth, the heavens have already arranged the role you will play, life and death reincarnation, rich and noble in the sky. How can I be happy? In fact, plain and simple days are happiness. Every day in the face of the trivialities in life, everyone will complain, but this is life, there are gains and losses, advantages and disadvantages of life. As long as we feel with love and operate with our hearts, we can all embrace happiness.

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

Life is regenerated in breakouts after breakout. Every time the sun rises and sets, it is a kind of urging for man to break through the self. Under the sun, your appearance is like this, and in the moonlight, you are another new self.

Life is a process of gradual compromise. When you are young, you run your head and break the bloodstream, and then from a certain day, you slowly learn to conform to the expectations of your elders, the norms of society and the pressure of life, and give up being the person you want to be. Many people call this process maturity, but you just lose the most important battle of your life. You have to try to surrender a little later, hold out a little longer, hold out a little longer.

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

Living is for happiness, and happiness is our pursuit, we advocate such a life, in the journey of life we are looking for, chasing. Yearning, struggling, but happiness is actually all around us.

Happiness is like a pyramid, there are many levels, the higher the happiness, the less happiness, the more difficult it is to get happiness. The more you are at the bottom, the easier it is to feel happy; the more layers you cross from the bottom, the stronger your happiness will be. Happiness is actually an expectation, a feeling of the heart. As long as we use our hearts to discover and feel with our hearts, you will find that happiness is actually all around us. Do you feel happy today?

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

Time will tell us that simple likes are the longest; companionship in the ordinary, the most at ease; people who understand you, the warmest. A person's life, forget time, forget existence, forget the past that has not been forgotten. As I walked, I scattered, and my memories faded; when I looked at it, I was tired, and the starlight dimmed; when I listened, I woke up and began to complain; I looked back and found that you were gone, and suddenly I was confused.

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause! In life, you can't always hold your head high, have a landscape with your head held high, and have another scenery with your head down. With your head held high, you can see the sunrise and sunset; with your head down, you can see the comings and goings of the sun. Everyone has life, but not everyone can read life; everyone has a mind, but not everyone makes good use of the mind. Only people who love life and are good at using their brains can truly have life!

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

Ask more of yourself and you'll be more independent; ask less of others and you'll be less disappointed. I'd rather spend time cultivating my imperfect self than waste time expecting perfect others. Be calm, relaxed, and open-minded. Everything should be measured, people should be content, the pursuit of a complete life is good, yearning for a high-quality life is good, but on the way forward, don't forget to bring a contented heart!

You envy the beauty of others, but you are reluctant to spend money, you envy other people's income, and you do not want to invest, you envy everything that others have, but you dare not try anything, because you will only fantasize and not do it, so you only have envy.

Life is not long but good, as long as every best demonstration is worthy of encouragement and applause

I am chubby, grateful for life, sharing happiness! Answer every question carefully, make every friend with your heart, thank you for reading, agree with please forward and like, thank you for paying attention to the headline number: fat love!

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