
Cheers for the sports promotion of the middle school entrance examination

author:Martin 2020

In 1915, Mao Zedong, who was still studying at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, published "Research on Sports" in the "New Youth". He put forward that "the main purpose of sports is martial courage", believing that a healthy physique, a brave will and a tenacious spirit are what is needed to save the Chinese nation. The young Mao Zedong focused on practicing "civilized thinking and barbaric physique", often organized his classmates to climb mountains and swim, insisted on exercising in the fierce storms and storms, and the terrifying waves, leaving behind a heroic "confident life for 200 years and will hit the water for 3,000 miles". In the later stages of his revolutionary career, Mao Zedong braved hardships and hardships and led the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people to victory in national independence and new China.

Today, more than a hundred years later, young people with healthy physique and tenacious will are also the hope of national rejuvenation. Unfortunately, playing mobile phones, playing online games, and brushing short videos have become the main ways and channels for many students to soothe their spirits and communicate with each other in addition to their studies. The post-00s generation seriously lack outdoor physical exercise, low vision, poor physical fitness, and physical measurement data show a significant downward trend compared with students 10 or 20 years ago.

What's more, in recent years, some media, film and television programs lack a sense of social responsibility and blindly pursue ratings and economic benefits. Positive and positive energy lacks sunshine and masculinity, but the wind of "pseudo-bride" and "fresh meat" prevails, earrings yellow hair, eye shadow false eyelashes, head scratching posture, grease and powder, male and female are difficult to distinguish, and constantly convey to the society a strange and deformed aesthetic. In the long run, how can a collapsed generation of young people who are weak and depressed go to power?

"If the youth is strong, China is strong", strong physique and tenacious will are the wings for pursuing dreams, and they are also the cornerstone of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. What the strong country needs is the outstanding youth of the Olympic athlete Su Bingtian and the heroic battalion commander Chen Hongjun, so it is indispensable to save the younger generation from the culture of electronic opium and garbage, and in addition to strengthening the guidance and supervision of the cultural and entertainment fields, it is also indispensable to take strong measures to urge young people to strengthen physical exercise and establish correct aesthetics and values.

It is worth looking forward to and gratifying that the relevant state departments have begun to carry out relevant work. The Ministry of Education held a press conference in October 2020 and proposed that the score of the physical education examination will be increased year by year, and it should reach the same level as the number of words. At present, Yunnan Province has begun to experiment with the policy of sharing the same score as the main subject, and the sports performance is the same as that of the number of languages, which is 100 points; and the Chengdu Secondary School Entrance Examination Sports has increased to 60 points since the new policy was launched in 2022.

It is believed that after the "burden reduction", under the pressure of the national policy of "promoting the body with examinations", more and more children will rush into the playground in the future, which will be of great benefit to improving students' physical fitness, tempering their will, and resisting bad temptations. If so, the youth and the nation will be blessed!

Cheers for the sports promotion of the middle school entrance examination
Cheers for the sports promotion of the middle school entrance examination

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