
Cheers for olympic results, cheers for Olympic athletes

author:Message to Peach Lee and

The Tokyo Olympic Games are coming to an end, our athletes have shined in the Olympic Games, have won more than 30 gold medals, is expected to rank first in the world gold medal list, this is a milestone achievement, worthy of our cheers for athletes! At the same time, I have also seen some foreign media defame Chinese sports as a gold medal machine, and some Chinese people in the comment area also said that a lot of investment is invested in competing for several gold medals. After reading this, as an old man in his 60s, I would like to send some feelings.

1. The achievements of athletes are not easy to come by, and they are the result of the accumulation of generations of struggle.

I remember that when I was a child, the only sports achievements promoted by the media were Zheng Fengrong's high jump and Chen Jingkai's weightlifting, and the others were lackluster, how much we were eager for more sports achievements to emerge.

At that time, Chinese sports were also difficult to enter the top three in Asia, not to mention their position in the world. Chinese athletics ranked at the C level, and most of them could not compete because they did not meet the participation standards of the World Series.

I remember that there was an article in the "Reference News" that year, saying that a Chinese sports delegation visited Cuba, Cuban comrades took them to visit the Cuban sports performance showroom, and more than a dozen world championship medals (mainly boxing and weightlifting) from a small country made Chinese envious, and at that time, our big country did not have a world championship. Somehow, decades have passed and this report cannot be forgotten.

Xu Haifeng's first Olympic gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 opened a new era in the development of Chinese sports, when many of us wanted to win fifteen gold medals in one Olympic Games. From feeling inconceivable to winning a gold medal to winning a gold medal as a natural necessity, this is the result of the development of China's sports industry and the result of the accumulation of generations of struggle.

Don't believe that foreigners don't attach importance to gold medals, Europeans also "cross the horse" to the streets, Americans win gold President also congratulated, Indians also want to wear gold medals, picking gold and silver everywhere is a heroic move.

2. The achievements in the development of sports are also the embodiment of the achievements of the country's reform and opening up.

Competitive sports originated in Western countries, and table tennis, often referred to as the national ball, is also an invention of the United Kingdom. A developing country entering the territory of a developed country and competing according to the rules of others is naturally at a disadvantage, not to mention that many projects we have never heard of, and it is even more difficult to win. However, China's decades of reform and opening up have enabled china not only to deeply integrate into the world economically, but also in many fields of sports, Chinese to understand the world better, to be more confident in competition with the world, and to dare to compete and defeat each other in the field of each other's advantages.

3. The achievement of sports achievements is a reflection of the level of national economic and social development.

Looking at the Olympic gold medal list, it is almost a copy of the GDP ranking.

Decades ago, because our country was relatively poor, the level of science and technology was backward, the basic nutrition and equipment of athletes could not be guaranteed, and the training technology lagged behind that of developed countries, and the overall level of athletes was naturally not high. Nowadays, look at the training environment, training technology, clothing equipment, logistics support of our athletes are world-class, envied by many foreign athletes, the Olympic results reflect the improvement of our great power and national strength, with the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, in the future, China will occupy the first place in the Olympic gold medal list will become the norm.

4. The achievement of excellent results in the Olympic Games will surely promote the in-depth development of China's sports industry.

Over the past few decades, the development of China's sports industry has changed from concept to pattern.

Once upon a time, the society once had a simple mind and developed limbs, athletes from childhood closed training, learning without it, many athletes after retirement life is embarrassing. Look at today's athletes' mental outlook has completely changed, not to mention Guo Jingjing, Hui Ruoqi and other retired athletes into the international sports organization, now a large number of active outstanding athletes are college students of key universities, they are confident and sunny, and they are no longer the gold medal airport in the eyes of the Western media.

Competitive sports and mass fitness complement each other. The excellent results of competitive sports have further stimulated the enthusiasm of national fitness, looking at the degree of firestorms in various city gyms, swimming pools, various stadiums, long-distance running venues and other places, competitive sports have undoubtedly played a huge role in promoting the improvement of the national health level. In turn, mass sports for competitive sports to lay a solid foundation, in many sports venues, activists, especially teenagers are retired professional athletes in the training guidance, in time, the level of sports skills of the masses will inevitably continue to improve, for competitive sports to provide more high-level talents.

Therefore, the excellent results of athletes in the Olympic Games are not only a reflection of the number of medals, but also a portrayal of the great rejuvenation process of our country, we must be proud of athletes, cheer for their achievements, and wish them better results in the future!

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