
What day will we fly? The feeling of a graduating teacher

author:Country house moved brick brother

"I think dreams should be things that you still feel must do when you are about to stop breathing..."

What day will we fly? The feeling of a graduating teacher

In the blink of an eye, it was time for college freshmen to admit them, and before I knew it, I had been graduating from college for almost 5 years. 5 years of grinding has made me have a new understanding of the "ideal" thing!

Just a few days ago, I watched a small and fresh movie in Hong Kong on the Internet "Which Day We Will Fly", as a literary and artistic controller, I was still deeply poked in the pain point by the plot inside, evoking a trace of memories of celebrating youth.....

As a rare campus youth film in Hong Kong films, "Which Day" is easily reminiscent of the Taiwanese film "My Girlhood" with the same theme. Although the background of the story is placed on the high school campus, and the narrative also calls for youth memories, "Which Day" is more through the interweaving of the two different periods of life of the hero and heroine, telling the youth loss and confusion of a generation, the pursuit and loss of ideals. The story of laughter and tears and delicate warmth presents the unstoppable wandering and increasingly disappointed ideals of Hong Kong people (in fact, each of us). The work wants to beat us who are tired by reality and reawaken our original dreams.

What day will we fly? The feeling of a graduating teacher

Five years ago, two years after graduation, I was at a crossroads in my life, torn between sticking to my original dream and making ends meet.

I was a high-achieving student in the Chinese department of a university, dreaming of becoming a film and television screenwriter, but under the pressure of life and the persuasion of my family, I had to bow to reality and turn to a copywriter in a Taobao store.

At that time, I was once lost, and I wrote a blog called "The Lonely Flying Eagle":

Legend has it that on a small island called the end of the world, there lives a group of eagles with great ambitions!

Eagles are a group of natural nobles in nature, each with extraordinary skills, full of fighting hearts, dreaming of one day flying to the distant country in their hearts.......

Every Year in March, the Eagles begin their flying career! The youngest eagle on the island is called Fei'er, because he was born with a pair of beautiful wings like angels, so he got this good name! As a young man, he used to watch his predecessors fly to the far away, and his heart was full of admiration! Now I finally have the opportunity to realize my dreams!

Before Fei'er left, his mother said to him: "Son, be brave and fly, I believe you can fly far, you will always be the best!" ”

Like his predecessors, Fei'er left the island proudly and confidently, spreading his wings and soaring into the clear sky........

What day will we fly? The feeling of a graduating teacher

The eagles have their own ambitions:

Some aspire to fly to outer space and see new life;

Some hope can fly to the most remote poles of the earth and feel the changes in the magnetic field;

Some hope to cross the steep peaks and enjoy the thrill of the nine clouds........

Fei'er, on the other hand, dreams of flying to the fairyland-like paradise in the distance and exploring love and beauty with the angels, because he firmly believes that the pair of angel wings on his body can communicate with their souls!

However, the uninterrupted flight made Fei'er feel physically and mentally tired, and even a little overwhelmed!

Hovering in mid-air, facing complex and harsh objective conditions, thunderstorms, lightning, cold, solar storms, low pressure, hypoxia...........

He felt frightened and helpless! It turns out that there is so much resistance to reaching the ideal? So how did the predecessors overcome the difficulties? Did they finally achieve their ideals? ........

So, as a result, Fei'er began to slow down the pace of progress, and gradually lost his way, because he knew that there was no way to return to the end of the world, and he could only follow the unpredictable future...

Is the road to heaven really that far away?

Finally, Fei'er unconsciously fell on the shore of the ocean, like a meteor, and fell.......

Because I'm too tired, I'm really too tired!!

Suddenly, when did Fei'er's ear come through and call: "Little brother, little brother, okay?" ”

Fei Er woke up in the haze. "Where is this?" You are....? ”

It turned out to be an old turtle that had lived at sea for many years!

"Dear little eagle, you may be too tired of flying in the air! Don't force yourself, know how to choose and give up! ”

Fei'er said: "I am not afraid, I am not afraid, we eagles are never defeated, I believe that I will be able to go forward like my predecessors!" ”

The turtle shook his head and smiled, "You eagles are a bunch of pathetic people who are full of fighting hearts but pretend to be stubborn!" I obviously want to give up, but I pretend to insist! .....”

Fei Er was silent for a while, looking at the sea affectionately.

The turtles said with deep understanding: "I have lived in this sea for a long time, and I have seen too many eagles like you, and they are always scrappy on the day they leave the island, naively thinking that they can conquer nature and finally realize their ideals!" Yet the forces of nature are so terrifying, so intimidating, so daunting! ”

"I know I'm still far from the goal, but I can't give up easily??! What the predecessors can't complete, let our descendants complete it! Fei Er still seemed very determined.

The turtle pointed to the seabirds floating at sea level in the distance, "You see, they are actually your predecessors, the old eagles, who are now reduced to competing with fish for food on the ocean!" ”

"Impossible, impossible, how can this be?" Fei'er couldn't believe that the noble Eagle Clan would be reduced to a lowly creature wandering in the sea!

"At that time, they were as desperate as you to fly in pursuit of their ideals, but could they fight against nature with just a pair of fragile wings and a brave heart?" ....... Eagles are actually not afraid of harsh environments, natural disasters, natural enemies, but in the process of flying, they gradually lose the ability and desire to survive, that is, they do not know how to survive! In the end, lost his way, lost himself, hovered in mid-air, could not fly farther and higher, had to fall step by step to the ocean below... Compete with creatures on the water for that rare food resource! By the time they learn how to survive, they have lost the ability and desire to fly. . . .

"No, no, I don't want to be like them, I'd rather die for my ideals than degenerate into a seabird!" Fei Er screamed! "I don't need to fly very far and fly very high, I just want to fly to heaven, I don't want to waste this pair of angel wings on me!"

The old turtle smiled, "You are indeed very idealistic, very good, young man!" But, you know, God just loves to torment us like this! Gives us a lot of innate skills, but creates a lot of difficult environments for us to face. You look at human beings, they have supreme wisdom, they want to conquer the tip of nature's iceberg, but they have experienced thousands of years of hard work, countless times of waiting! Countless disasters, what a long road! Mankind has conquered space, conquered mountains and oceans, relying on the tools of survival, the weapons of survival! Of course, the most important thing is that human beings are good at communication, united enough, not like you eagles to fight alone, too high self-esteem! ”

Hearing this, Fei'er was silent again, as if she had understood something.

He recalled his days on the island, in addition to learning how to fly, other survival skills were actually not at all! And, of course, his predecessors.

They can only fly, do not know how to survive, or perish, or fall!

Five years later, I'm back on the trajectory of my flight!

Can you still get back to your original self? Huang Xiuping, the director of "Which Day", once talked about his feelings in an interview: "If you forget the original intention in life, you will make mistakes and even fall into a catastrophe. As the theme song of the film sings:

"Summoning up this courage, stepping out of this distance, we will almost fly."

Content provided: @ Sunset Angel 1988, Meizhou Wuhua, living in Xiaozhou Village

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