
Children procrastinate and rub every day, and parents are angry and attacking! Suddenly, I had a plan, and I didn't think that the effect was excellent

author:Write whatever you want

■ Every morning the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry!

Every morning, the family is chicken flying dog jump, the child three times please get up, not in a hurry, grinding and rubbing clothes to wash and eat, adults keep shouting at him and scolding him, but he is not moved.

In order to save time, the adults had to help him peel eggs, find a red scarf, put a mask on him, and even help him put on his shoes... He was able to choke on the last second out of the door!

I always feel that I can't go on like this anymore, every morning is too torturous, and the child has developed this bad habit of dragging and grinding!

I seriously thought about where the problem is, it should be that the adults have prepared everything for him, he has no sense of self-arrangement, nor can he feel the urgency of time, and he always needs parents to urge three or four times before they can act.

Children procrastinate and rub every day, and parents are angry and attacking! Suddenly, I had a plan, and I didn't think that the effect was excellent

■ Have a plan and receive a miracle effect!

It's time for a change! This morning, when the child got up, I told him that from now on, I would not tell you what to do, you wash yourself, pack your things, go out before eight thirty-fifteen, I can ride to you, if you go out after eight fifteen, walk to school today (walking to school is doomed to be late!). )。

The child began to get dressed and washed, still grinding and rubbing, and I told grandma not to nag him as usual, let him think for himself, and not help.

At 8:17, the child finally packed up, and I solemnly announced to him: Today we will walk to school!

The child was really anxious at this point, lost his temper, I ignored him, he ran wild on the road, I chased after me breathlessly.

But without running for a while, he began to look left and right, one would appreciate the advertisement on the overpass, one would look at other scenery, I controlled myself, and kept silently following behind him, only halfway reminding him of an eight-twenty-seven sentence (the school requires eight thirty) to school!

Finally stumbling all the way, the child stepped into the school gate at 8:31.

When he got up the next morning, no one reminded him, the child began to consciously prepare for school, and at eight o'clock, he began to urge me to go out and take him to school!

Children procrastinate and rub every day, and parents are angry and attacking! Suddenly, I had a plan, and I didn't think that the effect was excellent

■ The magic of natural punishment!

Later, I read in a book that this approach is called natural punishment.

That is, children go through many and consistent experiences, get the natural consequences of bad behavior, and finally they will form accurate and complete ideas: what to do? What shouldn't be done? What will be the consequences?

Children make judgments from their own experiences and understand the behavior and its results, which is much more credible than the judgments obtained by relying solely on parental scolding and preaching.

Like my child, he experienced the trouble that procrastination caused him, he could not only feel the consequences deeply, but also understand the causal relationship, and the next day he knew what he had to do so that he would not be late.

Natural punishment is a great way to make children grow up in experience and grow up in experience, rather than in preaching, nagging, and doting! This kind of education is also more effective!

Children procrastinate and rub every day, and parents are angry and attacking! Suddenly, I had a plan, and I didn't think that the effect was excellent

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