
An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

author:Everyday book photocopies

The mole is a short, chubby mammal with a small pointed head, silky fur and strong forefoots, which create unique conditions for it to run freely in narrow tunnels. It has long and powerful claws on its front feet and is very good at digging soil, so the mole is also known as the "excavator of the animal world". Moles live in the ground, mainly feeding on underground insects and their larvae, but also eating the roots of crops, so in agriculture, moles are pests.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

Unlike the image of poverty and bad behavior in reality, in the picture book "Mole Morris", our little mole is a kind and cute elf who dares to express himself, dares to try. This picture book vividly tells the inspirational story of Morris the little mole who changed his situation with his own practical actions, encouraging children to dare to express their ideas and be brave enough to try. Its author and painter is the internationally renowned writer and illustrator Dan Jacarino. The whole picture book is brightly colored, the image is cute, and the meaning is profound.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

Morris is a little mole with a difference, wearing a suit, a top hat and an umbrella with him. He lived with his brothers, but when he ate, his brothers ate at a large table, and he ate alone at the small table; when he slept, his brothers also slept in a large bed, and he slept alone in a small bed. Morris, however, was not embarrassed in the slightest.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

One day, the eldest brother said that the food dug in this layer had been eaten, and he wanted to dig deeper. The other moles agreed, but Morris had a different idea, and he wanted to dig up. No one listened to him, no one supported him, and Morris was not afraid in the face of the upward road he had never taken, but in the end, he regained his courage and went like a warrior to meet the uncertain future of tomorrow. As a result, he discovered a new world full of birds and flowers and bright lights. He had experienced many wonderful experiences that he had never imagined or experienced before, and in these novel experiences he also found a wide variety and considerable amount of food, which he collected with an umbrella and prepared to take them to the underground cave.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

However, just then, he encountered a fox. The fox was about to eat him and was opening his mouth when he suddenly heard the wolf's voice. Morris not only did not look at it coldly, but instead extended a friendly hand, allowing the fox to evade the wolf's pursuit. In this way, Morris became a friend of the fox and was warmly welcomed by the fox and his friends, who brought him a lot of food. Morris brought the food back to the cave and finally got praise from his brothers.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

I think that if a person always follows the old path, he will not have any chance to discover something new, so there will be no new experience, no new perception. Like Morris in the book, if he hadn't done the opposite and dug up, he wouldn't have found that the world was so colorful, and he wouldn't have reaped so much friendship and so much food.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

When Morris discovers the New World, he encounters both good and bad things. It was good that he discovered a beautiful new world, that it was a bad thing that he met a fox to eat it, and that it was a good thing that he had the friendship of the fox and his friends. Therefore, things in the world are like this, bad things and good things are transformed into each other, bad things can become good things, good things will become bad things, and what we have to do is to grasp the law of this transformation and live a peaceful life.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

The book "Mole Morris" is read in a large open book, the picture is rich and vivid, the image of the little mole is cute and cute, and the story told is also full of positive energy. We can not only harvest warmth and good mood from pictures, but also harvest the truth of being a person from stories, recommended to you.

An adventure with a mole – even when I was very young, I could do great things

Mole Buddha-figures

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