
Still life

author:Gardenia flowing

—Just you again?

—I afaird so

Still life

"He spent twenty-two years searching for loved ones for those who died alone, following their faith, attending their funerals, ending the stranger's departure, and giving him dignity. Regularity of life, serious and cold, twenty-two years. ”

Still life

A funeral home worker who is outside of someone else's life, a meticulous life, the same clothes, the same things, the same presentation. He loves his job very much. His life was simply to find relatives for the lonely people who had passed away to attend funerals. The only "companion" he had were the buried people, and their pictures.

Still life

He respected each of the deceased and even arranged different funeral forms for them according to their beliefs during their lifetime. His superiors went to fire him because he was too serious and inefficient, but he was willing to do his last job— to find his family for William to attend the funeral.

Still life

John's home is cool in color, simple in furniture and neatly furnished. All the objects were neat. He pays great attention to detail and ritual, even if it is a simple meal, he will set up food and knives and forks, and then enjoy it quietly, all of which seems even a little lonely

Still life

John's loneliness is different from many people, he is alone, and the film uses a lot of still life shots to express his loneliness. Cool tones accentuate his wandering. He didn't smile at all, and all this changed after John was said to be fired.

Still life

Life began with a cup of hot tea for hot chocolate, he missed the shuttle, began to try new things, and crossed the street without making sure if there was a car coming. He no longer guarded his own little bit of the world and began to change. A new life is just about to begin, but life suddenly ends.

Still life
Still life

The old man on the second floor around the corner of the building was still smoking a cigarette alone, but there was no one downstairs passing by.

Still life
Still life

In searching for William's case, John was even a little envious of William, who was already dead. It used its teeth to bite the belt and hang it in the air for nearly four minutes to organize a fundraiser, and it had a happy family and a lovely daughter. But he didn't understand, he envied, just didn't understand.

Still life

At the end of the movie, it's like someone pressing a huge stone on my chest, very sad, and John is taken away by accident and ruthlessly. During his lifetime, he made the most dignified funeral possible for each death. But when he was buried, no one attended his funeral. In the end, only the souls of their funerals, whom John had presided over, were left to bid him farewell.

Still life

In the end, even the most depressing but also the most touching fragment. Even if you don't care about what you do, there will always be people who have been helped by you who will remember you. John would write a memorial service to the deceased, attend their funerals, and always have pictures of them in the album. He was kind even though his life was not happy.

Still life

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