
Someday, you'll laugh and say things that made you miserable

author:Legal Reading Library
Someday, you'll laugh and say things that made you miserable

Author: Xiao Bei, Legal Inspector

In litigation, no matter what the outcome is, it is actually difficult to say whether there is a winner, whether it is the defendant or the victim or other related persons, the case will always be of deep concern or change.

An inadvertent traffic accident can cause the loss of loved ones and completely change several families;

A greed for money may be more than ten years away from the iron window of a loved one;

An irrational impulse can ruin the future of a young man who has just joined the WTO.

What you see on their faces is remorse, self-blame, but also helplessness that has happened.

All of that, we can't go back. What was once taken for granted suddenly one day becomes something out of reach.

Once, the family of a victim of a traffic accident who lost his only son cried for a long time in the company, his voice was as miserable as if he was crazy, and he still couldn't bear to think about it every time he thought about it.

Similar scenes can always be encountered, and whenever I see them talking about sadness, I always want to come forward and comfort something. Not because of professional needs, but from the perspective of ordinary people, I want to soothe the pain in the heart of this kind of person as much as possible, the world is uncertain, we see the most real, and we will also deeply feel that we must cherish the present.

However, many times I don't know where to start, I can only silently accompany me or simply repeat a few words, "everything will pass", "no matter what, I will always live", "It will be good for a long time".

There's more beyond the case.

Everyone will encounter problems that ultimately take time to solve, and in the end you will also be grateful for the time, and finally it will not hurt so much.

A lawyer backstage told me a story about him some time ago. At first, my family came from the countryside, and it was very difficult to study.

After graduation, I chose to become a lawyer just to bring some changes to my family. After years of suffering, I thought that I could finally change, and I didn't want to go wrong in a case that I had just entered the industry, causing a lot of losses to the client, and I also faced high compensation.

The amount may not seem so exaggerated now, but it was an astronomical amount for him at the time. It was not easy to ensure a life when I first entered the industry, and now I have to pay additional compensation.

He said that he was depressed for a long time, and he felt that the unlucky one was always himself, and he never rested in those years, and he worked part-time every day after work, feeling like an emotionless machine.

Once, just standing on the side of the road, a big man couldn't stop crying and crying bitterly. Fortunately, I finally survived.

Speaking of the past, he said that looking back now and even appreciating the encounter at that time, on the one hand, he made himself more careful about the case, on the other hand, he also felt that the more he experienced hardships, the more he knew how to cherish life, and he had a stronger self.

There will always be some new people in the company in the background to talk about the troubles in the company, in fact, if you look closely, you will find that many people in the company have a very similar emotional curve, from the ambition at the beginning, to the regret, anxiety, confusion later, and then to the beginning of willingness to look down and accept.

From always thinking about doing some big things at the beginning, to focusing only on the small things around him later, the complexity of those in the company, positions or other things can only be a temporary trouble, and those past events that have entangled themselves can one day be faced with a smile.

There is also a small friend around, his parents divorced in the early years, and then he took a lot of effort to insist on reading the book. After graduation, I first went to Xinjiang to support teaching, and then came to our company, and insisted on doing public welfare after work.

Later, the mother was sick and needed to be accompanied every day, so she went to work to handle the case, and the bed with the bed after work has been insisting, even so, she is still optimistic to maintain her enthusiasm for life, and the strong and optimistic in this girl's heart has infected many people around her, and has also taught many people how to face life.

Growing up will have troubles, whether it is busy young or busy getting old, not losing faith in the trough, and eventually becoming confident and calm, that is your wealth. Those thorns will also be your armor.

"One day,

You'll laugh and say things that made you miserable. ”

The Shawshank Redemption

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