
Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing


Many people come into this world with the mission of their parents, who have not yet been born or have been first sketched by their parents. Only a few people are well aware of their mission. You are lost as you walk, not because you can't tell whether what you get is what you want or what others expect from you, and you can't tell whether what you lose is incapable of fighting for or destiny.

Man spends his life looking for two houses, one containing our flesh and the other house being the body and mind of others, which can house our souls. For most people, it is enough for the dweller to have a house; for others, the placement of the flesh alone is not enough. It is often relatively easy to pursue visible objects, and the pursuit of invisible care depends on fate.

Chinese, titled "She's Lonelier Than Fireworks," is based on a biography co-authored by Jacqueline Duprey's sister Hilary and brother Pierce, and is a chronological biographical film about the life of British cellist Jacqueline Duprey. I don't like the name of this movie, the protagonist can't say that it is lonely, and there is some loneliness that is not understood by the world.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

The supporting character Hilary is the eldest in the family and is the oldest sister; the protagonist cellist Dupre is the second eldest and the younger sister; and the third is the younger brother, who has almost no role in this movie, and is the most non-existent character. The three siblings come from a musical family and have an unusual childhood experience compared to other children of the same age, they were born with the mission of becoming famous in the field of music, and they were born children who were expected by their parents to succeed in their studies.

The teenage sisters who are the protagonists of the film begin by wearing the same style of English-style knit sweater and wearing a flat hat to play carefree on the beach. They held hands and said by the narrator that they would cross the Olinok River, cross the fiery Kalahari Desert, cross the wild steppes of South Africa, pass through the wilderness, and return to their homes. The two sisters hugged each other tightly by the sea, conveying to us a very deep, intimate sisterhood. In the rest of life, the sister has been living in this kind of cognition, intimate with the sister, you have me, I have you, anything can be shared, sisterhood in the family is to make her feel the warmest and safest.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

At that time, they had the same parents, the same origins, and the same talents. In the future, because of various competitions and various screenings, it gradually drifted away.

From the age of a few years, my mother deliberately cultivated the sisters in music. When they were young, her sister, as a recognized flute player genius, once led the way, overshadowing her sister who practiced cello. My mother told her sister that if you want to perform with your sister, you must be on par with your sister in terms of skill. After this, the sister took her sister as an example, devoted herself to her efforts, and soon surpassed her sister and became a genius girl in the eyes of everyone, the plot came to a reversal, and the sister was eclipsed. Based on the limited resources of parents, families with many children will generally choose the one with the most hope of honoring their ancestors to focus on cultivation, and their families are no exception. When the sister first appeared sharp, it was natural to tilt in the cultivation of children, and the lives of the sisters were dramatically reversed. The sisters' life paths have a very different landscape, the sister chose to give up music to return to the family, while the sister dragged the cello around the world, achieving remarkable achievements, countless honors, flowers and applause.

Dupre's success is inextricably linked to the strength of the family, and her success is not accidental, but is promoted by the superior family environment and her parents. And for this success, it seems that Dupre herself did not buy it, in this original family she regarded others as air except for her close relationship with her sister. When she was sick at home, her parents came to see her, and when her father, who was sitting on the couch, picked up a piece of cake on the coffee table and prepared to send it to her mouth, she said coldly: "This is for entertaining friends, you better not eat it." The mother on the side was sitting precariously, and did not dare to say much. Children have achieved sparkling achievements, but the relationship with their parents has never been springy.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

It is easy to assume that a person who succeeds in society must be more happy than the unknown person, and in fact it should be the same, at least their choices in all aspects are thus enriched. And there is one thing that cannot be chosen or won, that is, others love you or not. If a person wants to have whether or not to get love as the criterion of happiness, many successes in this world will be difficult to satisfy their desires, emptiness, and breaking through the door.

Dupre toured, putting a label on the cello everywhere she went, and in a foreign country and no relatives, she also put a lonely label on her heart. She has been praised by the whole world, but she has less warmth and warmth at home. There is a passage that says that she sent dirty clothes home in Russia to wash, in the eyes of others she is a selfish person who does not know how to live independently, and when she returned from the performance, she could not wait to open and smell it when she learned that the washed clothes had been sent, and excitedly told the security guard that this was the smell of home. Then she returned to her hotel room, put the cello representing her kidnapping outside in an attempt to freeze it, returned to bed and lined up the washed clothes at home, wrapped them around her head, and desperately smelled the smell of home on her clothes. In fact, it is quite sad to see here, when the thought reaches the peak and cannot be discharged, the lonely and empty place is poured out, no matter how successful it is, there is still an empty hole in the heart. After all, people still need love and the warmth of the family.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

When Dupre felt a little abnormal physically and might not be able to continue playing, he leaned back against the door and pretended to be indifferent and asked her husband if he loved her if he loved her if one day she could no longer play the piano. While the husband was packing his bags, he said that you are not the one who cannot play the cello. She was not satisfied with such an insecure reply and left the house without saying hello. After leaving home, Dupre came to his sister's farm villa, trying to find the unconditional love and warmth of his sister that he felt when he was a child. The joy and satisfaction brought by success she has experienced, and at this moment, she has not experienced her sister's ordinary life, happy marriage, and family atmosphere of love and affection, she feels that she is yearning, and she wants to share it with her sister. So she brazenly asked to sleep with her brother-in-law and happily mingled with her sister's children, naively believing that she could be seamlessly connected to the family. And my sister is no longer the sister who can share everything with her when she was a child, not to mention, not everything can be shared with others. In the film, Dupre seems to be still mentally stuck in his teens, willful, naïve, selfish, in order to achieve the purpose of sleeping with her brother-in-law, not only drove away her husband who came to visit her from afar, but also ran to the mountain naked in the cold winter to self-harm, which made her sister feel sad and had to agree to her request against her heart and pain. The same attitude towards music as a child, the courage and determination to treat others at all costs, like a burning flame, burn not only yourself but also the people around you. It's just that she doesn't understand, how can such a bed with you not have a dream, and the love that comes from this is based on endless torture for everyone, which is not the same thing as her efforts on the cello, and how can it blossom?

With the passage of time, many people and many things are changing, no matter how soothing the past is, there will always be a past day. Each other's lives have long been different from the original, and you are still in the original state of mind in the original place, which will only increase embarrassment.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

Later in the film, Duprey falls seriously ill, her husband reorganizes her family in Paris behind her back, leaving her alone to face illness and endless loneliness, once famous and now only on an isolated island listening to the highlight moment of vinyl waiting for the inevitable death, without any hope.

How is a woman going to spend this life? How can I be happier and happier? There are some fortunate and unfortunate things that we can't influence, such as sudden accidents and diseases. In addition, the biggest impact is nothing more than the weight of career and family. A person's time is limited, you can't chase two things at the same time, when you stand at the peak of your career, you will probably lack the joy of family. When choosing a plain mortal life like my sister, I am doomed to have no success with worldly understanding.

Then again, I think both sisters are lucky. Although the choices are different, they have their own successes, the sister represents the happiness of ordinary people, is the typical choice to work hard for the family; the sister represents the extraordinary, is the genius who chooses to work hard in personal achievement. The sister has a lover who always cherishes her understanding, has a large number of children, and a happy family; and the sister has also created many amazing works in her short life, becoming a violinist unparalleled in the World in Britain, and is still remembered by countless people.

No matter what you spend your life chasing, you can't avoid one thing, that is, one day lying in bed or in a wheelchair facing your lonely self, facing the loneliness of the end. As long as the memories of this process are enough to fill in the increasing vicissitudes, it is worth it.

Loneliness and loneliness are not the same thing, the female biography movie "She is lonelier than fireworks" after viewing

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