
IU debuted in a commercial film and served as the lead actress in a new film directed by Extreme Career

author:Beijing News

Beijing News On January 3, according to Korean media reports, IU (Lee Chi-eun) decided to star in the new film "Dream" directed by Li Bingxian and play the female lead. Lee Byung-hyun has directed classic works such as "Twenty" and "Extreme Career", and "Dream" will also be IU's first commercial film.

IU debuted in a commercial film and served as the lead actress in a new film directed by Extreme Career

Image from the web.

"Dream" tells the story of a football player (Park Su-joon) who is facing a crisis in his football career and a special team member who plays football for the first time in his life to challenge the World Cup. Filming is expected to begin in the first half of 2020.

Beijing News Editor Xu Meilin Proofreader Wei Zhuo

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