
Today's beautiful soup (licorice floating wheat jujube soup - women's menopause tea) licorice floating wheat jujube soup

author:Blue Spirit Health Information

Female menopause, is the necessary stage of every woman, which is actually the period of gradual decline in ovarian function, some people successfully pass this period, some people will have a lot of problems, such as emotional instability, irritability, sweating from time to time, there will be symptoms of insomnia, serious anxiety disorders, tantrums and cramps and so on.

<h1>Licorice floating wheat jujube soup</h1>


Licorice is a very good ingredient. It is often cooked with other Chinese herbs to harmonize medicinal properties.

Today's beautiful soup (licorice floating wheat jujube soup - women's menopause tea) licorice floating wheat jujube soup


Jujube is also a very common ingredient for blood replenishment and tranquility, and when it is boiled, it must be pitted, so that it can reduce irritability.

Today's beautiful soup (licorice floating wheat jujube soup - women's menopause tea) licorice floating wheat jujube soup

Floating wheat

Floating wheat is a common type of wheat that can also be used medicinally. It can be fixed to stop sweating together with heat removal. When eaten together, it can be beneficial to qi and remove heat.

Today's beautiful soup (licorice floating wheat jujube soup - women's menopause tea) licorice floating wheat jujube soup

【Ingredients】10g licorice 30g floating wheat 5 jujubes

【Method】 Boil or brew to drink, in the thermos cup with hot water soaked for 1-2 hours, about can drink.

Today's beautiful soup (licorice floating wheat jujube soup - women's menopause tea) licorice floating wheat jujube soup