
The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...

author:Ask for food, ask for thought

Before I talk about this dish, I will tell you a small story, and it is because of this little story that I pay attention to it and officially like it... In the college graduation season, I was reluctant to send a friend of the same room, unconsciously, from the school gate to the bus station, and then from the bus station to the railway station, and then involuntarily from the railway station to the train, to Qu Yuan's hometown - Miluo... I still remember the endless emerald green that swept through the waves, the soft and long and refreshing rice fragrance that I tasted, and raised my head - the wind of the countryside, the clouds of the countryside, the birds of the countryside, the clams of the countryside, and when night fell, everything was as quiet and peaceful as silence, and that night, I slept very soundly... Only to know that the sky was still at dawn, "Jingle Bells..." His father rode out on his bicycle, and I don't know how long it took, until the dawn lay down in the curtains, "Jingle Bells..." His father returned. Soon, the downstairs kitchen began to be busy, and soon, the salivating scratching fragrance that permeated it could no longer make you enjoy the green and blue outside the window...

The steaming aroma of hard dishes is on the table - sour and spicy waist flowers. Later, I learned that this dish is the signature dish of the local guests, but because it is difficult to buy this pork loin, it is generally necessary to go to the town market very early to buy it, and to go to the town to ride for an hour, back and forth for two hours... At that moment, I was touched! Chewing on a mouth full of sour and spicy crunch, staring at the passionate parents - so kind and simple, I only remember that the morning light was exceptionally beautiful.

The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...

Since that day, this "man can eat two bags of rice to the tenth floor" of the sour and spicy waist flower has become my favorite, become my must-order dish when entering the restaurant.

Then why is it said that fried waist flowers can make "men eat two bags of rice on the tenth floor", because pig loin is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins, has the effect of strengthening the kidneys and supplementing the waist, and kidney rational qi, specializing in the treatment of kidney deficiency and waist pain, kidney deficiency and long-term diarrhea. Of course, people who love to eat pork loin are not only because of tonifying the kidneys, but also because they like its delicate and fragrant taste. As the saying goes, "the waist flower is fried well, and the meal is full", but it is really not simple to fry the waist flower well.

The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...

First of all, we must deal with the smell of the pig's loin, that is, after the pig's loin is cut, the white fascia inside must be removed, and it must be removed and not reluctant to be hehe, because these white tendons are the main source of the pig's loin stink.

The next thing is to dispose of the blood in the pig's loin (direct blisters are difficult to leach out), because the blood and water of the pig's loin are very smelly, in order to facilitate the beauty and remove the blood, we generally beat the pig loin into a flower knife (note that it is knifed on the inside of the pig loin). That is, first horizontal 45 degrees to hit the oblique knife, thickness 2mm, cut into 2/3 depth, pay attention not to cut it, and then change the longitudinal straight knife, the same thickness depth, pay attention to the 3rd knife when cutting, so that the beautiful slender anchovy waist flower is formed. Put the cut waist flowers into the pot, wash them three times with water (no obvious blood), drain, add a small amount of salt, cooking wine and baking soda, grasp and marinate for 10-15 minutes, and then repeatedly wash with water until there is no blood, so that the treated waist flowers have less toxins and are more smooth and tender.

The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...
The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...

Before the pot, drain the washed waist flowers (try to drain as much as possible, otherwise too much water will affect the taste when cooking), add a small amount of pepper (to fishy), soy sauce, cooking wine, less sugar (fresh), and then use a small amount of starch to lock the water, and finally add a small amount of cooking oil to grasp well to prevent sticking, marinate for 10 minutes. When marinating, you can also chop the shallots, ginger and garlic, dice the green and red pickled pepper or sour radish into small pieces, wash the red pepper into rings, and cut the local celery or coriander into 3 cm small pieces. Burn the oil in the pot, first under the ginger garlic stir-fry, and then the lower waist flower stir-fry for 20 seconds, change color is put out, leave the bottom oil and then under the pickled pepper or sour radish, red red pepper stir-fried out of the aroma of the lower waist flowers, celery or coriander (personally prefer coriander), add the right amount of salt (pay attention not to add too much, because the pickled pepper radish contains salt), stir-fry for 10-20 seconds, pour a small amount of pot side vinegar to get out of the pot, a plate of delicious sour and spicy waist flowers is ready.

The man ate this dish and could carry two bags of rice up to the tenth floor...

Of course, "although the wine is good, don't be greedy", the waist flower is like this. Although it is nutritious and delicious with nourishing effects, but because the pig loin is rich in fat and cholesterol, each 100g contains 3.2g of fat, cholesterol 354mg, these two kinds of dongdong in the body to accumulate too much will lead to obesity, high cholesterol, high blood lipids, long-term consumption will lead to the occurrence of coronary atherosclerosis. In addition, pig loin also has certain contraindications, can not be eaten with pig lungs (hurt spleen and stomach), soybeans (unfavorable digestion), kelp (easy to constipation), and do and cherish Oh.

Finally, I wish the majority of diners good health, eat Ma Ma Fragrant, youth forever, and live like a mountain.