
Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

author:Taste buds mountains and seas
Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

Garlic is cheap! This year's garlic harvest does not increase income, Shandong, Henan and other places where farmers planted garlic backlogged into piles, the wholesale price of the place of origin dropped to a few cents 1 catty, it is really a special pain for garlic farmers who work hard.

Garlic is originally a particularly good ingredient and ingredient, friends can be so low price of garlic, more garlic, more garlic to make some delicious dishes, help others to help themselves, give people roses have a lingering fragrance.

There are many ways to eat garlic, and the flavor is fragrant, each with its own advantages. Today, Rego shares 5 garlic-based dishes for friends, allowing you to eat garlic in a different way, ensuring that you are not tired of eating!

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > fried oyster mushrooms with garlic</h1>

【Ingredients and seasonings】: 200 grams of oyster mushrooms, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 dried red peppers, vegetable oil to taste, a little salt.

Peel and cut the garlic into small pieces, wash the oyster mushrooms and tear them into slices by hand, cut the dried peppers into small pieces, and dispose of them all for later.

Add the right amount of vegetable oil to the wok, heat it to 60% or 70%, add the garlic pieces, stir-fry to make it fragrant, then pour in the oyster mushrooms and continue to stir-fry.

Then add dried chili peppers to the pot and stir-fry, put the right amount of salt and continue to stir-fry until all the water in the pot is dried, and finally the dishes are fried until the color is golden brown, the oyster mushrooms are as beautiful as if they have been roasted, and a little chicken essence is stir-fried out of the pan.

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > egg with garlic paste</h1>

【Ingredients】: Fresh garlic, eggs, sesame oil, salt. (Adjust the dosage according to how many people eat)

Peel off the fresh garlic and mash it into a garlic paste. The eggs are then boiled and cooled, peeled off, broken into pieces or mashed like garlic.

Then mix the minced garlic and egg cubes into a large bowl, add the appropriate amount of fine salt and sesame oil to taste, stir and mix well.

This dish was originally a seasonal fast dish when the rural autumn harvest farmers were busy, simple and easy to make, fresh and exciting to eat, refreshing and appetizing, can be smeared on the steamed bun or sandwiched in the cake to eat.

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > roasted garlic</h1>

【Ingredient preparation】: three heads of garlic, two grams of vegetable oil, cumin to taste, salt to taste.

There is only one ingredient in this dish: garlic, and the method is simple, cutting off a quarter of the top part of the whole head of garlic.

Brush a small amount of vegetable oil on the exposed garlic meat and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of fine salt and cumin.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put the garlic on a plate and bake for 30 minutes, then you can take it out and enjoy the fragrant taste.

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > cumin garlic</h1>

【Ingredients】: 5 heads of garlic, 2 spoons of white sesame seeds, 2 spoons of cumin grains, 2 spoons of chili noodles, 1 spoon of five-spice powder, 1 spoon of fine salt.

This is also a dish with garlic as the only ingredient, first break the garlic grains one by one, without peeling.

Add oil to the pan, heat the garlic and stir-fry until cooked through, stir-fry until the garlic and garlic skin are browned and pour out for later. Be careful to turn to low heat, otherwise it is easy to paste the pot.

Prepare the various seasonings, heat the oil and pour them into the pan, still stir-fry over low heat, pour the fried garlic cloves into the stir-fry, stir-fry well and turn off the heat.

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > garlic pop-up</h1>

【Ingredients and Ingredients】: Five heads of garlic, five hundred kry ridges, two spoonfuls of sweet noodle sauce, one and a half spoonfuls of soybean paste, one spoonful of starch, one spoonful of light soy sauce, peanut oil to taste.

Slice the tenderloin into thin slices and marinate with peanut oil, starch, peppercorns and soy sauce for 10 minutes.

Peel the garlic and cut into pieces. Add peanut oil after heating the pan, when the oil temperature rises to between 90 degrees and 120 degrees, pour the garlic into the pot, stir-fry until the garlic changes color, then add the seasoning and color of the sweet noodle sauce and soybean sauce, stir-fry evenly.

Add a little water and sauté until the soup is dry, then turn off the heat and taste delicious. This garlic stir-fried dish is golden in color and delicious and nutritious in taste.

Garlic cooking: Teach you to make 5 garlic dishes, simple and convenient, eat fresh and refreshing garlic fried oyster mushroom garlic puree eggs roasted garlic cumin garlic garlic fried meat


Today for friends to share 5 garlic dishes - garlic fried oyster mushrooms + garlic eggs + roasted garlic + cumin garlic + garlic fried meat, the style and taste of each dish is different, the common denominator is that the use of ingredients is cheap and affordable, cooking methods are simple and fast, do not want to try these delicacies?

I am Rego, sharing home-cooked food for you every day, thank you for every message, collection and forwarding of friends, your support is my greatest motivation!

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