
Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

author:Kikuko Gourmet Notes

The wind blows wheat into waves, the cicadas are busy in summer, and the mango seed is the ninth of the twenty-four solar terms, and the third solar term of summer, heralding the official beginning of midsummer.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

Mango planting is busy, busy planting, mango planting season temperature is significantly higher, abundant rainfall, such a unique climatic conditions, very suitable for sowing and transplanting. In agricultural production, people often seize the time to rush to plant crops and transplant rice in time.

In the daily diet, the summer metabolism is strong, we will consciously eat some seasonal fresh fruits and other ingredients, in addition to the popular green plum, as well as watermelon peaches, etc., mango seeds remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw and cool, summer has a taste, let's take a look at it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="10" > Ome</h1>

In the south, every year in May and June is the season of plum ripening, green plum contains a variety of natural high-quality organic acids and rich minerals, can enhance the body's immunity. In the Three Kingdoms period, there is an allusion to the "hero of Ome boiled wine". Fresh plum taste is sour, not easy to enter, so it needs to go through some processing before it can be eaten, the most emotional and suitable for summer plum eating method, is the plum wine.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="34" > watermelon</h1>

During the planting season, frequent high temperatures and summer showers can make people hot and humid, and the feeling of being depressed and breathless will follow. People are prone to tiredness, poor sleep, and poor appetite, which is where the saying of bitter summer comes from. As the saying goes, "eat watermelon on hot days, don't grab the medicine", watermelon does not contain fat, cholesterol, but is rich in glucose, malic acid, fructose, vitamin C and other nutrients, suitable for most people to eat. The most suitable way to eat watermelon is watermelon dew.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="36" > bayberry</h1>

Speaking of bayberry, the mouth is full of teeth, and each one can cure the dry heat of summer. Li Shizhen said in the book "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Its shape is like a poplar, and the taste is like a plum", so it is called bayberry. The weather will gradually become hot, and at this time we can eat some bayberry to help supplement vitamins and various water needs in the body. Bayberry is more popular in summer to eat also has bayberry wine, bayberry yogurt mousse and so on.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="38" cucumber ></h1>

Summer is the peak season for cucumbers to be listed, it has high water content, and has the characteristics of high potassium and low sodium, which is suitable for people to replenish water and lose inorganic salt after a lot of sweating in summer. Cold cucumber is the easiest and most delicious way to eat it. Garlic puree with cucumber, simple ingredients, but also has the effect of sterilization, appetite.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" data-track="40" > peach</h1>

The arrival of the twenty-four solar terms indicates that the midsummer is coming, the summer human body consumption is relatively large, and the peach has enjoyed the reputation of peach nourishment since ancient times, its taste is delicious, nutritious, the flesh is soft, a bite down the juice overflowing, taking advantage of the good summer time, the mango seed to eat peach is the most suitable thing to do. In addition to eating peaches directly, the practice of peach jelly is also popular among children of all sizes in mango.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" data-track="42" > eggs</h1>

There is a custom of eating eggs in the mangsai festival, which can prevent the common symptoms of bitter summer such as lack of appetite, tiredness and weakness of limbs, and weight loss in summer. Eating eggs in the mandarin festival can not only withstand the test of "furuncle summer", but also bring about a full life. Eggs are an essential type of ingredient in summer, for improving physical fitness and alleviating summer appetite are good, mango seeds are the most suitable way to eat eggs, in addition to the traditional egg soup, omelette, scrambled eggs, etc., tea eggs are also indispensable.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" data-track="44" > sour plum soup</h1>

The rain increases before and after the planting, the weather is humid and hot, and various utensils and clothing are prone to mold, which is generally called the rainy season. Mango planting season has the custom of boiling plums, boiled plums will slowly evolve into the current sour plum soup, sour plum soup is to cook the ume with licorice, hawthorn, rock sugar together, the taste is very good, if you add osmanthus brine ice cold drink, the taste is better. Drink more sour plum soup during the mango planting season, which also has the effect of quenching thirst and quenching heat and relieving greasiness.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

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Sour plum soup raw material package authentic old Beijing Wumei soup hair 7 bags a bag 70 grams (send recipe tutorial) ¥39.9 purchase

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" data-track="46" > mung bean soup</h1>

Drinking more mung bean soup in summer is conducive to relieving the heat. Mung beans are rich in protein, phospholipids and other elements can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also promote appetite. The grains and decoctions of mung beans contain physiologically active substances such as alkaloids, coumarins, and phytosterols, which also have an important role in promoting the physiological and metabolic activities of humans and animals.

Today's mango seeds, remember to eat "5 fruits 1 egg 2 soup", raw jin to relieve the heat, in the summer there is a taste of green plum watermelon bayberry cucumber peach egg sour plum soup mung bean soup chrysanthemum story

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" data-track="48" > Kikuko Monogatari</h1>

Mango planting mango seeds, busy with gains, farming has gains. As for the answer to the harvest, time will speak, and it will eventually be realized in the autumn of the harvest.

Mangzhong remembers to eat "5 fruits, 1 egg and 2 soups", raw and cool, while eating the process, such as beer barbecue, try not to eat or eat less, do not overeat, so as not to cause physical discomfort.

Food is worth sharing, life needs to be recorded, Kikuko food is worth moving forward with you.

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