
Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

author:Zhiye Wenshi

Typography / Zhi Ye WenShi

Article word count / 3300

Reading time / 12 min

Our primitive society began with the separation of the human and animal kingdoms and ended with the formation of classes and states.

Primitive societies are the "early childhood" period of human development, from 1.7 million years ago to 2070 BC, an era that lasted about two or three million years.

It can be divided into three stages: primitive population, matrilineal clan society and patrilineal clan society.

In Salzburg, Austria, California, Ireland and other places, iron nails have been found in geological layers dating back more than 10,000 years. Who made the nail more than 10,000 years ago? Historians wonder that these findings are too far from our speculations about early human civilization.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The ancient era is also known as the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the age of mythology, from the 30th century BC to the beginning of the 21st century BC, when tribal alliances, primitive writing, medicine and so on have appeared.

Drilling wood for fire, Shennong tasting hundred grasses, Cangjie characters, Houyi shooting sun, and Dayu Zhishui are all products of this era, and the Zen system also began from this period.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

Yu's son Xia Qi succeeded to his father's throne, and the Zen system became hereditary.

Xia Qi began with the establishment of the Xia Dynasty in 2070 BC, until 1600 BC, the Xia Dynasty fell, a total of 471 years, there were 17 rulers, calling themselves "Huaxia", which is also the beginning of our modern Chinese civilization.

Legend has it that after Yu gained hegemony, he followed the example of the Yellow Emperor and cast nine big dings, and carved mountains, rivers, birds and beasts on the body of the ding, representing the nine states under the heavens, which is the story of "Yu Zhu Jiuding".

The last king of the Xia Dynasty, Xia Jie, his brutality provoked the crusade of the Shang tribal leader Shang Tang, Shang Tang defeated The Xia Dynasty in the Mingtiao area, the Xia Dynasty collapsed, and Shang Tang claimed the throne in this place and established the Shang Dynasty.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The Shang Dynasty was the first dynasty in China to have a direct written record of the same period, and it was also the heyday of slavery.

The succession to the throne of the Shang Dynasty was a bit chaotic, in the early stage, the older brother passed on to the younger brother, and in the later stage, it became the father passed on to the son.

The last king of the Shang Dynasty, called Lu, often brutalized the people, and Ji Fa, the leader of the Zhou tribe, defeated the King of Shang with the help of Jiang Ziya and established the Zhou Dynasty.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou, which lasted for 32 generations of monarchs and 37 kings, and lasted for 791 years.

The Zhou Dynasty implemented the system of sub-feudalism and formulated the Zhou rites, expanding its territory and increasing its population.

King Wu of Zhou established Western Zhou, until the time of King Ping of Zhou, in order to avoid the harassment of Inuyasha, moved east to Luoyi, and from then on lost his authority and could only rely on the protection of the princes.

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty began here, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods: spring and autumn and warring states.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years
Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

Spring and Autumn refers to the first half of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and it is rumored that the lu state historian recorded the major events of various countries at that time according to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter of the year, forming a chronicle called "Spring and Autumn". Later, people named this period "Spring and Autumn".

During the Spring and Autumn Period, iron ware appeared, fields were developed on a large scale, and in the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, metal currency began to circulate, and industry and commerce further developed. Traditional agriculture began to use cattle farming techniques and new farming tools, such as iron pestles and iron ploughs. There are also some famous bronzes and bronze swords handed down, Lu Ban is the master craftsman of this period, and legend has it that the carpenter's saw was invented by him.

The Warring States period was a period of great change after the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States period, agriculture, culture, science and technology, and military were all in the golden stage of development, and countries annexed each other, eventually forming a situation of "seven heroes competing for hegemony".

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

During the Warring States period, literary creation, astronomy, academic culture, music and dance, etc., all had great development. Bian Que invented the four diagnostic methods: looking, smelling, asking, and cutting, which became the norm for Chinese medicine to see a doctor. The Kanji font evolved into Lishu, and cursive script also appeared at this time. Of the four famous generals of the Warring States, Li Mu was the only good general to support the State of Zhao, the famous general of the State of Qin, Wang Qi, led an army to eliminate the State of Zhao, the famous general of the State of Qin, Bai Qi, contributed greatly to the unification of the Six Kingdoms, and the famous general of the State of Zhao, Lian Po, attacked the State of Qi and won a great victory.

In 230 BC, the Qin king Yingzheng launched a war to unify the six kingdoms, and in 221 BC, he completed the unification of hegemony.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

Yingzheng was the first monarch in China to be called emperor, known as the "First Emperor", and he made many pioneering achievements during his reign, such as building the Great Wall, unifying currency, writing, weights and measures...

However, the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, lasting only 49 years.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the peasants revolted, Liu Bang was the first to enter Xianyang and persuaded zibao to surrender, and in 206 BC, the Qin Dynasty fell.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

In this year, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu in the Chu-Han War, ending the split after the qin dynasty and establishing the Han Dynasty, known in history as the Western Han Dynasty, with the capital chang'an.

The Western Han Dynasty was a unified country, adopting the method of recuperation and tax reduction, and the country grew rapidly, experiencing 12 emperors for a total of 231 years.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, the famous general Wei Qing repeatedly crusaded against the Xiongnu and made expeditions to northern Mobei, and after his death, he was given the title of Marquis of Liehou and buried in Maoling.

During the Western Han Dynasty, the Nine Chapters of Arithmetic and the Zhou Ji Arithmetic Classic were classic mathematical works formed during this period. The "Records of History" written by historian Sima Qian is the first general history of the Chronicle of China. Zhaojun was out of the jam, and Wei Qing's story also circulated for a long time.

In the last year of the Western Han Dynasty, the Han Ping Emperor died, and the crown prince was only 5 years old, so Wang Mang came to the court to listen to the government, and later forced the emperor to give up the throne and change the name of the country to "New", at this point, the Western Han Dynasty collapsed.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

However, the new dynasty lasted only 15 years before it was destroyed by Liu Xiu and established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The Eastern Han Dynasty was a unified dynasty after the Western Han Dynasty, with the capital Luoyang and Nanyang as the capital, which lasted for 195 years.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng invented the ground motion instrument, Cai Lun further improved papermaking, and Zhang Zhongjing's book "On Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" laid the foundation for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in China.

In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the powerful oppressed the people, floods, droughts, and locust plagues continued everywhere, and the Yellow Turban Army revolt broke out, opening a period of division of the Three Kingdoms.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The Three Kingdoms was a transitional period in China's history from division to partial reunification, and the three regimes of Wei, Shu, and Wu formed a three-legged situation.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was constant turmoil, many countries blended with foreign nationalities, and science and technology, culture and other aspects developed rapidly.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Jun built guide cars, improved the Han Dynasty weaving machines, and used keel water wheels to irrigate farmland. The military scientist Zhuge Liang invented the wooden cow flowing horse, the Zhuge crossbow, and the Kong Ming lantern.

In the last year of Cao Wei, Sima Yan proclaimed himself emperor in 265 to establish the Jin Dynasty, with the capital at Luoyang, known as the Western Jin Dynasty.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

In 280 AD, Eastern Wu fell and the Situation of the Three Kingdoms collapsed. The Western Jin Dynasty became a unified dynasty after the Three Kingdoms.

During the Western Jin Dynasty, society prospered, and literature, history, mathematics, geography, painting, etc., all of which had great improvements. The famous "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" was a famous scholar in the late Wei and early Jin dynasties.

In the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, large-scale wars in the Central Plains continued, and some famous and prestigious families moved south with their families to escape the chaos of war, which was called "Yiguan Nandu".

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The five Hu tribes of Xiongnu, Xianbei, Xianbei, Xianbei, And Qiang outside sai invaded the Central Plains, and in 316 AD, the Jin Emperor sacrificed the jade seal, and the Western Jin Dynasty fell.

317 AD - 420 AD This period, the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Northern Five Hu Sixteen Kingdoms coexisted, so this period is also called the Eastern Jin Sixteen Kingdoms.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

In 317, Sima Rui established the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Jiangnan, maintaining a long period of partial rule, and together with Sun Wu of the Three Kingdoms and later Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen, he was called the Six Dynasties, and was replaced by the Southern Song Dynasty established by Liu Yu in 420 AD.

At this time, there were frequent exchanges between the north and the south, and the economic center of gravity shifted south.

In the Battle of Shuishui, the Eastern Jin Dynasty defeated Former Qin, and the north was once again divided. It was not until 398 AD that tuoba jue, the leader of the Xianbei tribe, unified the north and established the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The sixteen kingdoms were: Former Zhao (Xiongnu), Later Zhao (羯), Former Yan (Xianbei), Former Liang (Han), Former Qin (氐), Later Qin (Qiang), Later Yan (Xianbei), Western Qin (Xianbei), Houliang (氐), Southern Liang (Xianbei), Xiliang (Han), Northern Liang (Lu Shuihu), Southern Yan (Xianbei), Northern Yan (Han), Xia (Xiongnu), and Chenghan (Baqi).

The Southern and Northern Dynasties were in a state of division and confrontation for a long time, from Liu Yujian's Southern Dynasty song in 420 to the Sui Dynasty's destruction of the Chen Dynasty in 589, a total of 169 years.

The Southern Dynasties were Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen. The Northern Dynasties were, in order: Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, and Northern Zhou. First the Northern Wei unified the north, and then the Northern Wei split into the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei. Soon, Eastern Wei was replaced by Northern Qi, and Western Wei became Northern Zhou.

Emperor Xuan of northern Zhou, Yuwen Yun, was dim and incompetent, and was eventually usurped by his cousin Yang Jian. In 589, Yang Jian destroyed Southern Chen and established the Sui Dynasty, ending the Southern and Northern Dynasties era.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

Although the Sui Dynasty only existed for 38 years, it played a role in carrying forward the upper and lower levels. The emperors of the Sui Dynasty developed people's livelihood and built canals, creating a prosperous situation and laying the foundation for the emergence of the tang dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang, with a brutal personality and a luxurious life, eventually led to the demise of the Sui Dynasty.

There were 21 emperors in the Tang Dynasty, which lasted for 289 years. The Tang Dynasty accepted the ideas and cultures of various countries, so that the economic, social and cultural aspects showed the characteristics of pluralism, openness and tolerance, and many famous artists were born in the fields of poetry, books, paintings, music and other arts.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

After Zhu Wen destroyed the Tang Dynasty, he established the Later Liang and opened the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Era, a period of frequent wars and chaos, the continuous migration and integration of the people, and the period of great division in Chinese history.

In 960, Zhao Kuangyin led his troops to fight, and when he was resting at Chenqiao Station, he was put on a yellow robe and shouted "Long live" by his men and proclaimed himself king. With Song as the national name, he set the capital at Kaifeng Province (present-day Kaifeng, Henan) and established the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

A total of 9 emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, after 167 years, developed and prospered in economy, culture, science and technology. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the population grew rapidly from 37.1 million to 126 million due to the vigorous promotion of high-yielding, early-maturing, and drought-tolerant Champa rice.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

In 1127, the Jing Kang rebellion, the Jin people invaded Kaifeng, not only took the Second Emperor Hui Qin, but even the entire Zhao family royal family was tied up to the Jin state at this time, and the Northern Song Dynasty fell.

However, Emperor Huizong of Song's ninth son, Zhao Zhao the Prince of Kang, survived, and it was the later Emperor Gaozong of Song, who was in the south at this time.

The Northern Song Dynasty fell, followed by not the Southern Song Dynasty, and there was a story in between.

Because after the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, he found an official of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Bangchang, and asked him to be the emperor and manage the Great Song State, and returned to the Jin Kingdom himself. Zhang Bangchang quickly returned the throne to Zhao Zhao. In this way, Zhao Zhuo became Zhao Gaozong, and the Great Song returned to the hands of the Zhao family.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

Zhao took the throne at Yingtianfu (present-day Shangqiu, Henan) in Nanjing, and the founding name of the state was Song, which was known as the Southern Song Dynasty. In 1138, the Song Dynasty moved south and set its capital at Lin'an Province (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang). The Southern Song Dynasty lasted 10 emperors and 152 years. Although the Southern Song Dynasty was in a quiet corner, it was one of the dynasties that prospered economically and culturally.

Genghis Khan established the Great Mongol State in 1206, and in 1271 Kublai Khan decided that the state was yuan, attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty was defeated in the Battle of Yashan, and Lu Xiufu, the minister of state, committed suicide by jumping into the sea with the eight-year-old emperor Zhao Fu.

The Yuan Dynasty had a vast territory, a prosperous commodity economy and overseas trade, and the culture, science and technology of this period were developed.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Yuan Shun's fainting provoked a popular uprising. The Red Turban Army led by Zhu Yuanzhang drove the Yuan army to northern Mobei and established the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty initially set the capital nanjing, and zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, moved the capital to Beijing after succeeding to the throne.

The Ming Dynasty was a period of further consolidation and development of China as a unified multi-ethnic state, with the prosperity of handicrafts and commodity economy, the emergence of commercial market towns and the budding of capitalism.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng led a rebel army to conquer Beijing, and the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian hanged himself at Coal Mountain, and the Ming Dynasty fell.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, and in 1636, Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing, after 12 emperors and 276 years of calendar changes. During the Qing Dynasty, agriculture and commerce were developed, and the population reached more than 400 million.

In 1912, the Qing Xuantong Emperor abdicated and the Qing Dynasty collapsed.

Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

After the founding of the Republic of China, although the turmoil continued, people's pursuit of democracy and science never stopped, and ideological trends and movements with this purpose emerged one after another. The admiration of democracy and science has become the soul of the times of the Republic of China culture.

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Ten minutes to take you through a brief history of China, from the primitive society to the founding of the Republic of China for five thousand years

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