
Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

author:Too much to nag

#Ran Min #Wuhu Chaohua, the north was ruined to the point of no appearance, except for those who were exiled to the south, the remaining "Descendants of the Han family were almost slaughtered by several people". The city head changes the banner of the great king, the sixteen kingdoms go like a marquee, the rotation lasts for about 135 years, "the Huaxia Shi clan does not exist in one", the richest Central Plains land ten rooms and nine empty, this is the darkest period in the history of Chinese civilization, there is no one.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

During this period, the Han Dynasty Ran Min revolutionized the life of Later Zhao, and once founded a short-lived dynasty, called Great Wei, Duyicheng, which lasted for three years and was not included in the list of the Sixteen Kingdoms by scholars.

For Ran Min, there have always been mixed praises, ran fans have promoted him to heaven and honored him as "the emperor of the ages"; there are also Ran Hei, who believe that he is nothing more than a tyrannical and murderous butcher.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

What exactly did Ran Min do? Why did it win the opposite review? I am not pink or black, put aside narrow nationalism, but also abandon some legends and anecdotes, based on the "Book of Jin", combined with the "Zizhi Tongjian", and everyone to get to know this character who once changed the color of the mountains and rivers.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > thousand horses to break through northern Yi and defeat Murong in ten battles </h1>

Speaking of Ran Min, people talk about his force value. The Book of Jin records that his people were "eight feet long, good at strategizing, and brave."

There is no doubt that the three armies will be brave.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

Ran Min's debut was completed in May 338. Later Zhao's third emperor, Shi Hu, led an army to fight against the Former Yan state at Changli, Murong Ke raided, Shi Hu was defeated, more than 30,000 people died, and Later Zhao's various armies abandoned their armor and fled, leaving only Shi Hu's adopted grandson, the guerrilla general Ran Min (then known as Shi Min), who was "militarily exclusive".

As the saying goes, "a soldier is defeated like a mountain", a young general who is not in danger, has good command, and returns the whole division, which is of course impressive. According to personal calculations, Ran Min's father was born in 300 and died in 328, according to ordinary people between the ages of eighteen and twenty, and Ran Min was at most twenty years old at that time.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

Ran Min's fame battle in 349. At that time, Later Zhao Donggong's Gaoli escort governor Liang Li led a rebellion, and the four sides responded, with 100,000 people advancing into Luoyang. Shi Hu, with Li Nong as the governor of the capital, commanded his troops to fight, and was defeated at Xin'an and Luoyang in the second, and the government and the opposition were shocked. Ran Min, who was then a general of conquest, joined forces with Yao Yizhong and Gong Hong to kill Liang Calf, flattening his crowd with one drum and becoming famous for a while, "Hu Xia su will not be afraid of it."

The brightest battle of Ran Min's life was the "Thousand Horsemen Breaking Through the North". The Book of Jin records that in 350, Shi Kun led 70,000 troops and horses to attack the city of Yecheng, and Ran Min only led more than a thousand cavalry out of the north gate. "Min holds a two-edged spear and rides to strike at it." At present, the great enemy only has a few people to dare to go out of the city to fight, and Ran Min is indeed invincible. He held a two-edged spear in his left hand and a hook in his right hand, charging into the battlefield, invincible, "slashing three thousand". Tens of thousands of people were terrified, and no one dared to take advantage of it.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

The most praised masterpiece was the Great Battle of Jizhou with Murong Ke, "ten battles were lost", ran Min won ten battles, and Murong Ke cried without tears.

The other victories are not listed. Ran Min's lifelong battlefield, swallowing thousands of miles, the strategy has not been clearly recorded, bravery is enough, this Ran Heavenly King, even if he can't compete with Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, is enough to compete with Li Cunxiao and others in the future. Some people have classified him as one of the top ten brave warriors in ancient times, and of course, there are also qualifications for the finals.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > a killing order, And Senzai is not a name</h1>

After Shi Hu's death, Prince Shi shi came to power. Ran Min assisted Shi Zun, the king of Pengcheng, in launching a military coup, deposing Shi Shi and putting Shi Zun on the emperor's throne, with great power in his own hands, and the prime minister of the government. Shi Zun was quite suspicious of Ran Min, and some of his men offered to get rid of him, but the matter was leaked, and Ran Min preemptively sent someone to kill Shi Zun at the Kunhua Hall, and then pushed Shi Jian, the third son of the Shi Hu family, onto the throne of the puppet emperor. Ran Min served as a general and was the King of Fengwude.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

It was during this period (349) that the Longjun generals Sun Fudu, Liu Ba, and others gathered three thousand soldiers of the Qiang clan to raid Ran Min. Ran Min and Li Nong led an army to counterattack, killing from Fengyang Gate to Kunhua Hall, with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

Ran Min later discovered that the newly released Emperor Shi Jian had colluded with Sun Fudu and others, and in a fit of rage, he imprisoned the Emperor and issued a decree on it: "Those who share the same heart with the officials stay, and those who do not have different hearts allow each other to leave." ”

As a result, Ran Min was surprised, and the Hu people in the city fled out of the city, while the Han people within a hundred miles poured into the city.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

Originally, there were many contradictions between Hu and Han, and the grievances were very deep. According to the Book of Jin, the Later Zhao Emperor Shi Le slaughtered hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the Western Jin Dynasty at one time, and Shi Hu was even more inhumane, hanging han heads on the city walls and making bones into "corpses" to deter the Han people. At present, this time, the people who followed Sun Fudu to sneak up on Ran Min were all People of the Qi, annoyed that these Hu people could not be used for their own use, and for a while, Ran Min's killing heart was blazing!

Therefore, a "order to kill Hu" that made the Hu people feel frightened was publicly promulgated: "Zhao people inside and outside, those who behead Hu and send Fengyang Gate, civilian officials enter the third rank, and military posts are worshiped at the Yamen Gate." ”

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

In Yecheng alone, tens of thousands of Hu people were killed in one day. Ran Min killed and personally led people to surround and suppress. Ruthless butcher knife direction, both men, women and children have done the knife under the soul. In total, more than 200,000 Hu people in Yecheng were killed, and the corpses were abandoned outside the city and let the wild dogs and wolves devour them.

The order was promulgated throughout the country, from the East China Sea to Longxi, from the Great Wall to Jianghuai, and within the territory of Later Zhao, there were countless Hu people killed, and many high-nosed and bearded Han people were also killed indiscriminately.

The Hu could only withdraw from the Central Plains and return to Longxi or the Hetao area, and some even fled as far away as Central Asia.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

This is reminiscent of the Killing Tiger Mouth in the territory of Youyu in Shanxi, which was originally called Killing Hukou, and now people think that the Ming Dynasty army has sent troops to fight from then on, so it is named. Personally, I believe that this is the dividing point between the Han farming peoples and the Hu nomadic peoples, and it is also the junction of the Later Zhao and Tuoba Xianbei, and the Hu people returned to Saiwai through this place, which must have been the focus of the Han and Hu people's struggle, so the name of "Killing Hukou" should date back to more than 1,600 years ago.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > three years of war, heavy snow mourning heroes</h1>

Before Shi Zun became emperor, he promised Ran Min to be crown prince, but when he sat on the throne, he established his own son Shi Yan. Of course, Ran Min was very unhappy, but he did not have a seizure, and later killed Shi Zun himself and did not ascend to the throne, or set up Shi Jian. Later, Shi Jian took advantage of Ran Min's army to go out and made small moves behind his back, and the eunuch told the secret. Ran Min killed back and scrapped Shi Jian, thinking that he was still angry, so he ordered someone to kill him, and then think about it or get angry, the Shi family can't rely on one, it is better to cut the grass and remove the roots, so Shi Hu's grandchildren have all lost their heads, and the Shi family has been exterminated.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

This was in 350 AD, the Shi family was killed, and a new emperor had to be established. Ran Min said that he would give it to Li Nong and scare Li Nong to death.

Ran Min had no choice but to take the throne himself, pardon the prisoners of the world, and change his era name to Yongxing and the country name to Great Wei. Since he became emperor, he could no longer use the surname given to him by the Shi family, and he restored his original surname, and later generations called his dynasty Ran Wei.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

After a few days of Ran Wei's opening and calming, Shi Hu and a remnant son, Shi Qi, established himself as emperor and constantly confronted Ran Min. Ran Min went to war, there were Cangting victories, there were also Xiangguo's great defeats, the two sides attacked endlessly, coupled with the Attack of Qianghu in the territory, almost "no month without war". The flames were raging, the people were precarious, and they could not cultivate the land at all, so thieves and thieves swarmed, and the whole country became a pot of rotten porridge, reaching the terrible situation of "cannibalism".

By the time Ran Min ordered the burning of the stone head at the big road junction, Ran Wei's situation had taken a sharp turn for the worse.

In August 351, Ran Wei's four major prefectures of Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Jingzhou surrendered to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and then someone took control of the Luozhou Thorn History and submitted it to Sima Shi with the Three Rivers. The south collapsed, and the north was also frequently anxious, Murong Shi attacked Zhongshan, Youzhou assassin Liu Zhun was killed, and Former Yan was fierce.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

In 352, Murong Juan had already captured you and Ji Prefectures, and his troops were directly at the capital of Ran Wei.

The two sides had already explained before the attack, and Ran Min initially defeated Murong Ke and could not form an army. Later, Murong Ke invented the "Iron Armor Continuous Horse" and organized five thousand daredevil troops to form a formation. Ran Min fought lightly against the enemy, and his horse entered the battle, slashing more than three hundred people. Former Yan's cavalry did not retreat, and the more they besieged, Ran Min was still able to break through the siege, but unfortunately, his Thousand Mile Horse Zhu Long ran for more than twenty miles and died violently, and Ran Min was captured.

Ran Wei was destroyed.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

After being captured, Murong Juan had an interesting conversation with Ran Min:

Murong Juan was very arrogant and delicate, and his tone was light: "Look at your grassroots face, do you dare to pretend to be the Son of Heaven?" ”

Ran Min looked up at the sky and scoffed, "Now that the world is in chaos, you guys like Yi Di who have the heart of a beast are kind enough to call you emperors, not to mention my Zhongyuan Yingjie?" ”

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

Murong Juan was so embarrassed that he became angry and ordered his men to beat Ran Min with three hundred skin whips.

Next up is a mythical legend about Ran Min's death, clearly recorded in the Book of Jin, believe it or not.

"Send Min to Dragon City and behead him at Mount Choke." Seven miles around the mountain, the grass and trees withered, the locusts rose, and there was no rain in May, as for December. Send the messenger To the Heavenly King, who mourns the Heavenly King, and the day snows heavily. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > too shi nagging order testimonials</h1>

As a general, Ran Min is brave and invincible, invincible in battle, and can be proud of the world; as an emperor, he has the merit of breaking the land and the country, but he does not have the virtue of pacifying the people and living well, nor does he have the ability to govern discipline. The Book of Shang says: "The Son of Heaven is the parent of the people, and thinks that he is the king of the world." "Hu Di is fierce and stubborn, and he poisons the living beings, but he responds to violence with violence, and kills innocent people for unkindness; he is born with life, and he is nurtured with grace, and the clan destroys the Shi clan, and there is no kind of people, which is unjust." Ran Wei was overthrown in three years, and his death did not spiral, and the Heavenly Dao was speechless.

Heavenly King Ran Min, a brave husband or "an emperor through the ages"? Thousand horsemen burst through the north, ten defeated Murong One killed Hu Ling, Qianzai was a non-name three-year war in succession, and Daixue mourned Yingling Taishi's nagging order

Reference Books: "Book of Jin", "Zizhi Tongjian", "Notes on Secret Zhai", "Jin WuHu Zhi Palm", "History of the Two Jin Dynasties and Southern and Northern Dynasties", "General History of China", "Outline of the History of the Southern and Northern Dynasties of Wei and Jin", "Book of Wei • Volume 95 • Liechuan 83rd", "Spring and Autumn Edition of the Sixteen Kingdoms • Volume 2 • Later Zhao Lu"

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