
Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau of Civil Aviation - "nail" in the front line of the "air traffic police"

author:Hubei Daily
Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau of Civil Aviation - "nail" in the front line of the "air traffic police"

"I will live up to the general secretary's instructions, keep an eye on one flight after another, grasp one link after another, and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs." On July 6, Lu Hao, an outstanding communist party member and director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Branch of civil aviation, was interviewed by a reporter from Hubei Daily, and said that he was still excited and proud when he listened to the important speech of the general secretary "July 1st".

The Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau of Civil Aviation is an important support unit for air transport in Hubei and the Beijing-Guangzhou Route and the Shanghai-Rong Route, and is the "air traffic police" of Hubei Airspace. For 50-year-old Lu Hao, he is an "air traffic policeman" on this route.

Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau of Civil Aviation - "nail" in the front line of the "air traffic police"

Clocks are set back to the evening of January 19, 2020.

Lu Hao, who has 20 years of experience as a front-line controller, saw the news: on January 18 and 19, there were 136 new confirmed cases of unknown viral pneumonia in two days. Lu Hao suddenly became alert and dialed his colleague's phone: "Draft a notice to remind all the staff of the sub-bureau to do personal protection and report their physical condition before taking up their posts." Increase the disinfection of public places in the sub-bureau..." Hanging up the phone, Lu Hao, who had experienced "SARS", began to purchase masks, disinfectant alcohol and protective drugs.

"As an important guarantee for the air passage, the air traffic control work cannot be stopped for a moment, and the safety protection must be in place." With the support of the leadership, 20 boxes of epidemic prevention materials from the Central South Air Traffic Control Bureau and other units arrived in Hubei overnight. Lu Hao also put forward an emergency proposal for isolation: in order to ensure safe operation, let key business personnel such as control, communication and guidance, and meteorology work in isolation.

Prevention and control escalation, Lu Hao incarnated as a security guard, sinking the front line; it was suggested that the sub-bureau set up a commando team to implement isolation and left-behind duty in the air traffic control community and the Tower community. On January 26, Lu Hao and 92 front-line employees "nailed" to the front line and began to quarantine on duty.

Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau of Civil Aviation - "nail" in the front line of the "air traffic police"

As the chief of staff, Lu Hao was busy all day. He can be seen everywhere in the air traffic control community and the Tatai community: the canteen food transport vehicle is blocked, he contacts everywhere to apply for a pass; procurement, transportation, and distribution of epidemic prevention materials; writes publicity reports to cheer for everyone; the dormitory is not enough, he gives up his bunk, and lives in the office by himself...

In 102 days, Lu Hao became one of several employees who persevered to the end. In the 102 days, the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau guaranteed a total of 4,495 flights such as military aircraft and charter flights, transported 86,900 medical personnel and passengers returning to China from abroad, and transferred 2.05 million pieces of epidemic prevention materials and goods such as ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), ventilators, protective clothing, etc., totaling 16,600 tons, ensuring the smooth flow of the "Tianlu" in Hubei Province and Wuhan City, and also achieving zero infection of 92 people on the front line.

A brown notebook records what Lu Hao saw and felt when he participated in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the COMMUNIST PARTY in Beijing. After returning from Beijing, Lu Hao told the young people in the sub-bureau what he saw and heard in Beijing, and passed on the spirit of example, the honor and mission of civil aviation people to the young people.

"Air traffic control work is behind the scenes, the work is mundane and basic. The development of Hubei's civil aviation industry needs to rely on 'me' one by one and do their own work little by little. Lu Hao said. At present, the terminal control center of Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau is about to be transferred, the airspace in Wuhan is about to usher in new changes, a group of new people are about to enter the company, Hubei civil aviation industry will usher in a new period of development, as a party member and an air traffic controller, the burden on the body is heavier.

"I will follow the example of the recipients of the 'July 1st Medal' and work hard. At the same time, I will unite and drive the growth of young people, turn 'me' into 'we', do a good job every bit of every day, provide passengers with a safer and more efficient travel experience, and contribute the wisdom and strength of Hubei air traffic controllers to a strong civil aviation country! ”

(Hubei Daily all-media reporter Lin Jing trainee reporter Hu Yi correspondent Shao Ziyang)

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