
Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Branch of Civil Aviation: Stick to ordinary posts and make unremitting efforts for a strong civil aviation country

author:Yangtze River Daily

Yangtze River Daily News After returning from Beijing on July 2, Lu Hao, an outstanding communist party member in the country and director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Branch of Civil Aviation, threw himself into busy work, including the procurement and distribution of epidemic prevention materials, the supervision and inspection of food hygiene, and the perfect configuration of office appliances in the Wuhan terminal control area... As the "big housekeeper" of the unit, Lu Hao has many things and miscellaneous things, and things seem to be small, but they are indispensable support for the normal operation of the unit.

Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Branch of Civil Aviation: Stick to ordinary posts and make unremitting efforts for a strong civil aviation country

Lu Hao, director of the office of the Hubei Air Traffic Control Branch of civil aviation. Photo by Zhan Song, reporter of The Yangtze River Daily

Every weekday, Lu Hao used to arrive at the post 40 minutes in advance and patrol the yard of the air traffic control to see if the temperature detection of the entry personnel was in place and whether the security guard's record was accurate. "Epidemic prevention and control has been grasping, and this string has been tightened at all times." Lu Hao said.

On July 13, Lu Hao gave a sharing meeting on a trip to Beijing at the unit. From June 25 to July 2, he visited the "'Don't Forget the Original Intention, Remember the Mission' Historical Exhibition of the Communist Party of China" in Beijing, watched the literary and artistic performances celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, attended the national "Two Excellences and One First" commendation conference, the "July 1st Medal" awarding ceremony, and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Every day makes Lu Hao remember deeply and his heart is surging with excitement.

"A glorious title, a heavy responsibility, a shining banner, I can only make unremitting efforts, work hard, always charge forward, bravely shoulder heavy burdens, always maintain the spirit of advanced models, go forward, never slacken off!" On June 29, Lu Hao wrote in his diary.

A few days ago, Lu Hao watched the movie "Chinese Doctor", which moved him with many scenes. To this day, Lu Hao still remembers that on the first day of the Chinese New Year last year, the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau issued a assembly order and set up a sub-bureau on duty commando team, and 92 team members immediately assembled, and all of them had only one mission - to keep the tower at all costs" and ensure the smooth flow of the air rescue artery of Tianhe Airport.

The epidemic will not retreat, and the air traffic control will not retreat. From January 25, 2020 to May 6, 2020, Lu Hao led by example, staying at his post for 102 days, undertaking the solution of material procurement and distribution, the implementation of unit isolation duty, and the logistics supply of nearly 140 people to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention and air traffic control operation of the unit. "There are also times of collapse, especially when the situation was unclear in the early days of the epidemic, and many problems were pressed on me." But Lu Hao had no time to take care of it and threw himself into the logistics support work.

In the interview, Lu Hao repeatedly said that he was only doing behind-the-scenes work, compared to the personnel who charged the front line, his achievements were not worth mentioning, but he did what he should do in ordinary posts. "When the job needs you, you're obligated." In Lu Hao's view, there is no natural hero, and the hero is able to stick to his post.

With the joint efforts of the air traffic controllers represented by Lu Hao, the Hubei Air Traffic Control Sub-bureau has achieved "zero infection" in the control team and "zero infection" within the unit, and successfully guaranteed the transportation of 4495 sorties of medical supplies and personnel, contributing to the victory of the epidemic prevention and control battle in Wuhan.

"After returning from Beijing, some people think I'm a hero, but in fact I'm still an ordinary me." Lu Hao said that he felt that the burden on his body was heavier, the responsibility was greater, and the work standard was higher. "I want to turn 'I' into 'we', lead the team to progress together, and maintain this glory." As a grassroots civil aviation person, he has made unremitting efforts for the high-quality development of civil aviation and for the strong country of civil aviation. ”

(Yangtze River Daily reporter Wang Qian, intern Zhang Nannan, correspondent Liu Bo, Zhai Kai)

【Editor: Zhu Chenying】

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