
Lu Hao, an outstanding communist party member in the country: brought "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China" to Beijing to receive the award

author:Yangtze River Daily

"This time, on the occasion of the national celebration of the centenary of the Communist Party of China, when I came to Beijing, my mood was extremely excited and my blood was boiling! As a grassroots employee from civil aviation, I feel very honored to be able to receive this honor as a representative of civil aviation. On June 28, in an interview with a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily, Lu Hao, director of the Hubei Branch office of the Central and Southern Region Air Traffic Administration of Civil Aviation, said that because of his work, he had come to Beijing many times, but because of the commendation, he came to Beijing to receive the award, which was the first time in his life.

Lu Hao, an outstanding communist party member in the country: brought "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China" to Beijing to receive the award

Lu Hao, a national outstanding communist party member and director of the Hubei Branch office of the Air Traffic Administration of the Central and Southern Regions of Civil Aviation. I provide the picture

When Lu Hao came to Beijing this time, in addition to his luggage, he also specially carried a copy of the "Brief History of the Communist Party of China" with him, and used all available time to study seriously. These days in the hotel, the book has become a "charging treasure" at his disposal.

Lu Hao, an outstanding communist party member in the country: brought "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China" to Beijing to receive the award

A Brief History of the Communist Party of China that Lü Hao carried with him.

"The time node of this visit to Beijing is very nostalgic." Lu Hao told this reporter that at the important moment of greeting the CPC's centennial anniversary, at the crucial juncture of the historical convergence of the "two hundred years" goal of struggle, and when the party Central Committee decided to carry out the study and education of party history in the whole party, as a grassroots Communist Party member, he should conscientiously study party history and draw infinite wisdom and strength from the party's great course of struggle over the past hundred years.

This time Lu Hao was commended, and his 79-year-old father was very pleased and happy. Lu Hao said that his father is a 45-year-old party member, "on the occasion of celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China, he did not get the '50 Years of Glory in the Party' commemorative medal, and his father was very sorry, but when he learned that his son was commended by the whole country, his father was unspeakably happy in his heart, saying 'there is no regret'." ”

"In the future, I must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, turn this honor into a driving force, continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of outstanding Communist Party members in ordinary posts, carry forward positive energy, lead the people around me to be angry and strong, have the wish of a strong civil aviation country, and spare no effort to adhere to the original intention!" Lu Hao said. (Yangtze River Daily special correspondent Zhang Weina Gao Meng Ke Li)

【Editor: Dai Rong】

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