
Like The Iron Man – written on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Iron Man King's birth

author:Daqing Net
Like The Iron Man – written on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Iron Man King's birth
Like The Iron Man – written on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Iron Man King's birth

Qingfeng Primary School has established the school philosophy of "running a school with the spirit of Daqing and educating people with the spirit of iron man", and "like an iron man" has become the school motto.

Like The Iron Man – written on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Iron Man King's birth

  Sun Baofan, consciously became a disseminator of the iron man spirit - learning iron man, speaking iron man, writing iron man, multi-perspective, multi-side, all-round praise of the iron man's heroic achievements and noble morality, and carry forward the iron man spirit.

Like The Iron Man – written on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Iron Man King's birth

Teacher Cui Bo painted portraits of his classmates.

  Write on the front

  There is no road above the wilderness, and people who are cut through thorns must have a spirit to support, and there must be a belief to inspire.

  The older generation of oil people, represented by iron men, with the fearless spirit of "creating conditions without conditions", forced people to shoulder and shoulder a world-class large oil field. People pull a 60-ton drilling rig and shoulder heavy responsibilities.

  Everyone said that the Iron Man was a banner, but the Iron Man said, "We are not fighting for a small red flag of our own, we want to fight for the big red flag of the whole country", sending the spare drilling parts of their own team to the brother team that is in urgent need, and also teaching the drilling method. What he sent out was affection, and what he passed on was love for the motherland.

  With the scientific and realistic spirit of "practicing hard kung fu and real skills for the revolution", Iron Man reformed the swimming sled, improved the mud pump, and invented the fill-in drilling method. The drilling problems he solved explained the spirit of practical innovation.


  The long river of history has a long history, and the spiritual blood is rushing endlessly.

  As an important part of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists, the Daqing spirit (Iron Man Spirit) with "patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking, and dedication" as the main connotation has long been integrated into the blood of Daqing people and has become a temperament, which is reflected in the hands and feet; It has become an "heirloom" for overcoming difficulties and winning victories, and the source of strength for Daqing to build a century-old oil field, be a good benchmark banner, and jointly build a "community of destiny" of "three cities".

  On the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the birth of Iron Man, we take the motto of Qingfeng Elementary School and the stories of 8 teachers and students as an example to see how the new era can better learn iron man, be an iron man, and work, study and live like an iron man.

  In late autumn, the big celebration under the night, the traffic flow is endless, and the lights are brilliant.

  The ancient wasteland where he fought back then is now ten miles of prosperity; His vows of "having the conditions to go up, creating conditions without the conditions" and "preferring to live less than twenty years, and desperately trying to win the big oil field" are still sonorous; Daqing Oilfield stabilized oil and gas, "ballast stone" as always...

  All this should be as the Scythians wish. On October 8, 2021, the 98th anniversary of the birth of Iron Man King Jinxi.

  On October 8, 98 years ago, Wang Jinxi was born in a farming family in Chijinbao, Yumen County, Gansu Province. Poor childhood, exercised his tough and tenacious character. In 1959, on the streets of Beijing, the car with the gas bag due to lack of oil made him cry on the beach, and in the early spring of the following year, he took the drilling team and embarked on the Songliao land with the determination to "throw the hat of poor oil backwardness to the Pacific", and used his short life to fulfill his oath.

  How to better learn iron man, be an iron man, and inherit the spirit of Daqing iron man is a realistic and serious topic proposed by the new generation.

  Sun Baofan, who has worked around Iron Man twice, has deep feelings for Daqing and Iron Man, and has an indelible complex for Daqing Spirit and Iron Man Spirit, so he consciously becomes a disseminator of Iron Man spirit - learning Iron Man, speaking Iron Man, writing Iron Man, multi-perspective, multi-side, all-round praise of Iron Man's heroic achievements and noble character, and carrying forward the Iron Man spirit.

  Therefore, after the departure of the Iron Man, every year Elder Sun had to write one or two commemorative articles, regardless of genre or length.

  This year, the 98th anniversary of the birth of The Iron Man, Elder Sun did not recall the past of the Iron Man, but told the reporter the story of daqing people learning iron man, doing iron man, and inheriting the spirit of iron man.

  Among the many examples, the story of Qingfeng Elementary School and the teachers and students of the school "like iron man..." is particularly vivid.

  Behind every ordinary story, there is the promotion of the spirit; Behind every ordinary action, there is the continuation of the red blood vein.


  Behind a school motto is true faith and dedication, which is also done like an iron man

  "Qingfeng Primary School once held a report meeting on the results of a meeting called "Running Schools with the Spirit of Daqing and Educating People with the Spirit of Iron Man."" At the debriefing meeting, Chen Mingyuan, principal of Qingfeng Primary School, told the process of the school motto "Like Iron Man".

  According to Elder Sun, before Chen Mingyuan was assigned to work at Zhang Blacksmith Primary School in 1996, he was like many people, only knowing that Iron Man was a vanguard fighter of the Chinese working class, a model of Communists, and a national hero who stood tall in the sky, and later learned that Zhang Blacksmith was the place where Iron Man once fought, and Iron Man founded the first waste material recycling team in the oil field, casting the spirit of one of the 'six heirlooms'. Also because Chen Mingyuan lives in the family area of the recycling team, the women, children, and children around him are familiar with the deeds of the Iron Man, and he has been influenced by the spirit of the Iron Man and stood out in his hard work; Transferred to 800 for six hours, in the place where Iron Man once lived and worked, where the 1205 drilling team was located, Chen Mingyuan consciously assumed responsibility and rushed to do it to impress people; In a small area of East Lake, Chen Mingyuan learned the iron man drilling rig to move the whole house, exerted the spirit of shoulder-pulling, relocated the school as a whole to the eleventh district of East Lake, and boldly made the school's characteristics highlighted.

  And in Qingfeng Primary School, Chen Mingyuan set up the Iron Man Spirit Research Team, took "Like The Iron Man" as the school motto, established the school running concept of "running a school with the daqing spirit, educating people with the iron man spirit", used the names of three generations of iron people, Named the teaching building and gymnastics hall respectively by Jinxi, Qimin and Xinmin, integrated the two spirits throughout the campus, developed the "like the iron man" five love education book, designed a variety of characteristic teaching, and led students to learn iron man everywhere at any time...

  "Like Iron Man" has become the motto of Qingfeng Primary School, Sun Lao said, "It is Chen Mingyuan's 34 years of study, exploration and practice in Zhang Blacksmith Primary School, Eight Hundred and Six Primary Schools, East Lake One Small School, Qingfeng Primary School 4 schools, but also he and his team, the wisdom of everyone into the Daqing red culture, like the Iron Man did." ”


  Behind the pile of train tickets is the great love of the world, and it is also a vivid embodiment of "the iron man is the great filial piety of the mother and the true friend of the worker"

  The iron man not only has an iron bone, but also a gentle tenderness, and remembers the brother's big things and small feelings, and the stitches and threads of his family.

  Three years ago, on National Day, the mother of Zhang Li, a teacher at Qingfeng Primary School, was diagnosed with cancer, and as the only son in the family, she accompanied her to Beijing for treatment. Sick mother, lovely student, neither can be lost. For more than a month, she went to Beijing on Friday night and returned to the classroom on Monday morning, and the train became a new world for her to grade papers, check the completion of micro-classroom assignments, answer questions after class, and communicate with students.

  When her mother, who had undergone eight rounds of chemotherapy, was finally able to operate, Zhang Li's partner was also in urgent need of surgery. Mothers, co-workers and students, no one can delay. Zhang Li thought of the phrase that Iron Man often said, "As long as the spirit does not slip, the method is always more than difficult", and then applied to the school, took over the work of the graduating class teacher, and began a six-month-long rush between Beijing and Daqing, between the ward and the classroom.

  "Iron Man is the real friend of the worker, the great filial piety in the eyes of his mother, Zhang Li is a good teacher for students, and his mother's little cotton jacket." The Iron Man spirit has become the gene of her life. Elder Sun said that the small train tickets that Zhang Li treasured were students at one end, one was a mother, one was to fulfill the responsibility of the teacher, one was to fulfill the filial piety of the child, one came and went to use two tickets, and saved into a pile, then it became a great love in the world.


  Behind the one-second reply is the struggle to be the first, reflecting the hard entrepreneurial spirit of "people pulling shoulders"

  "If there are conditions, we must go up, and if we don't have conditions, we must also go up." Faced with the problem that the crane was not in place and the drill rig was waiting for transportation, the iron man did not wait and did not rely on it, leading his teammates to use the crowbar pry, rolling bar roll, and large rope pulling method for three days and three nights, and forced to transport the drilling rig to the well site by hand.

  One Saturday afternoon, when receiving the task of the national competition class, faced with the difficulties of completing the lesson preparation, making courseware, calling the students who were on vacation to record lessons, and editing and uploading the courseware within 34 hours, Wang Lili, a teacher at Qingfeng Primary School, took the initiative to "carry" the task.

  Circle the course theme, determine the teaching mode, contact the students in class... The work arrangements were coordinated one by one, and after polishing the speech, it was already 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day. Too late to rest, she walked into the school recording studio again, recording and editing non-stop until the early morning of the third day, more than two hours before the deadline for courseware uploading.

  Upload several times due to network crashes and failures, Wang Lili did not dare to rest, staring at the upload progress, failed to quickly re-upload, lest all efforts be wasted. After more than twenty consecutive failures, it was finally successfully uploaded at 3:46 a.m. Subsequently, she sent a message to the school leaders to report the situation. Because of the concern for the course recording, Vice Principal Cui, who also had a sleepless night, replied to the message in seconds.

  "Wang Lili has made a new interpretation of the familiar stories of the iron man's 'man pulling on his shoulders' and 'jumping into the mud pool'. In the face of the pressure of time pressure, she 'shouldered' the responsibility of uploading courseware, and no matter how tired she was, she had to race against the clock to 'fight' to the end, and finally realized the 'Yin shi second return', which proved that the iron man spirit has irrefutable era value!" Elder Sun said.


  Behind the fifty portraits is the love of the teacher, and it is also a different reproduction of "the iron man will always remember the workers in his heart"

  "The story of Mr. Cui Bo and "Fifty Portraits" especially touched me." Cui Bo, mentioned by Sun Lao, is a Chinese teacher who has been quietly working on the three-foot podium for 20 years, sending away five graduating classes before and after. On the verge of sending off another class of graduates, Cui Bo had to temporarily leave the classroom to be with the children he had been with for five years due to lung cancer surgery.

  Cui Bo on the hospital bed was tormented by endless coughing and intercostal neuralgia, and stayed up all night. When they learned that Cui Bo was ill, the children sent all kinds of folk remedies to collect, thousands of lucky stars and thousands of paper cranes folded in their spare time... Touched, Cui Bo decided to paint a portrait of each of the children in the class as the most special graduation gift. However, due to the need for more rest after the operation, Cui Bo's idea was strongly opposed by his family.

  "When the iron man was lying on the sickbed, he was still thinking about the problem of eating vegetables for our oilfield workers, thinking about carrying the rapeseed from Beijing back and trying to plant in Daqing, hoping that the workers could also eat fresh vegetables." Iron Man always thinks of his co-workers, and in his care for his co-workers, he finds emotional satisfaction and spiritual comfort. I have a concern for my work, a concern for my students, and a motivation to overcome the disease!" Enduring the intense pain, Cui Bo picked up the drawing board.

  Because her left arm cannot move freely, she must hold the drawing board with her elbow, and even then, she will have to straighten the crooked drawing board a few times. In order to draw the beauty of each child's difference, Cui Bo painstakingly sketched every day and had to revise it repeatedly. In this way, I painted on the hospital bed for more than 3 months, and finally completed 50 portraits before graduation. When Cui Bo returned to the campus with a thick stack of portraits, the children saw her and cheered in unison.

  Pointing to the portrait, Elder Sun told reporters that Iron Man always remembers the workers in his heart, and Cui Bo always remembers the cute children in his heart, and these 50 innocent smiling faces come from her dexterous hands, but also from her deep love for children.


  Behind a thank-you letter is incorruptibility for the people, and it is also a concrete manifestation of the iron man's "public things can not be touched" family rules on campus

  After Iron Man became the captain of the second drilling brigade, after consulting with his mother, he set a family rule for the whole family: "You can't touch any of the things in the public family, and whoever sends something is not allowed to receive it."

  To this day, the iron man's family still strictly adheres to the good family style of integrity and self-discipline.

  Subtly, the teacher's words and deeds affect the students, which is a kind of inheritance. In order to set an example of honesty for the children, on Teachers' Day that year, Zhang Jing launched the initiative of "refusing to accept gifts and gifts, and living a clean, warm and meaningful Teacher's Day", which received a positive response from the teachers of the whole school, dissuading the parents who wanted to buy flowers to send to the teachers, and even the vendors who sold flowers around the campus were dismissed.

  "As long as you study well and repay the teacher with healthy and happy growth, it is enough, and the money should be spent in the right place..." On Teacher's Day, when the students who bought flowers were once again dissuaded, the child's grandmother was deeply moved and wrote a letter thanking the school for creating a clean and healthy campus.

  Today, the image of Clean Teaching in Qingfeng Primary School has taken root in the hearts of students and parents.

  "A flower represents a kind of respect, but it may also sow the seeds of corruption." A letter of thanks powerfully explains the Iron Man's family rule of 'not sticking to anything in the public, and not receiving any personal things', and falling to the ground in the qingfeng, so as to turn the sacred campus into a pure land. Elder Sun told reporters that every student in the classroom is the whole world of a family, and the image of the educator's honesty will undoubtedly affect every student, thus affecting their family, "The excellent family style is passed down from generation to generation in these small homes, in order to have everyone's clean and healthy atmosphere." ”


  Behind the alternating use of the two eyes is perseverance, and it is also a new practice of Iron Man's "the knife under the world does not withdraw"

  The general battle is an economic battle to seize oil, and it is also a battle of ambition to strive for strength. The iron man cherished the motherland, and with the courage of "the knives in the world will not be withdrawn", straightened the waist and rod, tightened the belt, and continued to play the role of the vanguard of the battle.

  In 2012, the Daqing Spirit Iron Man Spirit into the Campus into the Classroom Project was launched, and the Municipal Education Bureau set up the "Daqing Spirit Iron Man Spirit Teacher Guidance Book" painting group. In the compilation work, Hou Aihua of Qingfeng Primary School and Sang Guirong, a teacher and researcher of the Municipal Teachers' Training College, are responsible for teaching CDs, audio story illustrations, and comic strips. After working overtime for 3 consecutive months, the work is about to be submitted for review, but Sang Guirong is hospitalized due to fatigue and illness, and can only send information exchange work.

  At that time, Hou Aihua was just an art teacher who had just joined the company for a long time, and she was inexperienced, and she also had to face difficulties such as some pictures that did not match the story text, and the comic book had not yet designed a cover, etc. Which link had a problem, it would affect the child's normal class, and the work was extremely professional, and the temporary replacement was too late. What is more difficult is that at this time, Hou Aihua also suffered from a serious eye disease because he was facing the computer screen for a long time, accompanied by dizziness and headache, and if he did not rest and treat, it may cause retinal hemorrhage to fall out.

  "Iron Man can 'the knife under the world will not be withdrawn', and I must also go up." Hou Aihua according to the text, one picture after another review and modification, the eyes hurt like needles, can only wear the blindfold to rest when the right eye hurts, use the left eye, change the right eye when the left eye hurts, and then replace it with the use, and finally complete the task as scheduled.

  "According to the convention, people use two eyes at the same time, but Hou Aihua in order to let the spirit of the iron man enter the campus and enter the heart of the baby, in the case of serious illness, use one to rest, alternately use, and insist on writing teaching materials." It can be said that this is a miracle created. The Iron Man said, 'In order to take the big oil field as soon as possible, the knives in the world will not be withdrawn!' Hou Aihua's selflessness and perseverance are the embodiment of this spirit. Elder Sun said.


  Behind the three lectures of "Bird's Paradise" is the courage to innovate, but also the wisdom drawn from the iron man's research on the "filling" drilling method

  "Thinking" is the magic weapon of the iron man, as well as the philosophy of Daqing and the wisdom of the nation. Inspired by the phenomenon that the pens in the pen holder are lying reclined, Iron Man researched and experimented, and invented the "big fill" and "small fill" drilling method.

  Influenced by Iron Man's love of research and innovation, Zhang Chunling, a Chinese teacher at Qingfeng Primary School, has repeatedly polished and constantly updated to create high-quality courses. For example, in the three lectures of "Bird's Paradise", each time there is innovation and improvement: the first time she taught this text, she showed the students three pictures of the evening village, the tall and lush banyan tree, and the birds playing in the morning, combined with reading and board painting to create a situation; The second encounter with "Bird's Paradise", she used the interactivity of new media such as electronic whiteboards to allow students to participate in teaching, plus group communication experience, enhancing students' autonomy; Advanced technologies such as online tablets were introduced into the classroom of "Bird's Paradise", and she dug deep into the text to create a fusion class that did not lose its "language flavor".

  "The spirit of iron man to think hard and innovate has made him a master of well drilling." Elder Sun was very happy, an educator was inspired by the "filling style", and the three lectures of "Bird's Paradise" showed that she started from her own reality and learned the independent innovation and pioneering wisdom of iron people.

  Not only these teachers, English teacher Zhang Jingbo in the title evaluation, only she and another elderly colleague have senior title evaluation qualifications, voting round, Zhang Jingbo with an overwhelming advantage to pass, if the debriefing normal play, the deputy high title is none other than her. "Iron Man said, 'Don't forget the majority when talking about achievements', he is still young, he should let the big brothers and sisters go first!" let! Teacher Zhang Jingbo flashed this thought. When debriefing, Zhang Jingbo took the initiative to propose an exit assessment. Since then, she has worked harder and forged ahead, charged ahead in everything, won the first prize of the municipal classroom teaching competition for high-quality classes, and was named the city's "ten hundred thousand teaching experts".

  Zhang Jingbo's "let" also impressed Elder Sun. He said, "Iron Man taught drilling methods and sent drilling rig parts to the brother team in order to 'fight for the big red flag of the whole country', and Sun Jingbo 'let' have no regrets, in order to use the spirit of Iron Man to build schools and educate people, in order to realize the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation!"

  split open

  Behind a small red face is the continuation of blood, and it is also the perfect proof that two spiritual "seeds" take root in the hearts of teenagers

  This year marks the ninth year that Daqing Spirit Iron Man Spiritual Education has been incorporated into the national education system. The two kinds of spiritual education have gradually been integrated into the school philosophy and school culture of Daqing schools, and have gone deep into all aspects of education and teaching, and a generation of children and young people have grown up and laid a spiritual background.

  Although he can't remember the specific date, Liu Yanchun, a teacher at Qingfeng Primary School, clearly remembers that it was a large-scale inspection that required the performance of the "Qingfeng Students RememberIng Iron Man" program. Near the performance, a parent called to say that the child had a high fever and could not come to the performance. But just 10 minutes before the performance, the child rushed into the playground and stood on his own performance space, and his small face was red with fever.

  Liu Yanchun was worried that the child would delay playing due to illness, but the child's performance was unexpectedly in place. Afterwards, Liu Yanchun learned that in order not to delay the performance, the child had not finished the infusion and pulled out the needle, although the parents also advised him to perform again next time, but the child said excitedly, "My little illness is nothing!" Grandpa Iron Man was smashed in the leg, and he jumped into the mud pool on crutches. The teacher once taught us that each of our classmates is not fighting for a small red flag of our own, but for the big red flag of the school. ”

  After telling this story, Elder Sun excitedly told reporters, "The little face that burns red proves that the spirit of iron man can fully take root in the hearts of children!"

  Journalist's Note

  "Ten confessions are not as good as one performance"

  Daqing Daily reporter Wang Cui

  On the eve of this year's National Day, the first batch of great spirits of the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists were officially released, and the Daqing spirit (iron man spirit) was listed among them!

  "Ten confessions are not as good as one performance. The key to inheriting the spirit lies in action - dry!" Elder Sun told reporters that in Daqing, countless people have rooted the spirit of iron man in their hearts and seen it in action.

  1205 drilling team like iron man to fight, continue to overcome difficulties, in the industry to create the first lean drilling production model, just last year, they achieved an annual advance of 100,000 meters "four consecutive championships", relay to achieve a cumulative progress of 3.16 million meters, equivalent to drilling through 357 Mount Everest, this year and into the new battlefield of shale oil;

  Liu Li, the oil production team leader of the 48th oil production team in the sixth operation area of the second oil production plant, studied like an iron man, and developed more than 200 innovative achievements and obtained 38 national patents, and she also led the studio to obtain 1048 technological innovation achievements;

  Sun Jie, a fourth-level senior sergeant of the community policing brigade of the Iron Man Sub-bureau, went to work like an iron man, and in the past 40 years since the police, he has always taken root in the community and served the masses, becoming the city's first "fully familiar" community policeman who cannot be asked a hundred questions;

  Qingfeng Elementary School's motto "Like Iron Man..." and the eight teachers are just a few stars in it.

  "From them, we can feel that the Daqing Spirit Iron Man Spirit is not just an abstract honor, label, and symbol, but a real inheritance of action, and also proves that the Iron Man is respectable, lovely, learnable, and more attainable." Elder Sun said that Iron Man is an ordinary person who has created extraordinary achievements, his personality charm is reflected in all aspects of work, study, and life, and is mostly seen in small things, and these small things, other ordinary people can also do, which has been proved from the teachers and students of Qingfeng Primary School, so as long as there is faith in their hearts and put into action, everyone can become an "iron man".

  The shimmer of light converges and eventually becomes a brilliant sun.

  It is believed that thousands of Daqing people inherit the red gene, continue the red bloodline, work, study and live like the iron man, act like the iron man, do things, be an official, and do learning, the spiritual fire will surely burn more and more vigorously, and make greater contributions to Daqing's construction of a century-old oil field, a good benchmark banner, and a "community of destiny" of jointly building "three cities".

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