
good news! Comrade Song Shuyuan won the first place in the keynote speech contest of "Remembering the Centennial Party History and Forging the Mission of the Original Heart"!

author:Xingyi Procuratorate
good news! Comrade Song Shuyuan won the first place in the keynote speech contest of "Remembering the Centennial Party History and Forging the Mission of the Original Heart"!

In order to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China, deepen the achievements of party history study and education, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, and encourage procuratorial personnel to draw wisdom and strength from the century-old party history, on September 27, the procuratorial organs of Qianxian Prefecture held a keynote speech contest on "Remembering the Centennial Party History and Forging the Mission of the Original Heart". Comrade Song Shuyuan of the Xingyi Municipal People's Procuratorate won the first place in the keynote speech competition. Let's take a look at her party history study and understanding!

2021 is a very extraordinary year, our great party has gone through a hundred spring and autumn in the torrent of history, and the fiery October is about to usher in the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China and the 85th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March.

The party's centennial birthday is a milestone, the red boat in the South Lake, the pagoda in Yan'an, the national flag of Tiananmen, and the turning point of the Third Plenary Session of the Cpc Central Committee have always been vividly remembered; the party's centennial birthday is an inexhaustible song, and the trumpet of Jinggangshan, the oath of Xibaipo, the strong voice of poverty alleviation, and the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation have echoed in the ears for a long time. The long-standing Jinsha River, how many moving stories flow, looking back at the history of a hundred years ago, it seems to bring us to the era of war and smoke. We dare not forget the heroic battle of the Red Army in 1936 in the rain of bullets and bullets in the territory of Lu Persuasion; how can we forget the heroic hymn composed by countless revolutionary martyrs with full of enthusiasm.

Looking back at the centenary history of the party, what touched me most was two spirits: one was the spirit of the Long March, and the other was the spirit of the "May Fourth."

First of all, the spirit of the Long March, I did not understand what kind of faith could support the soldiers of the Red Army to complete this earth-shattering feat? Until recently, I read a touching sentence: "Young people, you can hardly understand what kind of mood we old people feel in the face of the peaceful and prosperous world that we have fought in blood, and we have never wavered in the dangerous situation of nine deaths and one life, because we firmly believe that our efforts can be exchanged for today's stability and prosperity." This is the heartfelt words of a veteran Red Army soldier who joined the Red Army at the age of 14 and has been a soldier for half a century. I finally understood that the reason why the soldiers of the Red Army were able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and dangers was because of their firm communist original intention, their confidence in the victory of the revolution, and their determination to not regret even if they died nine times!

Looking at the spirit of "May Fourth", in the era of awakening a hundred years ago, the revolutionary pioneers were still running and shouting in the bitter wind and rain to attack the old culture and spread new ideas, and the ruined country, the poor home, and the restoration hero Tan Sitong cried out tragically: "Forty thousand people weep together, where is the end of the world is Shenzhou"! When the youth are strong, the country is strong, and then the youthful dreams of thousands of young people to save the people and survive and revitalize the nation have gathered the majestic power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and it is the youth struggle of tens of millions of young people who are not afraid of disasters and dangers that have set off a wave of the times of rapid development and progress in contemporary China.

In the blink of an eye, we, as contemporary youth, have entered a "new era of awakening" based on the attainment of science and democracy and comprehensive social progress. Today, we may never have the opportunity to personally experience the experience of climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing meadows, but the great spirit of the Long March will always be a tremendous spiritual motive force that inspires the Chinese Communists and the Chinese nation to persevere and strive to be strong in the new journey, and we must carry forward this spirit and take today's Long March road well.

Some people say that it is easy to have no youth of a generation, that a generation has the historical mission of a generation, and that a generation has a new long march of a generation. In the past, the Long March took the high mountains and mountains, crossed the big rivers and dangerous beaches, and the contemporary Long March requires us to learn from history, keep up with the pace of the party, inherit the red gene, continue the spirit of the Long March, and forge ahead on the journey of rejuvenation.

In the past, a generation of ancestors sacrificed their lives to find out where the old China should go, and today, the brave pioneering efforts of our generation for the new China are not inferior. Look at the glorious deeds of three comrades Luo Baofu, Peng Deyao, and Gong Guilin, who have won commendations at or above the provincial and ministerial levels in our state's procuratorial system, as well as the five outstanding models selected by our procuratorate, such as Huang Bo and Liu Guojian, and even more countless advanced models that have emerged from various procuratorates.

I believe that there are many procuratorial cadres and policemen like them, who uphold the purpose of party members, silently shine in their respective posts, strive to let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case, provide a strong judicial guarantee for the realization of the people's yearning for a better life, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said: "In the new era, Chinese youth should take it as their duty to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, live up to the expectations of the party, the expectations of the people, the heavy responsibility of the nation, and live up to our great era!" "A hundred years of struggle has become history, thousands of rivers and mountains to compose a magnificent epic, inspire you and I to forge ahead today, shoulder the heavy responsibility of history, assume the responsibility of the times, and merge every youth struggle towards the dream of national rejuvenation, take history as a mirror, take the dream as a horse, live up to the times, and live up to the people!"

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