
Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp

author:Guangdong detoxification

In July 2021, the "Peace Star" list was announced!

He Shuling, a compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation center for women in Guangdong Province

Selected as "Hero of Peace"

Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp

Let's take a look at her story together -

He Shuling, who has been at the forefront of drug rehabilitation work for more than 20 years, has been engaged in the special management of HIV (AIDS) drug rehabilitation personnel for 8 years. She shuttles through the daunting "danger zone" of the HIV infection personnel special area every day, leading the "Red Ribbon Team" to actively create a four-in-one special management model of "zero distance management, caring education, warm home, and voluntary treatment", and for 8 consecutive years, she has achieved "zero accidents" in HIV centralized management management, "zero recurrence" for the transformation of difficult elements, "zero infection" for internal transmission, "zero incidents" for HIV occupational exposure, and "zero violations of discipline" in law enforcement management.

Take the initiative to ask for help, close the "Ai" life to rebuild the new life

Since 2010, the Guangdong Provincial Women's Compulsory Isolation Center has begun to undertake the task of special management of female HIV rehabilitation personnel in the province. In front of the HIV virus infection detoxification personnel who talk about the "Ai" discoloration and everyone is afraid of, He Shuling did not flinch and took the initiative to ask Miao to work in the special management brigade. In line with the concept of starting from the big picture and starting small, she is a person with a heart and a heart for management; spends a collective birthday for HIV detoxification personnel every month, regularly holds a family affection help church, sets up a care message, and warm tips; for some critically ill people, she tirelessly carries out psychological counseling, often disregarding the risk of high-risk occupational exposure, rubbing the affected area for HIV rehab personnel whose wounds are swollen and ulcerated and who are difficult to take care of themselves.

In order to implement the "four exemptions and one care", under the proposal of He Shuling, the brigade set up a "Red Ribbon in Action" team to work to improve the coverage of antiviral treatment. The team through the hiring of authoritative experts to publicize and popularize AIDS knowledge, and actively carry out positive guidance education, collect viral load data of participating in the treatment, track the nursing staff, find problems and intervene in a timely manner, through multi-channel publicity and offensive policies, more and more drug rehabilitation personnel have applied to participate in treatment, and up to now, the antiviral treatment coverage rate in the team has reached more than 90%, and the treatment effect is remarkable.

Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp

The first case of visitation, facing difficulties to show true feelings

In 2014, HIV drug rehabilitator Ye Mou died of illness due to the illness of his only relative, and he was in pain and committed suicide many times to seek death. Out of humanitarian concern, the ministry specially approved Ye Mou to go out to see his relatives for the last time. This was the first special "visit" in the institute, "accompanying" an AIDS person to a memorial service, the consequences of which could not be predicted. In the face of difficulties and pressures, He Shuling took on this special task without hesitation. When Ye Mou was at the funeral home scene, his emotions were extremely out of control, and he even slammed his head on the coffin, and a little blood appeared on his forehead. After several twists and turns, He Shuling and others pulled Ye away from the scene. But Ye Mou's emotions were still on the verge of collapse, and when he was excited, he Shuling fell on He Shuling's body and cried, and He Shuling patiently comforted Ye Mou, completely forgetting the huge risk of infection that he might have.

In 2016, Liu Mou, a drug rehab worker, learned of his father's advanced brain cancer in a family phone call, and the doctor had issued a critical illness notice. Because Liu is the only child in the family, Liu's mother hopes to apply for her to be transferred to community drug rehabilitation and let her spend the last time with Liu's father. However, Liu mou did not meet the conditions for community drug rehabilitation, and it was difficult to go out to visit. He Shuling racked her brains to produce an idea, with the help of the modern power of the network, let Liu Mou's father and daughter "meet in a thousand miles" on the internet. He Shuling immediately reacted to the situation and obtained consent at the first time. After arranging everything, Liu met his father in front of the only computer in the hospital that could be connected to the outside world! Liu Looked at his father on the hospital bed, choked up and lost his voice, and burst into tears. Afterwards, Liu said that he had been greatly soothed in his heart, and he would be at ease to quit drugs in the future and strive to return to his family as soon as possible. This is the first video visit in the institute, which not only uses the Internet to build a new platform for family affection, help and education, but also highlights the humanistic care of drug rehabilitation places, and puts forward new ideas and new directions for the management of rehabilitation.

Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp

No regrets to pay, diligent dedication cast loyalty

2021 is the 23rd year of Ho Shuling's police service, busy with work every day, overtime is a common thing for Ho Shuling. I remember peng Mou, a newly rehabilitated drug addict, on the first day of the team, there was a sudden supraventricular tachycardia, cardiac arrest may occur at any time, the condition is very dangerous, He Shuling immediately decided to start the sudden disease plan, sent her to the district people's hospital in time for rescue, and won time for successfully saving her life. After Peng's condition was effectively controlled, He Shuling, who had not taken care of rest for a few days, relaxed her mind slightly; she remembered that the blood pressure of the drug rehab personnel Wu Mou at 12:00 a.m. was as high as 170/100mmHg, He Shuling did not say a word, immediately sent to the hospital, insisted on accompanying care, and waited until Wu's blood pressure dropped to normal levels when it was more than 3:00 a.m. She put the safety of drug rehabilitation personnel first and put all her energy into her post.

Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp
Star of Peace | Shuyuan did not say a word for "Ai" Ling Lang entered the police camp

Some people say that it is really hard to do drug rehabilitation work, and it is even more bitter at the grassroots level, and it is even more bitter to work in the HIV special management brigade. But He Shuling felt that there was pleasure in suffering and joy in it. In the past 8 years, she has led her teammates to educate and correct more than 300 HIV drug addicts, handled more than 90 cases of medical procedures due to complications, personally led more than 170 external clinics, carried out more than 900 heart-to-heart talks and education, and transformed more than 20 people in critical focus. Whether it is hard work on the frontline battlefield of drug rehabilitation, or in the "dangerous zone" of the HIV-infected personnel special jurisdiction every day, she has always practiced the mission of the profession with loyalty and responsibility, and silently interpreted the sincerity of youth with dedication.

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Source: Bureau Of Education, Provincial Women's Institute

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