
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress

author:Microscopic white clouds
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress

On October 13, Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Baotou Municipal People's Congress, and Bai Jianghao, member of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and their party investigated the election of the people's congress in our region. Zhang Hesheng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Li Feng, deputy director of the District People's Congress, Li Jianjun, director of the office, and Qian Yongjun, director of the elected joint work committee, accompanied the investigation.

Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress

Liu Kun and his party went deep into the Bailing community and learned in detail about the construction of the "People's Congress Deputies' Home", the staffing of constituencies, the development of voter registration work, and the creation of an election propaganda atmosphere. At the subsequent forum, Zhang Hesheng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, reported to the research group on the implementation of the opinions on the work of the autonomous region and municipal people's congresses on the election of the new term, the arrangements for the election of the new term, the implementation of the leading organs for the change of term, and the publicity and training. Liu Kun fully affirmed the results achieved in the election of deputies to the people's congress in our region, and put forward guiding suggestions on how to do a good job in the election of the new term in the next step.

Liu Kun pointed out

First, to profoundly understand the great significance of the work of the people's congress election and enhance the sense of political responsibility and mission, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Baiyun Obo Mining Area should consider the election work of the new term more concretely, meticulously, and comprehensively, study the work measures more concretely, strive to grasp the initiative in the work, and complete the work tasks at all stages of the election with high quality.

The second is to resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the autonomous regional party committee and the municipal party committee and ensure that the election for the new term is carried out in an orderly manner according to law. It is necessary to uphold the party's leadership and ensure the correct political orientation of the work of electing the new term of the people's congress; we must fully carry forward democracy, earnestly guarantee and realize the democratic rights of the voters, and build the election for the new term on a broad, orderly, and solid democratic foundation; we must handle affairs strictly according to law, ensure that the work of electing the new term is always carried out on the track of the legal system, and regard the election work for the new term as a vivid practice in promoting the building of the rule of law.

The third is to earnestly fulfill organizational responsibilities and earnestly grasp all work tasks. It is necessary to highlight the key points of work and grasp the crucial links; it is necessary to strictly enforce discipline requirements and ensure that the work style of the election for the new term is clean and upright; it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and guidance, create a good atmosphere, and ensure the complete success of the election work of the county and township people's congresses.

Contribution, review: District People's Congress Office

Edit: Gao Yijie

First Instance: Hao Lili

Second instance: Yang Xiuqin

Final Judgement: Wang Zhenzhou

Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress

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Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress
Liu Kun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party came to our region to investigate and guide the election work of the people's congress

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