
NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

author:Elk don't speak

"I Love All the Dogs of the World" is from one of the essays in this book, "Dogs in Kathmandu.".

"After my mother's death, my hometown was empty. One of her dogs,whose color I can't even remember now——— still lay in front of my house day and night, guarding it. At dusk, I walked home alone from the village, with my mother's coffin in the house, holding this dog that had lost its owner at the door, looking at me, the child who had lost my mother, with tearful eyes, wagging my tail weakly and sniffing my feet. In the vastness of the universe, it seems that only this dog and I are left. At this scene, I couldn't even shed tears. I was supposed to be with this dog and comforting each other. But I had to leave my hometown, and I couldn't take it with me. As I parted, I wrapped my arms around it tightly with tears in my arms, and I abandoned it.

Since then, I have loved all the dogs in the world. ”

NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

I love all the dogs in the world, and actually convey that the author Ji Xianlin loves all sentient beings in the world. 42 articles, covering family affection, friendship, family and country conditions, animal pity, flowers and plants, and even gratuitous loneliness are injected with infinite affection, showing us a flesh-and-blood, amorous and affectionate, tragic and compassionate Ji Xianlin. The text is simple, and the most touching thing is the truth.

Walking in this world of change, life is impermanent, everyone has weak, sad times, there are also joy, happy moments, all we can do is to treat the world with full love, sad and happy. This book is like an old man washing away the lead by the fire, telling the story of life, the love of mother and son, the friendship of friends, the life of cats, cats, dogs and dogs, as well as strange beggars, old people, locust flowers, begonias, oleanders and other things have spirits. Let us walk into Ji Lao, listen to the author's 98 years of life course, perceive all kinds of vivid life in the world, and feel the sorrow and joy of many lives in life.

Excerpts from the quotation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > my childhood</h1>

When I got to school, I didn't need to guard against anything, as soon as school was over, it was my world. I often hide behind rockeries, or on a construction site where houses are built, take out idle books, and gobble up big looks. Often I forget the time, forget to eat, and sometimes when it gets dark, I go home.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > endowed with eternal regret</h1>

My eternal regret is that I should not leave my hometown and leave my mother.

I stayed with my mother until I was six years old, and I came home from two funerals, and I stayed for a short time.

I can't recall my mother's smile anyway, as if she hadn't smiled in her life. Her family is poor, her son is far away, she has suffered a lot, where does the smile come from?

NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > night when the flowers bloom</h1>

In this way, every dusk passes in wonder and fragrance. Every night followed by every dusk. In the cool middle of the night, when I turned from the drifting dream, I could see the black and large shadow of The Queen Mother thrown on the wall swaying in the shadow of the night incense.

She doesn't dream ridiculously, and the smallest gain or loss can dominate her feelings. She has a simple heart.

She lived happily, without loneliness and desolation.

NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > mother and child</h1>

I have also blown up the illusion myself before: how to return to my hometown after more than ten years of wandering life, hear a warm call from my mother, as if drinking a cup of nectar, add a little anger to the tired heart, and then rush into the world. Now the phantom has finally been confirmed to be a phantom.

In the midday silence, only the sound of the pods cracking in the sun was heard, and the panting of the old cow under the willow tree. The wind blew from the fields where the crops had been cut, with the scent of earth. Everything was silent.

NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

Ren window to keep the long sky of autumn, the long sky with stars, and the fragrance of jade flowers outside. - "Red"

Ordinary days are thus consumed in the extraordinary. - "The Old Man"

Although the husband is gone, the small garden is still there, and the very simple little house is still there. This little garden and little house tied up her old memories, sweet memories that lasted for half a century. This is where they lived together. In order to be loyal to her memories of her husband, she refused to leave, could not bear to leave. - "There is truth in the world"

At night, as soon as I got into bed and lay down, the tiger and another cat named Mimi jumped on the bed and competed for the piece of land at my feet, pressing down on it. - "My Home"

Some of the scenes, at the time, were unusually bland, and there was not even a feeling of blandness. However, after several years, the situation has changed dramatically. Now I know that such a bland scene may have been only once in my life. With the passage of time, people can never go back to the past; A person's life, no matter how long the life limit, is probably the same. - "Don't Dao Xiang Lou"

But in the end, I finally couldn't help but admit that Toshiyuki was really dead, and in the night sky of my life, he disappeared like a shooting star on a summer night, forever. - "Reminiscences"

Everyone has a hometown, and everyone's hometown has a moon. Everyone loves the moon in their hometown. That's about it.

The great moon of this vast world is nothing compared to my beloved little moon. No matter how many miles I leave my hometown, my heart immediately flies. My little moon, I will never forget you! - "The Moon is hometown Ming"

As soon as I closed my eyes, the shadow of an old dog dangled in front of my eyes from time to time, and in the background was in front of a tattered fence door, behind which was a large pit of green reeds, shining through the sparseness of the reeds.

I was alone in a coffin. Am I afraid? No, not at all. Although it was a terrible coffin, the person lying inside was my mother. She will always love her son, a man, a ghost, and will never change. - "An Old Dog"

I've loved small animals since I was a kid. With small animals, there is a special taste. They are innocent and spontaneous; they eat and eat, they drink and drink; they do not lie, they do not prevaricate; they are punished and beaten; in the blink of an eye, they steal. With them, I feel at ease, calm, at ease, and gladly.

I was devastated, and my heart felt as if something had been dug out. "Searching in front of and behind the house, there are several places that are missing." Since then I have lost Mimi, it has disappeared from my life, forever and forever. It was almost like I had lost a friend, a loved one. Looking back on it to this day, my heart is still trembling. - "Old Cat"

The more you get used to things, the more you become accustomed to it, and the beauty and ugliness are difficult to see. - "Acacia Flower"

Oh, my God! Won't you even give me a clear dream? I looked forward to the gray sky, and in the tears, I imagined the face of my mother. - "Dream Quest"

Dusk is really like a poem, a song, a fairy tale; like the melodious flute sounding from the upstairs of a moon, a crane chirping in the long sky; like shaojiu that has been aged for decades; like everything that is so beautiful that it cannot be said. If you can't say it, you can only look at it; if you don't see enough, you can only understand it; if you don't understand it, you can only marvel at it. But finally people shut out. - "Twilight"

NO.2 Season Xianlin - "I Love All the Dogs in the World" My childhood was endowed with eternal regret when the night came to the mother and child when the flowers bloomed

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