
Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

author:Shangguan News
Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

Standing under the party flag and raising his right hand and following the instructor swearing an oath, "I voluntarily joined the Communist Party of China...", in the blink of an eye, it has been almost 23 years. On November 22, 1998, I joined the party organization in "Wang Jieban".

I was born in 1975. Since I was a child, my parents have told my brother and me that the Communist Party is good and Chairman Mao is good, because my parents have lived a good life under the education and care of the party, and their gratitude to the party is very deep.

His father was a railway soldier, and he participated in the construction of the Chengkun Railway in the army. From his mouth, I heard many stories about building railways during my time as a soldier, and under the influence of this, I had the desire to become a soldier since I was a child. After joining the army at the age of 18, I signed up for the army many times in the unit, and because many people had the intention of becoming a soldier, I did not successfully enlist until three years later. Today, whenever I open the yellowed diary, the memories of the past come to mind: when I first visited the military history museum and the martyrs' deeds memorial hall, the bloody soldiers of the heroic troops made me firm in the belief in loving the army's fine martial arts; during the first five-kilometer cross-country training, I wore single clothes and pants with my comrades-in-arms and let the snowflakes flying in the sky hit my face, which made me taste the truth of life; when I received the first family letter, the family letter was full of hope and encouragement for me, which made me taste the taste of homesickness When I got the first commendation and summons in my life and returned home, the words and lines made me taste the difficulty of harvesting.

Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

△ In 1995, Zhang Bo was conscripted into the army from the unit.

After I got down from the company, I was assigned to the heroic model company of the whole army -- a certain unit of the current southern theater known as "Wang Jie's former company" known for "not being afraid of suffering and not being afraid of death." On July 14, 1965, during a live-fire training, Wang Jie was about to explode due to a sudden accident, in order to cover the 12 militia and people's armed cadres around him, he resolutely pounced on the explosion point and sacrificed his life at the age of 23. Four months after the death of Comrade Wang Jie, the Ministry of National Defense named the fifth class where the hero was born as "Wang Jieban".

It was a great honor that I was assigned to the fifth shift, and the first thing I did after joining the class was to hand over the application for joining the party that I had prepared before becoming a soldier to the instructor. As early as the recruit company, I had heard that this squad was a banner of the troops, and the quality of the soldiers in the squad was outstanding. During the first training, the physical quality of the squad leaders and veterans really opened my eyes. When it was my turn to go up, the squad leader shook his head and frowned. At the evening class meeting, the squad leader took the whole class to the honor room, and the wall was surrounded by awards and pennants, and the squad leader asked me what my plans were to become a soldier, and I told him that he wanted to join the party. The squad leader smiled: "To make preparations for eating and suffering, our class is the largest number of party members in the whole company, and you are right to come here as a soldier!" The squad leader did not say much, and sent each of our new arrivals a copy of "Wang Jie's Diary" to let us read more when we had time, and the conditions for joining the party were written in the book.

Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

△ The yellowed diary left Zhang Bo with many memories.

It didn't take long for me to go out with the company for field training. At that time, the conditions at the training site were harsh and the training intensity was much greater than that of other new soldiers. In order to shed less blood and be a benchmark in wartime, we have to sweat and work hard in peacetime! In order to improve the training performance, every day the physical training has to run 10 kilometers of potholed gravel roads. At that time, I had severe athlete's foot, the heels of my feet were cracked with blood, and after wearing liberation shoes with 20 pounds of iron sandbags, I had to run 3 kilometers, and my feet were stoned up without pain; after running, I had to do a pool of blood on the heels of my shoes, and then I had to do some basic physical training; after the end, it was the professional training of mines and blasting, which was fought every day. The happiest thing is that when you do good things for your comrades every day, you can temporarily rest and adjust when you wash clothes, mend shoes, and help cook.

At about 9:00 a.m. on November 22, 1998, Zhang Wannian, then executive vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected the company and cordially received all the soldiers of our squad in the company honor room. As the squad leader, I reported to the old chief the basic situation of the class and the specific practices of carrying forward the spirit of Wang Jie, which was affirmed by the old general. He encouraged us: "Persist in being good people, do good deeds, and strive to be good soldiers who listen to the party and follow the party." In the evening, the party members' meeting was held at the company headquarters and the branch was held, and my application to join the party was unanimously approved. The instructor said to me: "You have done a solid job of the spirit of the old squad leader Wang Jie in not extending his hand in honor, not reaching out in material matters, and not reaching out in terms of treatment, and you have set an example for the officers and men of the whole company." As your introducer for joining the party, I have placed the branch meeting today, this day of special significance, that is, let you always remember the day of joining the party, and work well for the party in the future! "Hearing this, I couldn't help but burst into tears...

Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

General Zhang Wannian (middle), who was then executive vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, came to inspect the company. On the left is Zhang Long, then political commissar of the Second Armored Division, and on the right is Zhang Bo.

Over the years, I also took off my military uniform, entered the society, and engaged in flood prevention work in Shanghai. With the original intention as a rock and the mission on my shoulders, I deeply feel that we must put the masses in our hearts and do our own work well, which is the most direct embodiment of the purpose of ordinary party members to take the people as the center and serve the people wholeheartedly. On the evening of October 4, 2013, in the jurisdiction of Lianyang Road under the interchange rescue, I was the first to jump into the waist-deep sewage to lay a suction pipe, in the case of large drainage pump truck suction pipe due to debris blockage can not be normal water, with both hands to remove debris around the suction pipe, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, a dry is more than 1 hour, with practical actions to practice the "critical moment, party members first" "serve the people, pay for it" commitment.

Zhang Bo: On the day that Zhang Wanlai inspected the company, the instructor asked me to fill out the volunteer form for joining the party

△ After demobilization, Zhang Bo threw himself into drainage and flood control work.

On December 13, 2017, pictures came from the WeChat group of comrades-in-arms, and General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the company to inspect! This news immediately detonated the circle of comrades-in-arms, and for a time the pictures transmitted from the mobile phone recorded the footprints of the general secretary in the company. Listening to the comrades-in-arms, the general secretary looked at it very carefully and stopped from time to time to inquire. Before introducing the exhibition board on Wang Jie's correct treatment of honor and progress, the general secretary said with deep feeling that Wang Jie "does not extend his hand in honor, does not extend his hand in treatment, and does not extend his hand in materials." These "three no-hands" are a mirror, and Communist Party members must take a good look at this mirror.

Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent. For me, organizational nurturing, education and trust have helped me grow along the way. No matter what the road under my feet in the future, I will remember that I was a member of the heroic collective, a member of the "Wang Jieban", and even a party member. There are two more important pieces of luggage not to be left behind, to take away, it is called the original heart, it is the mission.

(The author is the 22nd squad leader of the "Wang Jieban" of a certain unit of the former Nanjing Military Region)

Column Editor-in-Chief: Mao Jinwei Text Editor: Li Si

Source: Author: Zhang Bo

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