
Be careful with nest bird's nest: Super simple rock sugar bird's nest method, one look will be

author:Throw away the handkerchief

Friends who stew bird's nest for the first time tend to get busy and think that this is a very troublesome thing. However, many friends who like or eat often know that it is actually very simple.

Bird's nest is an ingredient that nourishes the yin and moisturizes the lungs, and can be eaten by men, women and children, all year round.

Today, Careful Nest will introduce you to the original rock sugar stewed bird's nest, which is not only simple, but also maximizes the preservation of nutrients.

Rock sugar stewed bird's nest has the following three steps

Be careful with nest bird's nest: Super simple rock sugar bird's nest method, one look will be

1. Bird's nest foam hair

Use a scale to weigh the amount of bird's nest, adults eat the best 3-5 grams each time, children halve, do not be greedy!

Bird's nest should be soaked in pure water, because the water quality of pure water is good, and soaking bird's nest with chlorine-containing tap water will not only affect the hair of bird's nest, but also affect nutrition. So, be sure to foam bird's nest in pure water!

The length of bird's nest foaming time is related to the season when bird's nesting is nested. In the rainy season, bird's nest has a white color, fewer impurities and feathers, and a relatively short foaming time. In general, it can be completely foamed within 2-4 hours.

In the dry season, the color of bird's nest is yellow and gray, there are more impurities and feathers, and the foaming time is relatively long, generally foaming for 4-6 hours.

The water level is not over the bird's nest, and when the bird's nest is translucent, gently fluctuating and spreading out, a trace of crystal clear can be.

Be careful with nest bird's nest: Super simple rock sugar bird's nest method, one look will be

2. Bird's nest cleaning

Tear the bird's nest into strips, put it into a colander, rinse it 2-3 times with pure water, and then gently move the colander back and forth in the water, this method can filter out the remaining fine hairs, and use forceps to pick out the small hairs and impurities in the meat.

(Tip: Eating a very small swallow hair has no effect on the human body!) )

If you still find it tricky, then it is recommended to buy a net swallow with less swallow hair and good quality, which is less difficult to pick and more convenient to eat.

3. Stewed bird's nest

Bird's nest needs to be simmered in a water heat, put the bird's nest into a stew cup or bowl, add an appropriate amount of pure water, and the water level generally covers the surface of the bird's nest. Simmer over low heat for 20-45 minutes, season with rock sugar and serve.

Eating tips

1, like stewed bird's nest friends to remember, rock sugar must be put 5 minutes before the pot, because if it contains sugar, bird's nest will be easier to melt water.

2, eat bird's nest pay attention to eating less and more meals, maintain the regularity of timing and quantity, dry bird's nest 3-5 grams each time, once a day or every other day to eat, it is best to eat on an empty stomach in the morning or on an empty stomach before going to bed at night.

Be careful with nest bird's nest: Super simple rock sugar bird's nest method, one look will be

3, eat less spicy, greasy food when eating bird's nest, because bird's nest contains more protein, so when eating bird's nest, eat less acidic things, avoid eating at the same time.

4, when eating bird's nest, avoid drinking tea at the same time, because tea contains tea acid, which will destroy the nutrition of bird's nest. It is best to drink it every other hour.

5. When eating bird's nest, quit smoking and alcohol, do not smoke or smoke less, and avoid second-hand smoke.

6. When taking other drugs, whether it is Chinese and Western medicine, you can eat bird's nest during the period, but you need to avoid eating at the same time, generally need to be spaced 1-2 hours apart.

Well, careful nest today to share with you here, want to know more about bird's nest knowledge, health stewing method can pay attention to me Oh, share for you every day!