
Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

As soon as the weather is cool, the fried goods store will debut this sweet and sour dessert, which is very tempting. Once, when I was in line to buy, a sentence from my aunt next to me, "I don't know if they washed the hawthorn before they did it", successfully aroused my suspicions... Well, I'm sure I washed it myself. Because our family generally can not eat sour, so every time to buy this little mountain red, this is not too sour, slightly sweet, very suitable for my taste, like to eat sour can buy that kind of beautiful hawthorn Oh, the finished product will look better.

By diyiwa


Hawthorn 500 g

White sugar 180

Boiled water 100g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

1, wash and dry the red in the mountains.

Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

2, white sugar and boiling underwater non-stick pan, simmer sugar on low heat.

Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

3, boil until the appearance of dense white foam can be, not too sure of the heat, you can use the shovel dipped to lift up, sugar can flow into a line is just right. Don't survive it, it's sugar gourd.

Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

4, arrive at the heat to quickly turn off the fire, pour into the mountain red quick mixing, at the beginning is a thin and slippery transparent state, insist on mixing for about a minute The sugar will become this white frost state.

Sweet and sour and delicious agae do this, nutritious and delicious

5, sweet and sour, and cheap and affordable.


PS. Do not forcibly brush off the sticky sugar on the pan, add some water to the fire and cook the sugar will melt in the water. Very good cleaning.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of hawthorn</h2>

1. Lower blood lipids

Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, softening blood vessels and diuretic and sedative effects.

2. Appetizing

Appetizing and digesting, especially for the elimination of meat stagnation effect is better, many digestive medicines are used hawthorn.

3. Activate blood and dissolve stasis

Hawthorn has the effect of activating blood and stasis, helping to relieve local congestion, and has auxiliary effect on bruises.

4. Can treat diarrhea

Hawthorn has ingredients that calm sputum, inhibit bacteria, and treat abdominal pain and diarrhea.

5. Promote the recovery of the uterus

Hawthorn has a contractile effect on the uterus, has a catalytic effect when pregnant women are about to give birth, and can promote postpartum uterine recovery.

6. Anti-aging

The flavonoids and vitamin C, carotene and other substances contained in hawthorn can block and reduce the production of free radicals, can enhance the body's immunity, and have anti-aging and anti-cancer effects.

<h2>Dietary contraindications for hawthorn</h2>

Because Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn is only needed and not replenished, those with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more, and cannot eat on an empty stomach. In addition, hawthorn should not be eaten with seafood, ginseng, and lemon.

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