
Luzhou Caizi - "Second Bao Gong" In the early Qing Dynasty

author:Jintai information

Literature and art Hefei

Executive Summary

Since ancient times, Luzhou has produced many talents and talents. Stories of talents that go down in history and are passed on by word of mouth in folklore are endless. "Luzhou Talent" has won countless praises from ancient times to the present.

Did you guess it?

This is also a well-known "Luzhou talent" in history.

He is, Li Tianfu

The "Second Bao Gong" was a country in the early Qing Dynasty

In the Qing Dynasty, Hefei was prosperous in culture and talents, and there were two Xiangguo, in addition to the well-known Xiangguo Li Hongzhang at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was also a Xiangguo Li Tianfu in the early Qing Dynasty.

Li Tianfu (1635-1699), a native of Hefei, Jiangnan in the early Qing Dynasty. He was born in a family of eunuchs and scholars, and his ancestors have been hereditary Luzhou Weizuo Hundred Households, and have been good at reading and doing good deeds for generations. Father Li Wanhua, good poetry, "sex to filial piety ... There are poetic names". Her mother, Qu Shixian, was sensible and worked in poetry and books, and she also understood great righteousness. Li Tianfu was gifted and intelligent, studied poetry under the guidance of his mother at an early age, and could write poetry at the age of seven, and was known as a child prodigy.

Luzhou Caizi - "Second Bao Gong" In the early Qing Dynasty

The highly talented Li Tianfu entered a private school and studied under Cai Guoxu, the grandson of Cai Xi, a famous scholar of science in the Ming Dynasty, and was deeply influenced by Cai Xi's science. He was ambitious, more diligent and diligent, often kept his hands on the scrolls, read diligently until late at night, and almost read subsets of scripture history and hundreds of writings as a teenager. Every time I write an article, I stand out from my peers. When he was a teenager, Li Tianfu had already emerged and became famous.

Because he entered yongcheng when he took refuge with his family in Yongcheng, in the autumn of the fourteenth year of Shunzhi (1657), Li Tianfu took the Henan township examination with Yongcheng nationality. In the spring of the fifteenth year of Shunzhi (1658), Li Tianfu went to the capital to participate in the temple examination, and passed the examination for the jinshi, ranking 109 in the third rank. He was elected as the Shu jishi of Hanlin Temple.

After entering the Hanlin Academy, Li Tianfu not only read the books of the Hundred Families of Scripture, but also studied the study of the scriptures and applications of the world, and only then did he become famous. In the sixteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1677), the 42-year-old Li Tianfu was promoted to the rank of cabinet scholar and ceremonial attendant, and in the Qing Dynasty he was an official rank from Erpin and was already ranked among high-ranking officials. Since then, Li Tianfu's career has been smooth. In the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679), Li Tianfu served as a lecturer at the feast, lecturing to the Kangxi Emperor on the history of the scriptures, while also commenting on the advantages and disadvantages of the major events of the military state at that time and the political development of ancient and modern times, and dared to tell the emperor his views, which was highly valued by Kangxi.

In the twentieth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1681), the 46-year-old Li Tianfu was appointed as the left attendant of the Hubu. In September of the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1684), he was transferred to the official Shilang. After the twenty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1688), the 53-year-old Li Tianfu was promoted to Shangshu of the Ministry of Works, Shangshu of the Punishment Department, and Shangshu of the Bingbu Department, and his official rank was promoted from Yipin. In June of the 30th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1691), he was transferred to the official Shangshu at the age of 56. This official position is the head of the six shangshu of the Central Committee, and is in charge of the appointment and dismissal of officials throughout the country, examinations, promotions, transfers, and honorary titles, and holds a high position of authority.

As a native of Hefei, Li Tianfu admired the Hefei sage Bao Zheng, and on the main hall of the famous Bao Gong Ancestral Hall, there is also a seal plaque written by Li Tianfu - Gao Feng Yue Li. When he was a teenager, he admired Bao Zheng's honesty and filial piety, praised Bao Gong in many poems, and also showed a noble and upright spirit of honesty and integrity as an official, and was praised by posterity as "the second Bao Gong of Hefei".

Li Tianfu held a high position, but he was always upright and clean. The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records: "(Li Tianfu) was promoted to the position of a waiter in the household department and a transfer official. Put an end to the bud tho, severe and selfless, and the government is flat. "He is just and fair, does not favor personal feelings, eliminates bribery, and evaluates the fairness and selflessness of the performance of officials." When he had just taken up his post as a household department, some people wanted to pay bribes to send "Bao Tho" (gifts), but Li Tianfu sternly refused: "I am in the ministry one day, and Ru Cao has no hope of doing things." The crowd changed their faces in fright, and they all shrank their hands in agreement. During Li Tianfu's tenure as an official, he was upright, upright, and honest, and was praised and loved by the people.

In October of the thirty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1692), Li Tianfu, who had been an official for many years and had outstanding political achievements, was promoted to a scholar of Wuyingdian University. He was known as "Li Xiangguo", and was conferred the title of Guanglu Doctor (文定). The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Biography of Li Tianfu" says: "Thirty-one years, a scholar of Wu Yingdian University. Shang: 'The maintenance of the aircraft is a heavy responsibility, and it is not possible to be a happy person.' Tianfu is old and prudent, excellent in learning and doing, and knows that it will not cause trouble. Li Tianfu was a clean and honest official, promoted qing and agitation, was diligent in government and loved the people, attached importance to the selection and promotion of outstanding talents from the cold door, governed the country through the state, achieved outstanding political achievements, and was deeply valued by Kangxi. He was an official all his life, and he was a scholar all his life, and he was both a promising politician and a famous generation of Wenzong. He is the author of "Rong Zhai Thousand Poems", "Rong Zhai Shiyu", "Ancient Palace Words" and so on.

After Li Tianfu settled in Hefei in his later years, he not only did not cause trouble for the local government and the people, but on the contrary, he did many good things that benefited the localities. One thing that can be explained is that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a rule that when larger positions than local officials such as inspectors or princes and ministers came to Hefei, the prefect of Luzhou and the ling of Hefei County were greeted 10 miles outside the city. Once, a court official went to Hefei to inspect, luzhou prefect and Hefei county linggong asked Li Tianfu to accompany him out of the city to greet him, Li Tianfu felt that this red tape was too laborious and hurtful, so he asked the governor of Luzhou and Hefei County to order deshengmen to greet him at Daoxianglou. The imperial court officials lost their temper for this, but Li Tianfu said coldly, "When the current emperor sees me, I will give three points of courtesy, and it is so difficult that the old man is afraid that you will not succeed." The court official hurriedly smiled. Since then, the Local Government of Hefei has built a pavilion to receive officials here, and both officials and officials are greeted here. Everyone said that Li Tianfu had reversed a bad habit in the official arena.

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