
Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities

author:Luyang released
Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities
Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities

On the afternoon of October 20th, the media promotion meeting of luyang line of the Yangtze River Delta media Luyang line was held, and the three-day interview with the media of the Yangtze River Delta media Luyang line began. Nearly 30 central, Yangtze River Delta, provincial and municipal mainstream media, including People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Radio and Television Corporation, Science and Technology Daily, China News Agency, China Youth Daily, China Women's Daily, Farmers Daily, People's Network, Zhejiang Daily, Wen Wei Po, Xinhua Daily, The Paper, Yangtze Evening News, Xinmin Evening News, Qianjiang Evening News, Oriental Net, Hangzhou Daily, Nanjing Daily, City Express, Modern Express, Anhui Daily, Market Star, Anhui Business Daily, Hefei Television Station, Hefei Radio and Television Station, Jianghuai Morning News, Hefei Evening News, etc. attended the meeting. Han Yan, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of the District Committee, and Diao Guangbing, editor-in-chief of Xin'an Evening News, accompanied him.

At the promotion meeting, Shen Bing, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, member of the Party Group of the District Government and director of the District Finance Bureau, made a key industry introduction, and Gan Social, deputy editor-in-chief of Xin'an Evening News, delivered a speech.

Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities

Figure | The site of the promotion meeting

Shen Bing briefly introduced the situation of our region to the media group and promoted key industries. He said: Luyang is a famous cultural area with a long history, and the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry fields of more than 2,000 years have created many historical sites such as Liutang Chunshui Zangzhoupu, Lan Ruoqiu Fengfeng Jiaojiaotai, Zhang Liaowei Zhen Xiaoyaojin, and so on; they have nurtured such outstanding figures as Gong Dingzi, Li Tianfu, and Yang Zhenning.

"As the root of Hefei and the district of the first good, since the '13th Five-Year Plan', the GDP of our district has crossed 50 billion steps in a row, entered the ranks of 100 billion urban areas one year ahead of schedule, and exceeded 110 billion yuan in 2020; it has ranked among the 'Top 100 National Comprehensive Strength Zones' for three consecutive years and was selected as the 'Top 100 High-quality Development Zones' for the first time." Shen Bing introduced, "Today, nearly 30 media friends from inside and outside the province came to Luyang, the first good district, to record the gratifying achievements in Luyang's economic development, social undertakings and business environment with words, pictures and videos, which will surely add more impetus to the development of Luyang." ”

Gan Society said that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta has been upgraded to a national strategy, which has ushered in new development opportunities for the Yangtze River Delta region. After Anhui integrated into the "big family" of the Yangtze River Delta, it has embarked on a new path of high-quality development. Under the background of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Luyang District has accelerated the construction of a new pattern of urban development of "one core, one place and one center", and concentrated on building a high-quality development demonstration urban area in the province. I hope that all the media will tell the story of Luyang well here, spread the voice of Luyang, and enhance the popularity and reputation of Luyang in the Yangtze River Delta region and even the whole country.

Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities

It is reported that from October 21 to 22, the media group will go to the Sanshigang Township Fusion Reactor Host Key System Facilities Park, Cuigang Art Town, Luyang Civic Center, University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Innovation Industrial Park, etc., to conduct concentrated interviews on the highlights of economic development, project construction, people's livelihood and other aspects of our region, and conduct all-round, all-angle and all-dimensional reports through various media forms such as text, pictures, audio and video.

• end •

Source: Luyang District Party Committee Publicity Department Xin'an Evening News

Contributed by: Liu Yang, Xu Qiqi

Image: Gang He

Audit | Yu Tingsheng is responsible for editing | Hou Lijuan Edited by | Lee Excellence

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Tide surging Yangtze River Delta Strive to see Luyang! Nearly 30 parents triangle mainstream media went to Luyang to carry out wind collection activities